OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

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OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, world’s only intergovernmental media freedom watchdog
Hopeful that the legal brief from @RSF_en, @pressfreedom & @ICFJ will help to stop the defamation charges against Nobel Peace Prize laureate @mariaressa. Her case is emblematic for the global struggle for #FreedomofExpression & #MediaFreedom.
I deeply regret the recent decision of the #Georgia parliament to push through the 'foreign agents' law, despite president @Zourabichvili_S's veto. The law threatens independent media & CSOs & breaches Georgia’s #OSCE commitments on #FreedomofExpression & #MediaFreedom.
Pleased to collaborate with @OSCE TNTD colleagues on transnational threats in #Mongolia. Together, we're enhancing #FreedomOfExpression in counter-terrorism efforts and content & platform governance. #MediaFreedom & healthy information spaces bolster resilience, peace & security.
The reintroduction of the 'foreign agents' law in #Georgia is a very concerning development. It could have serious negative implications on #MediaFreedom and #FreedomofExpression in the country.

Additionally, the reported attacks on media workers from Publika, Tabula and Aprili online media last night are distressing. Authorities should exercise the utmost restraint when dealing with journalists, especially during public demonstrations.

One thing is clear, I stated during today’s @OSCE24MT Conference on Addressing Anti-Semitism: to protect the cause of free speech we need to protect it against its blatant misuse. The right to #FreedomOfExpression can under no condition be used to excuse actions of Anti-Semitism.
Recent arrests of journalists Antonina Favorskaya @Sota_Vision & Olga Komleva @smirusnews & harassment of Alexandra Astakhova, Anastasia Musatova, Ekaterina Anikievich & Konstantin Zharov show that #Russia continues to undermine #FreedomofExpression by targeting independent media.
The recent search and detention of @Graty_me journalist Lutfiye Zudiyeva is part of a troubling pattern of suppressing dissent, #FreedomOfExpression and #MediaFreedom in #Crimea. Intimidating critical voices on the peninsula is unacceptable and must stop.
The latest move by #Russian authorities to ban advertising on platforms associated with 'foreign agents' is yet another concerning setback for #FreedomOfExpression & #MediaFreedom. Urging once more for the repeal of the 'foreign agents' legislation.
A 3-year prison sentence for freelance photojournalist Aliaksandr Ziankou highlights ongoing concerns regarding the abuse of anti-extremism laws and their detrimental impact on #freedomofexpression & the safety of journalists in #Belarus.

Earlier, on 26 January, former journalist Siarhei Hardziyevich was sentenced to 15 days of detention for sharing media content which was deemed extremist. I reiterate my call to end these practices & not detain media workers, in stark contrast with #OSCE media freedom commitments.
When peace and security come under threat, #mediafreedom and democracy are threatened as well. And vice versa: when freedom of the media is under attack, so is peace and security, I said today at the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (#SHDM) organized with OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)

We must safeguard #freedomofexpression and #mediafreedom, now and in the years to come. This includes promoting a safe environment where journalists can do their work without fear of imprisonment, violence or surveillance. This was, is and will be key to our comprehensive security.
It is of utmost importance to have a proper legal framework in place that regulates #hatespeech while providing for reliable safeguards against illegitimate interference with the fundamental rights of #freedomofexpression and #mediafreedom, I said at the opening of our event today.
During my ongoing visit to #Tajikistan, I expressed my deep dissatisfaction that journalist Abdullo Ghurbati was sentenced to 7,5 years in a high security colony. Such draconic sentences further endanger and stifle #mediafreedom & #freedomofexpression. He should be released.
On #WorldPressFreedomDay we are reminded of the crucial role that independent & pluralistic media have in our societies. At 7pm CET / 2pm UYT, I will launch with @Irenekhan, @PVacaV & @achpr_cadhp a declaration on gender justice & #FreedomOfExpression 👇 https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/worldpressfreedomday