OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

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OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, world’s only intergovernmental media freedom watchdog
Pleased to host such a large audience at the screening of #EternalYou & the panel discussion co-organized with the @MFA_Austria. We explored generative AI, digital immortality & information integrity. States need to ensure technology is centered on human rights & public interest.
On what would have been Daphne Caruana Galizia's 60th birthday, I honor her fearless dedication to journalism. Her assassination in October 2017, was a profound loss, but her legacy lives on. Let's continue to fight for a world where journalists can work freely & without fear.
Deeply saddened by the killing of @Reuters safety adviser Ryan Evans in a strike on a hotel in Kramatorsk, which also injured two of the agency's journalists. My condolences to his family & colleagues. Media workers continue to pay a high price for Russia’s war against Ukraine.
I strongly condemn the harsh 16-year prison sentence given to @WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich in #Russia. The authorities should release Gershkovich and cease the use of arbitrary arrests and harassment to silence media professionals in the country.
#MediaFreedom is critical for ensuring greater security. We depend on quality media & public interest information to strengthen resilience, to empower people & to protect democracy, I said today at our high-level panel, No Security Without Media Freedom
I reiterate my call on the authorities of #Russia to end the crackdown on independent media and journalists. The recent designation of @MoscowTimes as ‘undesirable’ organization yet again flagrantly contradicts #OSCE commitments on #MediaFreedom.
At today’s event ‘Empowering Youth to Safeguard the Civic Space’ I have united with @osce_odihr, @oscehcnm, @oscepa, @OSCE Secretariat & @OSCE24MT to amplify youth voices. They play a vital role in peace & security, bringing fresh perspectives to tackle #MediaFreedom challenges
There is a clear correlation between #MediaFreedom, democracy & security, I said today in my address to the @OSCE Security Committee. The causal link is undeniable: when media freedom deteriorates, our common security is at risk. There can be no security without media freedom.
Deeply shocked by the death of Kazakh journalist Aidos Sadykov, co-founder of the YouTube channel Base, recently shot in #Ukraine. The killing of media workers is an attack on #MediaFreedom. Justice must be served #NoImpunity. My sincere condolences to his family & colleagues.
The authorities of #Russia banned access to 81 more international media outlets in the country, further shrinking the space for Russian citizens to receive accurate information. Censoring truly independent journalism goes against #OSCE commitments on #MediaFreedom & should stop.
Today at our regional event in #Almaty 🇰🇿, participants engaged in insightful & thought-provoking discussions followed by the presentation of our #SafetyOfJournalists toolbox & Guidelines for monitoring online violence against female journalists.

We need a multi stakeholder approach to properly address gender-based violence against women journalists. This is paramount for #MediaFreedom. Our two resources offer key recommendations in this regard. See more:

