OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

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OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, world’s only intergovernmental media freedom watchdog
I deeply regret the recent decision of the #Georgia parliament to push through the 'foreign agents' law, despite president @Zourabichvili_S's veto. The law threatens independent media & CSOs & breaches Georgia’s #OSCE commitments on #FreedomofExpression & #MediaFreedom.
The reintroduction of the 'foreign agents' law in #Georgia is a very concerning development. It could have serious negative implications on #MediaFreedom and #FreedomofExpression in the country.

Additionally, the reported attacks on media workers from Publika, Tabula and Aprili online media last night are distressing. Authorities should exercise the utmost restraint when dealing with journalists, especially during public demonstrations.

Deeply alarmed by the escalating hostility against media professionals in #Georgia, as exemplified by the brutal assault on Misha Mshvildadze. I call on all political leaders to condemn these violent acts against critical voices & welcome the swift launching of an investigation.
I welcome the decision by President Salome Zourabichvili to grant a pardon to Nika Gvaramia, who in 2022 was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. This decision highlights the importance of media freedom in #Georgia.
I am shocked by the recent killing in #Georgia of the well-known journalist from #Kazakhstan, Zhanbota Tolegen, reportedly by an acquaintance of hers. Her death is a significant loss to the journalistic community. I extend my condolences to her family, friends, and colleagues.
The discrediting campaign against #PalitraMedia in #Georgia is very concerning. Politicians & other public figures should refrain from undermining trust in journalists, as committed to in the #OSCE 2018 Ministerial Decision on Safety of Journalists & the 2021 Joint Declaration.
I welcome this week’s important court decisions convicting several persons for mass violence against journalists in #Georgia in July 2021. All perpetrators and masterminds behind any attacks on media workers must be brought to justice.