OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

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OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, world’s only intergovernmental media freedom watchdog
Deeply shocked by the death of Kazakh journalist Aidos Sadykov, co-founder of the YouTube channel Base, recently shot in #Ukraine. The killing of media workers is an attack on #MediaFreedom. Justice must be served #NoImpunity. My sincere condolences to his family & colleagues.
Yesterday’s gun attack in #Kyiv on Aidos Sadykov, co-founder of YouTube channel Base, is deeply shocking. I trust that the #Ukraine authorities will conduct a thorough investigation & ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice. #NoImpunity
Today, I remember Lyra McKee, a courageous journalist whose life was tragically cut short 5 years ago. Her reporting left an indelible mark. I honor her legacy & the risks journalists face every day, while calling for justice to be done for this heinous crime. #NoImpunity
I commend the prompt action & precautionary measures taken against the perpetrator by the #NorthMacedonia authorities following the recent assault on @TvAlsat crew. To deter future violence & to foster a secure media environment, such attacks must never go unpunished. #Noimpunity
I am dismayed by the attack on Volodymyr Sedov, chief-editor of Visty Ananyivshchyny newspaper by unknown assailants in #Ukraine. Pleased to hear that the police has opened criminal proceedings – justice needs to be done swiftly and Sedov’s safety secured. #Noimpunity.
Today, we remember that 24 years ago journalist Slavko Ćuruvija was killed for his work in #Serbia. I expect that the upcoming verdict by the Belgrade Court of Appeal will be issued soon and that justice will be finally served for this heinous crime. #NoImpunity
It has been 5 years since #JánKuciak & Martina Kušnírová were killed for his journalistic work.

Full justice is needed, to ensure lasting change to warrant #SafetyofJournalists in #Slovakia & the #OSCE region. #NoImpunity
Last week’s attack by 3 armed men on @topchanneltv's investigative TV crew in #Albania is very concerning. Due to the nature of their job, journalists face great risks. They need to be protected. I urge the authorities to bring all those responsible to justice. #Noimpunity
While on an official visit to #Malta, I visited the grave to pay tribute to the courageous journalist #DaphneCaruanaGalizia, who was killed in 2017 for doing her work. #Noimpunity
Today marks the sad fifth anniversary of the murder of #DaphneCaruanaGalizia, the fearless Maltese reporter who sought truth and refused to be silent. Her legacy lives on as we continue defending #mediafreedom and urging for full justice to be served soon. #NoImpunity
I welcome prison sentences handed down to persons responsible for threats against OK radio employees in #Serbia & hope that all pending cases of attacks on the media will be resolved. Any obstruction of safety of journalists poses great threat to #mediafreedom. #noimpunity
I am shocked to learn that #US investigative journalist Jeff German has been killed. I commend the Las Vegas Police for swift investigation into the details of the case, including any relation to his work & hope that the perpetrator will soon be brought to justice. #Noimpunity
Yesterday’s attack in Atyrau on Olesya Vertinskaya from Dorojniy Kontrol information portal is an unacceptable act of violence against a media worker. I trust that the authorities of #Kazakhstan will do their utmost to bring the perpetrator to justice. #Noimpunity
Good to hear that 2 men have been convicted by a court in #Netherlands for their attack with Molotov cocktails last year on journalist @Sikkom050 chief-editor Willem Groeneveld. Crimes against media workers who are just doing their work must not go unpunished. #Noimpunity