OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

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OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, world’s only intergovernmental media freedom watchdog
Dismayed that in #Albania journalist Elton Qyno was pressed for several hours to reveal his sources after authorities searched his home and office, seizing his equipment. Confidentiality of journalistic sources is key for #mediafreedom and should be strictly protected by law and practice.
I am horrified by today’s gun attack on @topchanneltv in #Albania. My heartfelt condolences go to the family & colleagues of Pal Kola, the TV’s security guard who was killed in this odious attack. I trust the authorities to quickly identify & prosecute all those responsible.
Last week’s attack by 3 armed men on @topchanneltv's investigative TV crew in #Albania is very concerning. Due to the nature of their job, journalists face great risks. They need to be protected. I urge the authorities to bring all those responsible to justice. #Noimpunity
Glad to note the swift response by the #Albania police to the recent physical attack on journalist Elvis Hila and his wife. I recall that prosecution of all those responsible, including the masterminds, is key to ensuring justice and discouraging future violence against journalists.
I am pleased that the #Albania government withdrew the controversial draft media laws, known as the “anti-defamation” package, from parliamentary agenda. All media related legislation must guarantee #mediafreedom, in line with #OSCE commitments & other international standards.