هذا البوست موجة لكل اطباء الجهاز الهضمي في مصر والوطن العربي
🗒️2024 ECCO
Guidelines on Therapeutics in Crohn’s Disease: Medical Treatment
1️⃣ 5-ASA is not recommended
🚫for the induction or maintenance therapy in CD
➡️consistent lack of evidence.
2️⃣ Budesonide is recommended for inducing clinical remission in patients with active, mild-to-moderate CD limited to the ileum / ascending colon
👉Additionally, systemic corticosteroids are suggested for induction therapy in patients with active, moderate-to-severe CD
3️⃣Thiopurine monotherapy is not recommended for induction therapy in CD, but it can be considered for maintenance
is suggested for both induction and maintenance therapy in moderate-to-
severe CD
5️⃣ Infliximab
➡️induction and maintenance for mod/sev active CD
👉Use combination with thiopurine during the induction and continue 6–12 months
Patients who achieve long-term remission with this combination
➡️de-escalation to infliximab monotherapy and withdrawal of thiopurines
6️⃣ Adalimumab is recommended as both induction and maintenance therapy for patients with moderate-to-severe CD
👉For those bionaïve, Adalimumab monotherapy
💪is preferred over combination therapy with thiopurines during induction and maintenance.
is suggested for both induction and maintenance therapy in moderate-to-severe CD.
🎱 There is insufficient evidence to recommend proactive therapeutic drug monitoring over reactive monitoring or standard care for anti-TNF agents
🔥Controversy here
9️⃣Ustekinumab is recommended for both induction and maintenance therapy in moderate-to-severe CD
🔟Adalimumab and ustekinumab
🆚 are suggested to be equally effective
🟰 for both induction and maintenance therapy in biologic-naïve patients with moderate-to-
severe CD