💫تعال📚 استفيد💫

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معلومات طبيه مناقشه حالات استفسار طبي كتب وصور طبيه معلومات خاصه طبيا Protect your kidneys ,save your heart ❤️. #Love_Medicine @Mmaqqy777_bot @Medical_Channel_222
⚠️ دورات مجانية لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية
بالإضافة لمسابقات كثيره على قناة الاستاذة..
رابطها👈 @EnglishLearning
16k @mon_199 غيمة مطر
12k @android_ar تطبيقات أندرويد
12k @humandev كن إيجابيا
06k @mashahedemaney “ أبـرار "شريعة
05k @B_a_Qa بقاء🚶‍♀️📖
05k @m4Ruqia الرقية الشرعية
05k @love_allah111 أحتاجك ياالله 🫧
04k @life_go0d ناشيونال جيوغرافيك 🌏
03k @Astgfara قصص الاستغفار 🖤
03k @Medical_channel_222 معلومات طبية ❤️‍🩹
03k @Book_cr2 مكتبة الإبداع
03k @learnenglish_british109 تعلم الانكليزية
02k @bawhalqulub بوح القلوب ❤️
02k @EnglishLearn تعلم الإنجليزية 🇺🇸
02k @Telecom_Engineering اتصالات شبكات 📡
02k @mokhtatafat 🥀 مـقتـطـفــات 🫀
02k @ssstttaaa قصص الاستغفار 💞
02k @gathered حب الله 🤍
02k @sha3r_96 فيلسوف الكلمات 📖
02k @storing قصة وعبرة 📝
01k @aaammll كـن مـع الـلّـه 💙
01k @hafedaatt أمهات المؤمنين 💬
01k @smotaere ضد الاباحيه ☑️
01k @al3mla8z حروف جريئة 🥀❤️
09h @Saaid_AlKhawater صيد الخواطر
07h @Gema7_22 اقباسات راقية
07h @Quotes9090 الأدب العالمي📜
0.3h @al_doorr_90 أشياء لاتشترى 💜
0.0h @iidooh - أدعية و أجر ️
0.0h @AA56V لـ روحك 🤍
08h @kwzmatuk_alanaqa كوزمتك الاناقة
01k @WhatsTrend ترند الواتس 📊
01k @Al_manara21 منارة العِلــــم 🌿
01k @kaizns إستشارات نفسية
01k @designe_18 تصاميم ❤️
01k @MRE_Curiosity الميكاترونكس والروبوتا
02k @dentist1stage طب الاسنان💉
02k @nabdalklb وشَاءَ الهَوى
02k @Aldraa فديوهات اسلاميه 📽
02k @AmazingArabic موسوعة العلم 🔅
02k @iassao شَـغٓـف لدورات
02k @kebar للمتزوجين فقط 💞
03k @iiiiii922 الصورة تقول 📸
03k @lllii74 سيدّة الأيجابِية
03k @mdrroid محترفي البرامج
04k @ereading_kingdom 🔏مملكة القراءة 📖
04k @flowers00 أبيات غزلية 💘
05k @justgiving اضاءات تربوية 👥
09k @me_694 للجنة راغبون.💭💙
09k @Arabic_PDF ڪتب مميزة 📚
10k @ahmed2_Android بنك التطبيقات 📱
14k @Imru_AlQais1 امرؤ القيس 🔥
14k @HFC25 بريـد الضوء
18k @Syria_a9 سراب
21k @alsaoe2 إختلاف
37k @heeeekm مقولات خلدها التاريخ ️

06k @DateC التاريخ اليومي 📅
15k @English2top قناة الكتب 📚
41k @English2top اسئلة واختبارات 📝
100k @lastat اضف قناتك ⚠️
#Low_Voltage_ECG :
The QRS is said to be low voltage when:
👉The amplitudes of all the QRS complexes in the limb leads are < 5 mm; OR
👉The amplitudes of all the QRS complexes in the precordial leads are < 10 mm
Low voltage is produced by…
The “damping” effect of increased layers of fluid, fat or air between the heart and the recording electrode.
Loss of viable myocardium.
Diffuse infiltration or myxoedematous involvement of the heart.

Specific causes of low voltage include:
👉Fluid: Pericardial effusion; Pleural effusion
👉Fat: Obesity
👉Air: Emphysema; Pneumothorax
👉Infiltrative / Connective Tissue Disorders: Myxoedema; infiltrative myocardial diseases — i.e. restrictive cardiomyopathy due to amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, haemochromatosis; constrictive pericarditis; and scleroderma.
👉Loss of viable myocardium: Previous massive MI; end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy

✍️Most important cause:
Massive pericardial effusion with triad of:
Low voltage
Electrical alternans
Patients with this triad need to be immediately assessed for clinical or echocardiographic evidence of tamponade

رسالة لكل اللي واقف في كل استقبال
في كل مستشفي في العالم
علاج صدمة فرط التحسس
مش ديكساميثازون وافيل
هذا البوست موجة لكل اطباء الجهاز الهضمي في مصر والوطن العربي

🗒️2024 ECCO
Guidelines on Therapeutics in Crohn’s Disease: Medical Treatment

1️⃣ 5-ASA is not recommended🚫for the induction or maintenance therapy in CD➡️consistent lack of evidence.

2️⃣ Budesonide is recommended for inducing clinical remission in patients with active, mild-to-moderate CD limited to the ileum / ascending colon

👉Additionally, systemic corticosteroids are suggested for induction therapy in patients with active, moderate-to-severe CD

3️⃣Thiopurine monotherapy is not recommended for induction therapy in CD, but it can be considered for maintenance

is suggested for both induction and maintenance therapy in moderate-to-
severe CD

5️⃣ Infliximab➡️induction and maintenance for mod/sev active CD
👉Use combination with thiopurine during the induction and continue 6–12 months

Patients who achieve long-term remission with this combination ➡️de-escalation to infliximab monotherapy and withdrawal of thiopurines

6️⃣ Adalimumab is recommended as both induction and maintenance therapy for patients with moderate-to-severe CD

👉For those bionaïve, Adalimumab monotherapy 💪is preferred over combination therapy with thiopurines during induction and maintenance.

is suggested for both induction and maintenance therapy in moderate-to-severe CD.

🎱 There is insufficient evidence to recommend proactive therapeutic drug monitoring over reactive monitoring or standard care for anti-TNF agents
🔥Controversy here

!9️⃣Ustekinumab is recommended for both induction and maintenance therapy in moderate-to-severe CD

🔟Adalimumab and ustekinumab 🆚 are suggested to be equally effective🟰 for both induction and maintenance therapy in biologic-naïve patients with moderate-to-
severe CD

#Mitral_stenosis (MS)_anticoagulation is indicated in the following scenarios:

✍️ Atrial Fibrillation (AF): Since MS increases the risk of atrial fibrillation, which in turn increases the risk of thromboembolism, anticoagulation is essential.

✍️History of Thromboembolism: If a patient with MS has had a previous thromboembolic event (e.g., stroke), anticoagulation is recommended.

✍️Left Atrial Thrombus: If imaging shows a thrombus in the left atrium, anticoagulation is indicated.

✍️Severe Mitral Stenosis with Large Left Atrium: A large left atrium (generally ≥ 5.5 cm) increases the risk of clot formation, and anticoagulation may be indicated even if AF is not present.

#note :
👉Only warfarin use as anticoagulant in patient with moderate and sever MS with previous indication .

✍️Two key elements are associated with a successful transition to home following hospitalization for heart failure:
👉follow-up phone call within 2 to 3 days of discharge and
👉an office visit within 7 to 14 days of hospital discharge .

✍️In patients with atrial fibrillation, rivaroxaban is noninferior to warfarin in the prevention of stroke or systemic embolism and is associated with less intracranial and fatal bleeding.

✍️Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) without high-risk features (syncope, family history of premature sudden cardiac death, structural heart disease) are managed with reassurance , treatment is reserved for bothersome symptoms or frequent PVCs.
