احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
💢#Proud /praʊd/ BrE AmE #adjective فخور؛ المتفاخر؛ متفاخر؛ أبي؛ متباه؛ مغرور؛ متكبر؛ متغطرس؛ ضخم؛ نشيط؛ باعث على الفخر        1️⃣Feeling happy about your achievements, your possessions, or people who you are connected with 🔘 proud of: " فخور بـ " 🔹We’re…

⚪️proud very pleased with what you, your family, or your country have achieved, or of something you own:

I felt so proud when my son graduated from college.
Judith’s very proud of her new Ferrari.

⚪️pleased with yourself feeling pleased because something good has happened, especially because you think you have been very clever, skilful etc:

He was smoking a big cigar and was obviously pleased with himself.
I’d made a big profit and was feeling pretty pleased with myself.

⚪️arrogant #disapproving behaving in an unpleasant and annoying way, because you think you are better or know more than other people, and that your opinions are always right:

He was arrogant and regarded people who disagreed with him as fools.
his arrogant attitude to women

⚪️vain #disapproving too proud of your appearance, in a way that annoys other people:

He’s so vain – he thinks all the girls fancy him.

⚪️conceited/big-headed #disapproving proud of yourself because you think you are very intelligent, skilful, beautiful etc, especially without good reason and in a way that annoys people:

Stewart’s the most arrogant conceited person I’ve ever known.
She was offered a brilliant job and became incredibly big-headed overnight.

⚪️pompous #disapproving thinking that you are much more important than you really are, and using very long and formal words to try to sound important:

The clerk was a pompous little man with glasses.
a pompous speech

⚪️smug #disapproving pleased with yourself in a quiet but annoying way because you think you are in a better position than other people:

Milly was looking very smug about coming top of the class.
a smug expression

⚪️self-satisfied #disapproving pleased with what you have achieved and showing it clearly in an annoying way:

She glared angrily into his self-satisfied face.
a self-satisfied grin


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
⚡️#Essential_English_words 💢#Rest /rest/ BrE AmE #noun راحة; استراحة; متكأ; مسند; بقية; إجازة; دعم; نوم; رقاد; وقوف في منتصف بيت الشعر; رويحة; سكون; طمأنينة; معسكر الراحة 1️⃣[singular] the part of something that remains 🔹I’m not really hungry – do you…

⚪️rest to stop working or stop being active, and sit down or lie down so that you become less tired:

If you’re tired, we’ll stop and rest for a while.
The doctor told me to take some time off work and try to rest.

⚪️take a rest (also have a rest especially #British_English) to stop what you are doing for a period of time so that you can relax:

Murray will now take a rest before the competition next month.
There was a TV in the hotel room, and sometimes I escaped up there to have a rest.
A spokesman said that the Senator needed to take a rest from the campaign activity.

⚪️take a break (also have a break especially #British_English) to stop what you are doing for a short time, so that you can rest or do something else – often used about stopping a meeting, class etc for a short time:

Is it all right if we have a short break at about 10:30?
I spoke to the actor as he was taking a break from rehearsals.
Let’s take a break now for coffee.

⚪️take it easy (also take things easy) to do things gently and with less effort than usual, in order to avoid becoming worried or tired, especially because you are not feeling strong or healthy:

After the operation, she decided to take things easy for a month or two.
I thought I’d take it easy tonight.

⚪️put your feet up #informal to rest for a short time after a tiring activity, especially by sitting with your feet resting on something:

Kate poured herself a drink and put her feet up.
When you’re pregnant and doing a full-time job, you must find time to put your feet up.

⚪️chill/chill out #informal to spend time relaxing and doing things that do not need a lot of effort – used by young people:

We chilled out in front of the TV with a couple of beers.
I like chilling with the guys and playing pool or watching movies.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
💢#Separate /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE #verb تفرق ; فصل ; ميز ; فرق ; قسم ; قطع ; افترق ; انفصل ; تفكك ; عزل عن بقية ; انسحب ; استخلص ; فك    1️⃣[transitive] to keep people or things apart from each other 🔹The army was called in to help separate the warring…

📕to make something separate

⚪️separate #verb [transitive] to divide something into two or more parts or groups, or to divide one type of thing from another. You use separate especially when saying that the parts are different from each other:

Motorola is planning to separate the company into two public companies.
The items are separated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.

⚪️divide #verb [transitive] to make something become two or more parts or groups:

The teacher divided us into groups.
The money was divided between them.
The house is divided into three apartments.

⚪️split #verb [transitive] to separate something into two or more groups, parts etc – used especially when each part is equal in size:

The class was split into groups of six.

⚪️break something up #phrasal_verb [transitive] to separate something into several smaller parts, especially to make it easier to deal with:

The phone company was broken up to encourage competition.
Police used tear gas to break up the crowd.

⚪️segregate #verb [transitive] to separate one group of people from others because of race, sex, religion etc:

Schools were racially segregated.
Some prisons segregate prisoners who are infected with HIV.

📘to become separate

⚪️separate #verb [intransitive] to divide into different parts, especially in a natural way:

A watery liquid separates from the milk during cheesemaking.

⚪️split #verb [intransitive] to separate into two or more parts or groups – used especially when each part is equal in size:

What happens when an atom splits?

⚪️break up #phrasal_verb [intransitive] to separate into several smaller parts:

In spring, the icebergs begin to break up.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
⚡️#Essential_English_words 💢#Site /saɪt/ BrE AmE #noun [countable] محل ; مكان ; مركز ; موضع ; موقع ; ورشة البناء ; أرض ; مقام ; ساحة 1️⃣an area of land where something is being built or could be built 🔹a construction site 🔹The local town plan identifies…


⚪️place a point or area, especially one that you visit or use for a particular purpose:

He’s been to lots of places.
a good meeting place

⚪️positionthe exact place where someone or something is, in relation to other things:

She showed me the position of the village on the map.
I changed the position of the mirror slightly.
Jessica moved to a position where she could see the stage better.

⚪️pointa particular place on a line or surface:

At this point the path gets narrower.
No cars are allowed beyond this point.

⚪️spot a place, especially a particular kind of place, or a place where something happens. Spot sounds rather #informal:

She chose a sunny spot.
The area is a favourite spot for windsurfers.
This is the exact spot where I asked her to marry me.

⚪️location a place where someone or something is, or where something happens. Location sounds more formal than place:

your exact location
The prisoners were taken to an undisclosed location.
an ideal location for a winter break

⚪️site a place, especially one that will be used for a particular purpose, or where something important happened:

the site of a great battle
There are plans to develop the site for housing.
The area has become a dumping site for nuclear waste.

⚪️venue a place where something such as a meeting, concert, game etc takes place:

the venue for the next Olympic Games
The hotel is a popular wedding venue.

⚪️scene the place where something bad such as an accident or crime happened:

the scene of the crime
Ambulance crews were at the scene within minutes.

⚪️settingthe place and the area around it, where something is or where something happens:

The hotel is in a beautiful setting.
the setting for the film ‘A Room With a View’
Beautiful gardens provide the perfect setting for outdoor dining.

⚪️somewhere used for talking about a place when you are not sure exactly which place:

She came from somewhere in London.

⚪️whereabouts the place where someone or something is – used especially when you do not know this or do not want to tell people:

The whereabouts of the painting is unknown.
He refused to disclose his whereabouts.
I’m not sure about her whereabouts.


🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
💢#Tail /teɪl/ BrE AmE #noun [countable] ذنب ; ذيل ; دابرة ; ذيل السترة 1️⃣[countable] a part at the back of an animal’s body that can move "ذيل" 🔹The animal sprays liquid from a gland under its tail. 👈يرش الحيوان السائل من غدة تحت ذيله. 🔹the bright tail…


⚪️follow to walk, drive etc behind or after someone, for example in order to see where they are going:

The man had followed her home to find out where she lived.
Follow that car!
He hired a detective to follow her.

⚪️chase to quickly run or drive after someone or something in order to catch them when they are trying to escape:

Police chased the car along the motorway at speeds of up to 90 mph.

⚪️run after somebody/go after somebody to quickly follow someone or something in order to stop them or talk to them:

I ran after him to say sorry, but he’d already got on the bus.

⚪️stalk /stɔːk $ stɒːk/ to secretly follow an animal in order to kill it, or to secretly follow a person in order to attack them:

a tiger stalking its prey
He had a long history of stalking women in his neighbourhood.

⚪️pursue /pəˈsjuː $ pərˈsuː/ #written to chase someone in a very determined way:

The ship was being pursued by enemy submarines.

⚪️give chase #written to chase someone or something who is trying to escape from you:

One of the officers gave chase and arrested the man.
The calf ran away and the lion gave chase.

⚪️tail to secretly follow someone in order to watch what they do and where they go:

Apparently, the police had been tailing the terrorists for months.

⚪️track to follow and find a person or animal by looking at the marks they leave on the ground:

The bushmen were tracking antelope in the Kalahari desert.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
⚡️ #channel_index⚡️

⚡️ #American_vs_British
⚡️ #binomials
⚡️ #Confused_words
⚡️ #funny
💟 #IELTS_Vocabulary
⚡️ #Illustrated_vocabulary
⚡️ #informal_formal
⚡️ #johncast
⚡️ #Lesson_for_beginners
⚡️ #Newspaper
⚡️ #Pronunciation
⚡️ #Pronunciation_rules
⚡️ #Pronunciation_Tips
⚡️ #play
⚡️ #Spelling_rules
⚡️ #Try_to_speak
⚡️ #Word_of_the_day
⚡️ #visible_phrases
⚡️ #Valuable_topics
⚡️ #vocabulary

★ Best of luck & enjoy reading! 📖😊

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Word_of_the_day 💢#Remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ BrE AmE #verb بقي؛ ظل؛ مكث 1️⃣LINKING VERB to continue to be in a particular situation or condition 🔹The dictator has remained in power for over 20 years. 🔹The economy remains fragile. 1️⃣🅰️to continue to be something…

⚪️stay to not leave a place, or to be in a place for a particular period of time:

Stay where you are and don’t move.
John only stayed at the party for a couple of hours.

⚪️remain #formal to stay somewhere. In #written_English, people often prefer to use remain rather than stay, because it sounds more formal:

Some 2,000 protesters remained outside the building and refused to leave.
The judge recommended that he remain in jail for the rest of his life.

⚪️linger to stay in a place a little longer than you need to, because you are enjoying yourself, or because you hope to see someone or something:

He lingered outside the lecture hall, hoping for a chance to talk to her.
There are plenty of small cafés where you can linger over a cappuccino.

⚪️loiter to stay in a place not doing anything – used when you think someone is waiting for the chance to do something bad or illegal:

The two men had been seen loitering in the area on the day that the car was stolen.

⚪️hang around #informal to stay somewhere not doing anything:

There are gangs of boys hanging around on street corners.
I don’t mind hanging around for a few minutes.
The boss doesn’t like being kept hanging around.

⚪️stick around #informal to stay in the same place or situation for a period of time, especially while you are waiting for something to happen or someone to arrive:

I decided to stick around and see how it all turned out.
Make up your mind. I’m not going to stick around forever.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
💢#Separate /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE #verb تفرق ; فصل ; ميز ; فرق ; قسم ; قطع ; افترق ; انفصل ; تفكك ; عزل عن بقية ; انسحب ; استخلص ; فك    1️⃣[transitive] to keep people or things apart from each other 🔹The army was called in to help separate the warring…

📕to make something separate

⚪️separate #verb [transitive] to divide something into two or more parts or groups, or to divide one type of thing from another. You use separate especially when saying that the parts are different from each other:

Motorola is planning to separate the company into two public companies.
The items are separated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.

⚪️divide #verb [transitive] to make something become two or more parts or groups:

The teacher divided us into groups.
The money was divided between them.
The house is divided into three apartments.

⚪️split #verb [transitive] to separate something into two or more groups, parts etc – used especially when each part is equal in size:

The class was split into groups of six.

⚪️break something up #phrasal_verb [transitive] to separate something into several smaller parts, especially to make it easier to deal with:

The phone company was broken up to encourage competition.
Police used tear gas to break up the crowd.

⚪️segregate #verb [transitive] to separate one group of people from others because of race, sex, religion etc:

Schools were racially segregated.
Some prisons segregate prisoners who are infected with HIV.

📘to become separate

⚪️separate #verb [intransitive] to divide into different parts, especially in a natural way:

A watery liquid separates from the milk during cheesemaking.

⚪️split #verb [intransitive] to separate into two or more parts or groups – used especially when each part is equal in size:

What happens when an atom splits?

⚪️break up #phrasal_verb [intransitive] to separate into several smaller parts:

In spring, the icebergs begin to break up.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
⚡️#Essential_English_words 💢#Pet /pet/ BrE AmE #noun [countable] حيوان مدلل/أليف ؛ طفل مدلل = A pet is an animal that lives with people. 🔹Out of all my pets, the dog is my favorite. 👈من خلال كل حيواناتي الاليفة, الكل هو المفضل لدي 1️⃣ an animal or bird…
📚#Thesaurus: "القاموس"

◼️touch somebody gently or lovingly 🥺👇
◼️كلمات بمعنئ لمس شخص برفق وحب🥺 👇

⚪️stroke 👉🏻 :To move your hand gently over something , especially in a loving way
👈 لتحريك يدك برفق علئ شي خصيصا بطريقة الحب "يداعب"
She stroked the child’s hair.
👈هي داعبت شعر الطفل
Our cat won’t let people stroke him.
👈قطتنا لاتدع الناس يدللونها

⚪️pat 👉🏻 to touch an animal or child lightly several times, with your hand flat:
👈للمس حيوان او طفل برفق عده مرات, بيدك (يربت)
He knelt down to pat the dog.
👈هو جثم لمداعبة الكلب
She patted the little boy’s head.
👈هي داعبت راس الولد الصغير

⚪️pet 👉🏻 to touch and move your hand gently over someone, especially an animal or child:
👈للمس او تحريك يدك ع شخص خصيصا حيوان او طفل (يداعب )
The goats, cars, sheep, and cows here allow you to pet them.
👈 الغنم ,السيارات, الخرفان والبقر هنا تسمح لك بان تداعبها

⚪️caress /kəˈres/ 👉🏻 to gently touch a part of someone’s body in a loving way:
👈برفق لمس جزء من جسم شخص بطريقة حب (يربت & يلاطف &يقبل)

a mother caressing her child
👈الام تلاطف طفلها
She caressed his cheek.
👈هي قبلت خده

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
📗#re.search /rɪˈsɜːtʃ $ -ɜːr-/ BrE AmE #verb [intransitive and transitive] يقوم ببحث 1️⃣to study a subject in detail, especially in order to discover new facts or test new ideas ⇨ investigate: 💥He’s been researching material for a documentary. 🔘research…

⚪️research #noun [uncountable] careful detailed work that is done in order to find out more about a subject, especially as a part of a scientific or academic project:

Billions of dollars have been spent on research into the causes and treatment of cancer.

The University has for a long time been a leading centre for research in this field.

⚪️work #noun [uncountable] the studies that have been done on a particular subject:

Faraday is famous for his work on electricity.

A lot of work has been done on hydrogen-powered cars.

Their work had an enormous influence on the study of genetics.

⚪️study #noun [countable] a piece of work in which someone examines a particular subject in order to find out more about it, and writes about what they have found:

The study showed that 25 percent of adults do not eat breakfast at all, compared with 14 percent in 1961.

Recent studies suggest that our sense of smell is closely linked with the part of the brain that deals with memory.

⚪️experiment #noun [countable] a scientific test in order to find out what happens when you do something:

They carried out a series of experiments (=they did a series of experiments) in order to try to prove their theory.

Experiments have shown that there is an increased risk of some forms of cancer.


🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️

✴️اساليب اخرى لتقول بانك مشغول (BUSY)
✴️طرق لتبيين درجة انشغالك تصاعديا


1⃣ Tied up
🔆 I’m a little tied up with this new project.
Nuance: Busy (مشغول)
2⃣ Occupied
🔆 She’s a bit occupied today dealing with new staff.
Nuance: Busy (مشغول)
3⃣ Overstretched
🔆 He’s slightly overstretched at the moment.
Nuance: Very busy (مشغول جدا)
4⃣ Over-extended
🔆 She’s quite over-extended in this particular role.
Nuance: Very busy (مشغول جدا)

5⃣ Overloaded
🔆 We’re rather overloaded with all these new cases.
Nuance: Very busy (مشغول جدا)
6⃣ Swamped
Example: They’ve been completely swamped with new customers this week.
Nuance: Extremely busy
(مشغول الئ ابعد الحدود)
7⃣Snowed under
🔆He’s been snowed under with complaints.
Nuance: Extremely busy
(مشغول الئ ابعد الحدود)
8⃣To have enough/rather a lot/too much on one’s plate at the moment
Nuance: Varies according to alternative selected
يختلف حسب البديل المحدد

9⃣To have other/bigger fish to fry
Nuance: To have more important things to do
أن يكون لديك أشياء أكثر أهمية للقيام بها

🔟To have other priorities today/this week /this month
Nuance: To have more important things to do
أن يكون لديك أشياء أكثر أهمية للقيام بها

🔰Use qualifiers or modifiers for greater precision

The following qualifiers can be used interchangeably with expressions 1- 7 above
🔆A little 🔆A bit 🔆Slightly
🔆Quite 🔆Rather 🔆Completely.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹