احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Logo of the Telegram channel احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
Media is too big


💟7 نصائح مفيدة لتصبح كاتبا أفضل
7 Useful Tips to Become a Better Writer ✍️



🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

Essential Expressions for IELTS
🔺The latter
🔺The former

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

عند كتابة الحروف If & As في بداية الجملة نكتب في نهاية الجملة الفاصله ,

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🍂 FIRST, FIRSTLY or AT FIRST 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


First can be an adjective or an adverb and refers to the person or thing that comes before all others in order, time, amount, quality or importance:

◽️Adjective: What’s the name of the first person who walked on the moon?

◽️ Adverb: Beth always arrives first at meetings.

🔸We often use first, especially in writing, to show the order of the points we want to make. When we are making lists, we can use first or firstly. Firstly is more formal than first:

#بالمختصر : first & firstly نفس المعنئ لكن firstly اكثر رسمية تستخدمها عندما تتحدث او تكتب لشخص له احترامه كمدير او شركة

◽️Dear Mr Paul
First(ly) I would like to thank you for your kind offer of a job …

Not: At first I would like to thank you

First(ly) the sodium chloride is dissolved in the water and heated gently. Second(ly) a dye is added to the solution.

Not: At first, the sodium chloride …
🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 🍁🍁🍁 🍁🍁🍁


🔸At first means ‘at the beginning’ or ‘in the beginning’ and we use it when we make contrasts:

◽️At first when I went to England to study English, I was homesick, but in the end I cried when it was time to leave.

◽️He called for help. No one heard him at first, but eventually two young girls came to help him.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

Important Words for All IELTS Essays

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🔮Hyphen (-)
A hyphen is a very short horizontal line between words.

🏮Note that there is no space between a hyphen and the character on either side of it.

Do not confuse a hyphen (-) with a dash (—), which is longer.

📌The rules about hyphens are not fixed. The points below are guidelines rather than rules.

💠1)Use a hyphen to join words to show that their meaning is linked in some way:

❗️book-case (or bookcase)
❗️race-horse (or racehorse)

💠2) Use a hyphen to make compound modifiers before nouns:

🔅a blue-eyed boy (but The boy was blue eyed.)
🔅the well-known actor (but The actor is well known.)
🔅their four-year-old son (but Their son is four years old.

💠3)Use a hyphen with certain prefixes. The prefixes all-, ex-, and self- usually need a hyphen:


✔️When a prefix comes before a capitalized word, use a hyphen:

✔️When a prefix is capitalized, use a hyphen:

💠4) Use a hyphen when writing numbers 21 to 99, and fractions:

🔹one hundred and sixty-five

💠5) Use a hyphen to show that a word has been broken at the end of a line (hyphenation):

👉The directors asked for a more conven- ient location.

💠6) Use a hyphen with "suspended compounds". When we use several very similar compounds together, it may not be necessary to repeat the last part of the compound:

▪️They need to employ more full- and part-time staff. (not They need to employ more full-time and part-time staff.)

▪️This rule applies only to 12-, 13- and 14-year olds. (not This rule applies only to 12-year olds, 13-year olds and 14-year olds.)

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

#Phrases are very useful in writing and speaking

so, in the same way, just as … so too, likewise, similarly

but, however, in spite of, on the one hand … on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, in contrast, on the contrary, still, yet

first, second, third, … next, then, finally

after, afterward, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, simultaneously, subsequently, then

for example, for instance, namely, specifically, to illustrate

even, indeed, in fact, of course, truly

in front
in back

  ❇️Cause and Effect

  ❇️Additional Support or Evidence
as well
equally important
in addition

in a word
in brief
in conclusion
in the end
in the final analysis
on the whole
to conclude
to summarize
in sum
to sum up
in summary

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
✴️ملاحظات حول كتابة
#براغراف 👇

⭐️Notes about
writing a pargraph✳️

-When you write your pargraph don't forget to👇🏻

1-Indent in the first sentence of your pargraph.
1-المسافة البادئة في الجملة الأولى من الرسم البياني الخاص بك.
2-write a margin on the two sides of your paper.
2-اكتب هامشا على اطراف ورقتك

3-Capitalize the first litter of the word of any new sentence
3-اجعل الحرف الاول من الكلمة في بداية جملة جديده كابيتل

4-The pronoun (I) is always capital in any part of the sentence.
4-الضمير (أنا) هو دائما كابتل في أي جزء من الجملة.

5-Capitalize the first litter of the proper nouns: like people and public things and the names of cities and Countries.
5-جعل الحرف الأول من الأسماء الصحيحة كابيتل : مثل الناس والأشياء العامة وأسماء المدن والبلدان.

6-Write your name, the date, and the name of your class or your level on the right top of the paper.
6-اكتب اسمك وتاريخك واسم صفك أو مستواك في الجزء العلوي الأيمن من الورقة.

7-Write on every other line of the paper.
7-اكتب على كل سطر آخر من الورقة.

@E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
Media is too big
Podcast : Improve your writing⚡️

1⃣ ركز على الشي االذي تريد اتقانه اذا كان محادثات او ايميلات او كتابه للعمل ـ تقارير
2⃣ خذ الشي الذي تريد تعمله انسخها قلد نفس الكتابة التي فيها وسوف تحفظ النمط والشكل الموجود فيها لكل الكتابات التي تريدها

3⃣ ركز ع الاخطاء وتعلم منها

4⃣تدرب على الكتابة وحاول ان تتلقئ التعليقات وايجاد الاخطاء منها والانتقاد عليها

5⃣خذ وقتك وانت تكتب وابحث عن جمل جديده للتدرب عليها

🎁 💝 @E_LANGU 🎁 💝
🌐 I think ➪ In my opinion
🌐 To sum up ➪In conclusion
🌐 In the end ➪Finally
🌐Point out ➪INDICATE
🌐 Stand for ➪REPRESENT
🌐 Leave out ➪ OMIT
🌐 Think about ➪ CONSIDER
🌐 Seem ➪ APPEAR
🌐 Rich ➪ WEALTHY

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
📔 #Writing

ربط الكلمات والعبارات

✴️ لجعل كتابتك أكثر تشويقا ، يمكنك استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من ربط الكلمات والعبارات لربط الجمل أو الأفكار معا. 👇

Joyce has got red hair. She's got freckles .
✔️Joyce has got red hair and freckles.

David is a tall man . He is in his late forties.
✔️David is a tall man who is in his late forties.

Bridget is an attractive woman. She's got shoulder-length hair.
✔️Bridget is an attractive woman with shoulder-length hair.

She is tall. She is thin.

✔️She is both tall and thin
👈هي طويله القامة ورقيقة

3⃣يمكنك ضم إلى أوصاف الصفات الشخصية المماثلة باستخدام بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، أيضا ، علاوة على ذلك ، إلخ..

She is cheerful. She is always smiling. She always behaves politely.

✔️She is cheerful and is always smiling. Moreover, she always behaves politely.
👈إنها مبتهجة وتبتسم دائما. علاوة على ذلك ، فهي تتصرف دائما بأدب.

✴️ يمكنك ضم أوصاف الي الصفات المتناقضة باستخدام ولكن, من ناحية أخرى, ومع ذلك, إلخ.

He is clever and always does well at school. He can be bossy at times.

He is clever and always does well at school. However, he can be bossy at times.
👈إنه ذكي ويعمل دائما بشكل جيد في المدرسة لكن ، يمكن أن يكون متسلطا في بعض الأحيان

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙

Writing the Date
كتابة التاريخ بالانجليزية الامريكية & البريطانية

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
🔺Other Ways to Say "For Example"

🏅For instance على سبيل المثال
🏅…As seen in… كما رأينا في…
🏅As you can see in the…
🏅Consider the example of..
🏅To show you what I mean
🏅As in…
🏅In other words…
🏅Case in point
🏅By way of illustration
🏅In a similar case
🏅As proof كدليل
🏅Let’s say
🏅Like this
🏅An example being
🏅Pretend that
🏅Note well
🏅Examples include
🏅As seen in
🏅In particular
🏅One example is
🏅Particularly خاصة
🏅To give you an idea
🏅As a case in point
🏅Such as
🏅That is to say…
🏅These include
🏅Suppose that
🏅If you look at
🏅This can be seen when…
🏅This includes
🏅This is illustrated هذا موضح
🏅To illustrate لتوضيح
🏅Likewise وبالمثل
🏅Imagine تخيل
🏅As an example
🏅Which is made apparent when…وهو ما يتضح عندما…

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙

#PUNCTUATION علامات الترقيم

Punctuation (derived from the Latin punctum, a point) meas the right use of putting in points or stops in writing.
The following are the principal stops :

1) Full Stop or period ( . )
2) Comma ( , )
3) Colon ( : )
4) Question Mark ( ? )
5) Exclamation Mark ( ! )

✴️العلامات الأخرى الشائعة الاستخدام هي :
★ Dash ( _ )
★ Parentheses ( )
★ Inverted Commas and Quotation Mark " "

1⃣Full Stop or period ( . ) "النقطة"
تظهر أكبر وقفة وفصل. يتم استخدامه لوضع علامة على نهاية الجملة التصريحية أو الامرية .

🔆Dear, patient, gentle, Nell was dead .
👈يمكن استخدام النقطة في الاختصارات ، ولكن غالبا ما يتم حذفها بأسلوب حديث..
★ M.A or MA
★ M.P or MP
★ U.N.O or UNO

2⃣ Comma (,) ➠ الفاصلة
The comma represents the shortest pause, and is used:
🔸لفصل سلسلة من الكلمات في نفس البناء ؛ مثل
🔆England, France and Italy formed an alliance.
🔆He lost lands, money, reputation and friends.
🔆It was a long, dull and wearisome journey.
لا يتم وضع الفاصلة بشكل عام قبل الكلمة التي يسبقها And؛ مثل,

A Comma is generally not placed before the word preceded by and ; as,

🔸 لفصل كل أزواج من الكلمات المتصلة بواسطة And ؛ مثل :
🔆We should be devout and humble, cheerful and serene.
🔆High and low, rich and poor, wise and foolish, must all die.

🔸After a Nominative absolute ; as,
🔆 This done, she returned to the old man with a lovely smile on her face.
🔆The wind being favourable, the squadron sailed.

🔸 To mark off a Noun or phrase in Apposition ; as,
🔆Paul, the apostle, was beheaded in the reign of Nero
🔆Milton, the great English poet, was blind.

🔸 To mark off words used in addressing people
★ Come into the garden, Maud
★ How are you, Mohan?
But when the words are emphatic, we ought to use the note of Exclamation; as,
★ Monster ! By thee my child's devoured !

🔸 To mark off two or more adverbs or adverbial phrases coming together ; as,
★ Then, at length , tardy justice was done to the memory of Oliver.

🔸 Before and after a participial phrase, provided that the phrase might be expanded into a sentence, and is not used in a merely qualifying sense; as,
★ Caeser, having conquered his enemies, returned to Rome.

🔸Before and after words phrases or clauses, let into the body of a sentence; as,
★ it is mind, after all, which does the work of the world.
★ His behavior, to say the least, was very rude.
★ He didn't , however, gain his object.

🔸To indicate the omission of a word, especially a verb ; as,
★ He will succeed ; you, never.
★He was a Brahmin ; She, a Rajput.


3⃣ Colon ( : )*

The colon marks a still more complete pause than that expressed by the semi-colon. It is used ( Something with a dash after it)
1) To introduce a quotation ; as,
★ Bacon says : "Reading makes a full man, writing an exact man, speaking a ready man."

2) Before enumeration, example, etc ; as,
★ The principal parts of a verb in English are : the present tense, the past tense, and the past participle.

3) Between sentences grammatically independent but closely connected in sense;
★ Study to acquire a habit of thinking : no study is more important.

4⃣Semicolon ( ; ) " فاصلة منقوطة"

تمثل الفاصلة المنقوطة وقفة ذات أهمية أكبر من تلك التي تظهرها الفاصلة. يتم استخدامه :

💠 To separate the clauses of compound sentence, when they contain a comma; as,
★ He was a brave, large-hearted man, and we all honoured him.
💠لفصل سلسلة من الأسباب ذات الصلة تكتب بعد النتيجة وقبل السبب :
★ Her court was pure ; her life serene;
★ God gave her peace ; her land reposed.

5⃣ Question Mark ( ? ) "علامة الاستفهام "
🌐تستخدم بدلا من النقطة ، بعد السؤال مباشر
★ Have you written your exercise?
★ If you prick us, do we not bleed?
★ And if you wrong us, shall we not have revenge?
★ If you trickle us, do we not laugh?

💠لكن علامة الاستفهام لا تستخدم بعد سؤال غير مباشر
🔅 He asked me whether I had written my exercise.

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
🔺Linking Words


🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙

💟 لجعل كتابتك مقنعة وملفتة يمكنك تغغير الكلمات الروتينية مثلا :
يمكنك القول بدلا من Example :

LET'S SAY ➠ لنقول
IN PARTICULAR ➠ بخاصة /بالتفصيل
MARKEDLY ➠ بوضوح


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
📍كيف تقدم نفسك؟

My name is .......... اسمي ..........
I'm ........ years old. ......عمري .........
I'm a/an .......... .أنا أعمل .........
I'm from .......... .أنا من بلد ..........
I live in ........... .أنا أعيش في ..........
I'm a ............. . أنا ديني ...........

My name is Ahmed.
I'm 27 years old.
I'm a doctor.
I'm from Egypt.
I live in Saudi arabia.
I'm a muslim.

*لاحظ أن اسماء الأشخاص والبلدان تبدأ كبير A,S,E
*لاحظ أن أداة التنكير a توضع قبل الكلمات التي تبدأ بحرف ساكن وأداة التنكير an توضع قبل الكلمات التي تبدأ بحرف متحرك

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹