احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Logo of the Telegram channel احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
#johncast on #frontpages

My goal here is two-fold: boost your vocab and show you what's in the news in Britain. In fact, it's three-fold if you think about the "listening" element. 😊

Feel free to share this post (and all other posts) with others. If you'd like any further clarification on some of the language I've used here, just ask me in the comments section.

#johnlist #johncast

∙ How was your weekend?
∙ What did you do over the weekend?
∙ What did you get up to over the weekend?
∙ Did you get up to much at the weekend?
∙ How did you spend your weekend?
∙ Did you do anything special over the weekend?
∙ What was your weekend like?
∙ Good weekend?

∙ I didn't do much. 🤷🏻‍♂️
∙ I didn't get up to much. 🤷🏼‍♀️
∙ Pretty quiet. 😶
∙ I did very little to be honest. 😬
∙ It was great, thanks. 👍🏻
∙ I had an amazing weekend.
∙ I went on a date - didn't go well. 😂
∙ I had a date - was amazing. 😏
∙ I had a busy weekend. 😓
∙ I took it easy over the weekend. 🛀🏼
∙ I chilled out over the weekend. 🧘🏻‍♀️
∙ Good, I caught up on sleep. 🛌
∙ Great weekend, I really made the most of it. 👏🏻
∙ I had a lazy weekend, I stayed in bed both days.
∙ I went out on Saturday night and had a ball.💃🏻
∙ I spent quality time with my family. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
∙ I had the house to myself all weekend. 🏠
∙ I binge-watched a TV series. 📺
∙ I did loads - shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. 🧽
∙ I had to run errands and do chores. 🏦🏃🏻🧹
∙ I went hiking with some friends. 🥾
∙ I went to the beach. 🏖
∙ I was at the beach.👙
∙ I had to study the whole weekend. 🙇🏼‍♀️
∙ I had my head in the books all weekend. 🙇🏻‍♂️
∙ I had to work - no rest for the wicked! 👩🏻‍🔧
∙ I was under the weather.🤧
∙ I came down with sth.🤒
∙ I met up with some friends. 👯‍♂️
∙ I went for a Sunday drive. 🚗

Do any of the answers apply to you? 🤔
#johncast on not being able to shake off this cold/flu, whatever it may be

🟡I haven't bounced back.
لم اتعافي حتى الان لم اتخلص من المرض
I haven't recovered quickly.

🟡I'm still under the weather. ➪ مازلت مريض
I'm still sick.

🟡I can't shake it off. ➪ لم استطيع التخلص منه
I can't get rid of it.

✴️I've stocked up on multivitamins.
I've got a large supple of multivitamins for future use.
لقد حصلت على كثير من الفيتامينات المتعددة لاستخدامها في المستقبل.

✴️I need to boost my immune system.
👈أحتاج إلى زيادة أو تحسين نظام المناعة لدي.
I need to increase or improve my immune system.

✴️It's easy to pick up a cold here.
👈من السهل أن تصاب بنزلة برد هنا.
It's easy to catch a cold here.

I'm going to listen to my body and rest up.
I'm going to listen to my body and relax in order to recover from fatigue.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
Today's Front Pages - Wednesday Jan 11

·✴️ A&E " الحوادث و الطوارئ "
accident and emergency
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
✴️ NHS ➪ دائرة الصحة الوطنية
National Health Service

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
✴️ struggling to cope with sth
تواجه صعوبة كبيرة في التعامل مع
having great difficulty dealing with
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
· a strike ➪ اضراب
a protest from workers where they stop working
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
· reparations " تعويضات "
🔸التعويض عن الأضرار التي حدثت أثناء الحروب والمستعمرات وما إلى ذلك.
compensation for damage done during wars, colonies, etc.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

· to defy the critics
يتحدئ الكثير من الانتقادات ويثبت انها خاطئة بنحاحهم
prove the critics wrong with your success

#frontpages #johncast #listening #thenews
🎁 💝 @E_Langu 🎁 💝

Today's Front Pages

I'll speak a little about today's news in an voice note now.

#frontpages #johncast #listening #thenews
#johncast #phrasalverb #pronunciation

Here's a little audio about RULE OUT. Use this as a chance to improve your pronunciation, especially connected speech.

Have a great Feb 14! 😆
#johncast #frontpage

For a little bit of fun news.

exclude or discard something as a possibility, option or plan

I might return to Spain, I wouldn't rule it out.
I've ruled out settling down in Ireland.
We can rule that option out.
You shouldn't rule it out, never say never.
A peace agreement has been ruled out.
It's not likely to happen but I wouldn't rule out the possibility.
The couple haven't ruled out a divorce.
It seems like suicide but the police haven't ruled out murder.
Well, that's my theory ruled out.
I'm afraid of heights so we can rule out parachuting as a plan for this weekend.
اعزائي متابعين القناة الطامحين باكتساب اللغة الانجليزية من شتئ الجوانب لقد تم اضافة مواضيع مهمة في اللغة الانجليزيه سوف تفيدكم كثيرا لمتابعتها اضغط علئ الهاشتاق👇


وهذا منشور فهرس القناة اضغط على الرابط👇

✴️اي استفسار او طلب او شرح اي موضوع تواصل معي لاتكن خجولا فانما مايقتل الشغف والتعليم هو الخجل

@E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️

✴️ mayhem ➠ الفوضى
🔸(a state of great disorder or chaos)
🔆The crisis in the NHS is causing mayhem in hospitals.
👈الأزمة في الخدمات الصحية الوطنية تسبب الفوضى في المستشفيات.

✴️A&E ➪ قسم الحوادث والطوارئ في المستشفى
🔸(accident and emergency ward in a hospital)
🔆If you break a bone, you have to wait in A&E before a doctor will see you.
👈إذا كسرت عظم ، عليك أن تنتظر في قسم الحوادث والطوارئ في المستشفى قبل الطبيب سوف أراك.

✴️the ill ➪ ill people "الناس الامراض "
(drop the noun and put an article before the adjective)
🔆The poor, the elderly, the rich, the famous, etc.

✴️a 12 hour wait ➠ الانتظار الذي يستمر 12 ساعة
🔸(a wait that lasts 12 hours)
a 10 year old boy
a 2 week holiday
a 10 day trip
a 6 month course
a 5 minute break

^ No ^ s because they're adjectives. Got it?

✴️hospital Corridor ➠ ممر المستشفئ
🔆 I have waited in the hospital Corridor for 3 hour
👈 لقد انتظرت في ممر المستشفى لمدة 3 ساعات

✴️NHS ➠ The National Health Service
🔸الخدمة الصحية الوطنية

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
#استمع_التسجيل 👇
Today's Front Page - #audio to follow.👇👇
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🔸change your mind "غير رائيك"
change your decision or opinion on sth

🔸a hammer blow 🔨
a sudden, great shock that causes damage or pressure
👈صدمة مفاجئة كبيرة تسبب الضرر أو الضغط

🔸roll sth out
introduce or launch a new product or service
👈 تقديم أو إطلاق منتج أو خدمة جديدة

🔸to tackle
to fight or deal with a problem
👈للقتال أو التعامل مع مشكلة

🔸to urge sb to do sth
strongly encourage somebody to do something and take action
👈شجع شخصا ما بشدة على فعل شيء ما واتخاذ إجراء

🔸 a burden "حمل صعب "
a 'weight', a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, pressure or difficulty
👈وزن ، واجب ، مسؤولية ، إلخ. هذا يسبب القلق أو الضغط أو الصعوبة

🔸a household "اهل البيت "
a house and the people living in it

Most of this is B2+ vocab
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

Today's Front Page - The Daily Telegraph 🇬🇧
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
#johncast on glow ups 🙆🏻‍♂️

a glow up
✴️ التحول الشخصي الإيجابي
✴️ a transformation in energy, esteem, appearance, etc. as a result of exercise, feeling good about yourself, taking care of your appearance, etc.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
a buzzword
a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable by being used a lot

Here are the most annoying phrases that people here at work or in the office in the UK.
#johncast coming
January, February and time flying/dragging.

✴️to fly (time) pass quickly "يمر سريعا"
🔆January has flown for me.

✴️to drag (time) pass slowly "يمر ببطئ"
🔆January has dragged for me.

✴️funny strange "غريب"
🔆February is a funny month for me.

✴️mild (weather)
🔸not cold and therefore pleasant
👈ليس باردا وبالتالي لطيفا
🔆It's been a mild January here in Ireland.

✴️take a toll on you
🔸have a bad effect on you over time
👈يكون لها تأثير سيء عليك مع مرور الوقت
🔆Cold weather takes a toll on my knees.

✴️a takeaway
🔸an general idea taken from sth you read, watch, listen to, study, etc.
🔆The main takeaway from this audio note is about time flying or dragging.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

talk sth up
(talk about sth that makes it seem interesting or attractive)
👈الحديث عن شخص او شي بشكل يجعله تبدو مثيرة للاهتمام أو جذابة "يمدح"

talk sth down
(talk about sth that makes it seem not interesting or attractive)
👈(الحديث عن شي او شخص أن يجعلها تبدو غير مثيرة للاهتمام أو جذابة) "ينتقد"

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
#phrasal_verbs #johncast

💟Take on ➠ تعيين موظف جديد
🔆 I was taken on by the company in 2019
👈انا توظفت بالشركة عام 2019


💟Take over ➠ يتولى الامر بدلا من الشخص نفسه
🔆I need a break from driving , can you take over? 🥺
👈أحتاج إلى استراحة من القيادة ، هل يمكنك تولي الأمر؟ 🥺

💟 Take in ➠ يلاحظ &يستوعب &يفهم
🔆Are you taking in anything I'm saying?
👈هل تفهم اي شي من الي انا اقوله 😁 ؟

💟 Take up ➠يبداء هواية او اهتمام او نشاط
🔆I'd like to take up Yoga and meditations.
👈احب ان ابدا هوايتي باليوجا والتأمل

💟 Take to ➠ يبدا بحب شي & يتولع بشي
🔆 My dad really taken to my new dog
👈والدي حقا تولع بكلبي الجديد

💟 Take up ➠ يَشْغَل & يأخذ مساحة " وقت
🔆I won't take up much of your time.
👈لا اريد ان اخذشْغَل كثيرا من وقتك .

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
#johncast on strikes

✴️ grind to a halt
slow down, stop and not move forward
👈إبطاء ، ووقف وعدم المضي قدما
🔆Traffic ground to a halt after the accident.

✴️ take part in sth "يشارك"
participate in something
🔆I'll take part, but I won't want to lead.

✴️to concede sth "يعترف"
🔆 I conceded that I had made a number of errors.
👈اعترفت بأنني ارتكبت عددا من الأخطاء.

✴️go about your life/day/business/work
ان تفعل شيئا تفعله عادة بطريقتك المعتادة
🔆I like sitting here with my coffee watching people going about their lives.

✴️step sth up "يتضاعف"
increase the amount, speed, or intensity of something
🔆He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race.

✴️fortnight two weeks "اسبوعين"
🔆We're going on holiday to Lanzarote for a fortnight.

✴️alongside "جنب بجنب"
together and in cooperation with
🔆I've been lucky enough to work alongside some great people.

✴️to walk out "يضرب عن العمل "
🔆Workers at the factory are threatening to walk out over pay.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹