احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Logo of the Telegram channel احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

⚫️Meet and greet = to welcome ➪ترحيب

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆When the guest arrives, I'll do the meet and greet in the reception.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ kill or be killed
= live or die ➪ حي او ميت /قاتل او مقتول

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Life in those days was kill or be killed: only the strong survived.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ Loud and clear
#تعني : من السهل السماع والفهم
= easy to hear and understand

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆A: Did you hear what I said?
B: Loud and clear!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ High and dry = stranded
#تعني : الذين تقطعت بهم السبل/ وضع سئ

*️⃣ #Example
🔆They left me high and dry.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ hit and miss = unreliable, inconsistent ➪ لايصدق

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆The team's performance this season was hit and miss.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ here and there = a variety of places

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆They looked here and there, but couldn't find her.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ hammer and tongs= with great effort

🔆He's been going hammer and tongs to finish the report by Friday.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ Give and take = compromise

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆There should be a certain amount of give and take, but don't let them push you around.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ cool, calm and collected
= without stress or nervousness

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆She looked cool, calm and collected as she presented to the board, but said afterward she was having kittens.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ first and foremost
#تعني :اولا = first

*️⃣ #Example:
First and foremost, let me thank you all for coming today.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ crash and burn
= total failure ➪ فشل كلي

*️⃣ #Example:
I'm gonna crash and burn, if I don't get some study done.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ cat and mouse
#تعني : يستخدم الإستراتيجية مطاردة ,اعداء
= use strategy chase

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Hackers have been playing cat and mouse with internet security firms.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ for better or worse
#تعني : جيدة أو سيئة ، بغض النظر عن النتيجة
= good or bad, no matter what the result

*️⃣ #Example:

🔆For better or worse, he was reelected for another four years.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

⚫️The be all and end all
= the most important part ➪
#تعني : الجزء الاكثر اهمية

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Gavin thinks he is the be all and end all of Sales.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁
⚫️ alive and kicking
= living and healthy ➠ عايش ومعافئ

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆A: How's old man Burns?
B: He's pushing 80, but he's alive and kicking.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
⚡️#Essential_English_words 💢#Rest /rest/ BrE AmE #noun راحة; استراحة; متكأ; مسند; بقية; إجازة; دعم; نوم; رقاد; وقوف في منتصف بيت الشعر; رويحة; سكون; طمأنينة; معسكر الراحة 1️⃣[singular] the part of something that remains 🔹I’m not really hungry – do you…
💢#Rest /rest/ BrE AmE #verb
استراح; أزال; استند; استجم; بقي; طمأن; توقف; هدأ

1️⃣[intransitive] to spend a period of time relaxing or sleeping after doing something tiring

🔹It would be nice to sit down and rest for a while.
🔹She rested in her chair with her head back.

1️⃣🅰️[transitive] to not use a part of your body that is tired or injured so that it can get better

🔘rest your eyes:
🔹He read to her for an hour while she rested her eyes.

2️⃣[transitive] to put something somewhere for support, especially a part of your body

🔘rest something on/ against something:
🔹She rested her head against a cushion.
🔹He picked up his briefcase, resting it on the desk.

2️⃣🅰️[intransitive] to be supported on, against, or in something

🔘rest on/ against/ in:
🔹John was now asleep, with his head resting on my shoulder.

3️⃣[intransitive] if your eyes rest on someone or something, you look at that person or thing for a period of time

🔘rest on:
🔹She let her gaze rest on his face for a moment.

4️⃣[intransitive] a word meaning to be buried somewhere, used when you think it will upset someone if you say this word

🔘rest in/ beside etc:
🔹He rests in Oakhampton churchyard.


🚩I will not rest until...
🚩may someone rest In peace
🚩rest your case
🚩we will not rest until...


rest on
★ rest up
★ rest upon
★ rest with

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
💢#Separate /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE #verb تفرق ; فصل ; ميز ; فرق ; قسم ; قطع ; افترق ; انفصل ; تفكك ; عزل عن بقية ; انسحب ; استخلص ; فك    1️⃣[transitive] to keep people or things apart from each other 🔹The army was called in to help separate the warring…

📕to make something separate

⚪️separate #verb [transitive] to divide something into two or more parts or groups, or to divide one type of thing from another. You use separate especially when saying that the parts are different from each other:

Motorola is planning to separate the company into two public companies.
The items are separated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.

⚪️divide #verb [transitive] to make something become two or more parts or groups:

The teacher divided us into groups.
The money was divided between them.
The house is divided into three apartments.

⚪️split #verb [transitive] to separate something into two or more groups, parts etc – used especially when each part is equal in size:

The class was split into groups of six.

⚪️break something up #phrasal_verb [transitive] to separate something into several smaller parts, especially to make it easier to deal with:

The phone company was broken up to encourage competition.
Police used tear gas to break up the crowd.

⚪️segregate #verb [transitive] to separate one group of people from others because of race, sex, religion etc:

Schools were racially segregated.
Some prisons segregate prisoners who are infected with HIV.

📘to become separate

⚪️separate #verb [intransitive] to divide into different parts, especially in a natural way:

A watery liquid separates from the milk during cheesemaking.

⚪️split #verb [intransitive] to separate into two or more parts or groups – used especially when each part is equal in size:

What happens when an atom splits?

⚪️break up #phrasal_verb [intransitive] to separate into several smaller parts:

In spring, the icebergs begin to break up.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
💢#Separate /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE #adjective [no comparative] مقطوع ; منفصل ; منعزل ; مفروز ; مستخلص ; معزول 1️⃣not together, or not joined to something else 🔹My brother and I always had separate rooms. 🔹My parents have separate bank accounts. 🔹They’re…
💢#Separate /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE #verb
تفرق ; فصل ; ميز ; فرق ; قسم ; قطع ; افترق ; انفصل ; تفكك ; عزل عن بقية ; انسحب ; استخلص ; فك

1️⃣[transitive] to keep people or things apart from each other

🔹The army was called in to help separate the warring factions.

🔘separate someone from someone:
🔹The child may be separated from his mother while she receives treatment.

1️⃣🅰️[intransitive] to move apart and stop being connected to something

🔘separate from:
🔹As he pulled, the pipe separated from the wall and broke.

2️⃣[transitive] if something separates two people or things, it exists between them so that they are kept apart

🔘separate something from something:
🔹A large river separates the north of the city from the south.

🔘be separated by something:
🔹Their garden is separated from the factory by a tall fence.
🔹They are separated by thousands of miles.

3️⃣separate variant separate out variant [intransitive/transitive] to divide something, or become divided, into different parts

🔹The two issues need to be separated to discuss them fairly.

4️⃣[intransitive] to stop living with your husband, wife

🔹Millie’s parents separated when she was three.

5️⃣separate variant separate out variant [transitive] to be the quality or detail that makes someone or something different from others

🔘separate someone/ something from someone/ something:
🔹This political skill separates him from other ultra-conservative politicians.

5️⃣🅰️to be the difference between the winner and the others in a competition

🔹Only three points separated the top two teams.


🚩separate the men from the boys


separate out

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
💢#Tail /teɪl/ BrE AmE #noun [countable]
ذنب ; ذيل ; دابرة ; ذيل السترة

1️⃣[countable] a part at the back of an animal’s body that can move "ذيل"

🔹The animal sprays liquid from a gland under its tail.
👈يرش الحيوان السائل من غدة تحت ذيله.

🔹the bright tail feathers of a peacock
👈ريش الذيل اللامع للطاووس

2️⃣[countable] the back part of something that is long or that consists of many parts "مؤخرة"

🔹the tail of a comet " ذيل/مؤخرة المذنب "
🔹 He was at the tail of the queue.
👈كان في مؤخرة قائمة الانتظار.

2️⃣🅰️the back part of a plane

3️⃣[countable] informal someone who is sent to secretly follow someone else, especially a criminal

4️⃣tails variant [uncountable] the side of a coin that does not have a picture of a person on it

5️⃣[countable] the bottom part of your shirt that you put inside your trousers

6️⃣tails variant [plural] a man’s formal jacket that is short at the front and has two long pointed parts that hang down at the back

🔹He wore a top hat and tails.


🚩be on someone's tail
🚩tail wagging the dog
🚩turn tail
🚩with your tail between your legs

💢#Tail /teɪl/ BrE AmE #verb [transitive]
يتعقب ; جامع ; تعقب شخصا ; قاد سيارة بالتلاصق مع الاخرى ; ذيَّل

= to follow someone secretly to see what they are going to do


#Do_not_say 'wave its tail' or 'shake its tail'.
#Say wag its tail.


tail away
★ tail back
★ tail off

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✳️ Adjourn #verb "يؤجل & يؤجل الجلسة "

🔸#Noun adjournment "تأجيل'

👉 #meaning :
if a meeting or law court adjourns, or if the person in charge adjourns it, it finishes or stops, either for a short time, or until the next time it meets

#Examples :
🔆The chairman has the power to adjourn the meeting at any time.
👈الرئيس له السلطة لتأجيل الاجتماع في أي وقت.

🔆The committee adjourned for lunch.
👈اللجنة اجلت للغداء
🔆The adjournment will allow more time to receive votes from shareholders on the proposal.
👈سيتيح التأجيل مزيدا من الوقت لتلقي أصوات المساهمين بشأن الاقتراح.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🔵Collocations with SAVE

♦️Save electricity .. يوفر كهرباء
🔘Turn off the light when you leave a room to save electricity.

♦️Save energy .. يوفر طاقة
🔘What are ways that we can save energy?

♦️Save lives .. ينقذ أرواح
🔘Spotting the disease early can save lives.

♦️Save money .. يوفر أموال
🔘We stayed in a cheapo hotel to save money.

♦️Save one’s strength .. يحافظ على قوته
🔘You’re sick so save your strength, and don’t try to do anything.

♦️Save someone a seat .. يحجز لأحدهم مقعد
🔘I will be late to the movie. Will you save me a seat?

♦️Save someone’s life .. ينقذ حياة أحدهم
🔘Wearing a seat belt in a car can save your life.

♦️Save something .. يوفر شيء
🔘It’s just a wonderful feeling to save something.

♦️Save space .. يوفر مساحة
🔘She saved some space in her suitcase for souvenirs.

♦️Save time .. يوفر وقت
🔘It’ll save time if we go by cab.

♦️Save yourself the trouble
.. يوفر على نفسه التعب
🔘You should save yourself the trouble.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

💢#Remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ BrE AmE #verb
بقي؛ ظل؛ مكث

1️⃣LINKING VERB to continue to be in a particular situation or condition

🔹The dictator has remained in power for over 20 years.
🔹The economy remains fragile.
1️⃣🅰️to continue to be something, even after a long period of time

🔹Japan’s low crime rate remains the envy of the industrialized world.
🔹Her answer remained ‘no’ even after we begged her to reconsider.
🔹Population growth remains a serious issue in Bangladesh.
1️⃣🅱️to have a particular attitude, opinion, or belief and not change it

🔹Andrew remained firm in his belief that the policy was wrong.
🔹We remain confident that our company offers the lowest prices available.
2️⃣INTRANSITIVE to stay in a particular place or position and not leave it

🔘remain at/in/with etc:
🔹You must remain in bed for three days after surgery.
🔹His family remained at home while he looked for work in London.
3️⃣INTRANSITIVE to continue to exist, especially after other things have gone or been dealt with

🔹My financial problems remained even after I had found a job.
🔹Only a handful of these rare fish remain in Scotland.
🔹Although the area has certainly improved, much remains to be accomplished.

   In #everyday_English, people usually say something or someone stays in a particular state, condition, or place, rather than remains in it:

     We stayed friends.

🚩it (only) remains for me to do something
🚩it remains to be seen (whether/what/how)

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
💢#Separate /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE #verb تفرق ; فصل ; ميز ; فرق ; قسم ; قطع ; افترق ; انفصل ; تفكك ; عزل عن بقية ; انسحب ; استخلص ; فك    1️⃣[transitive] to keep people or things apart from each other 🔹The army was called in to help separate the warring…

📕to make something separate

⚪️separate #verb [transitive] to divide something into two or more parts or groups, or to divide one type of thing from another. You use separate especially when saying that the parts are different from each other:

Motorola is planning to separate the company into two public companies.
The items are separated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.

⚪️divide #verb [transitive] to make something become two or more parts or groups:

The teacher divided us into groups.
The money was divided between them.
The house is divided into three apartments.

⚪️split #verb [transitive] to separate something into two or more groups, parts etc – used especially when each part is equal in size:

The class was split into groups of six.

⚪️break something up #phrasal_verb [transitive] to separate something into several smaller parts, especially to make it easier to deal with:

The phone company was broken up to encourage competition.
Police used tear gas to break up the crowd.

⚪️segregate #verb [transitive] to separate one group of people from others because of race, sex, religion etc:

Schools were racially segregated.
Some prisons segregate prisoners who are infected with HIV.

📘to become separate

⚪️separate #verb [intransitive] to divide into different parts, especially in a natural way:

A watery liquid separates from the milk during cheesemaking.

⚪️split #verb [intransitive] to separate into two or more parts or groups – used especially when each part is equal in size:

What happens when an atom splits?

⚪️break up #phrasal_verb [intransitive] to separate into several smaller parts:

In spring, the icebergs begin to break up.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
💢#Separate /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE #adjective [no comparative] مقطوع ; منفصل ; منعزل ; مفروز ; مستخلص ; معزول 1️⃣not together, or not joined to something else 🔹My brother and I always had separate rooms. 🔹My parents have separate bank accounts. 🔹They’re…
💢#Separate /ˈsepərət, ˈsepərɪt/ BrE AmE #verb
تفرق ; فصل ; ميز ; فرق ; قسم ; قطع ; افترق ; انفصل ; تفكك ; عزل عن بقية ; انسحب ; استخلص ; فك

1️⃣[transitive] to keep people or things apart from each other

🔹The army was called in to help separate the warring factions.

🔘separate someone from someone:
🔹The child may be separated from his mother while she receives treatment.

1️⃣🅰️[intransitive] to move apart and stop being connected to something

🔘separate from:
🔹As he pulled, the pipe separated from the wall and broke.

2️⃣[transitive] if something separates two people or things, it exists between them so that they are kept apart

🔘separate something from something:
🔹A large river separates the north of the city from the south.

🔘be separated by something:
🔹Their garden is separated from the factory by a tall fence.
🔹They are separated by thousands of miles.

3️⃣separate variant separate out variant [intransitive/transitive] to divide something, or become divided, into different parts

🔹The two issues need to be separated to discuss them fairly.

4️⃣[intransitive] to stop living with your husband, wife

🔹Millie’s parents separated when she was three.

5️⃣separate variant separate out variant [transitive] to be the quality or detail that makes someone or something different from others

🔘separate someone/ something from someone/ something:
🔹This political skill separates him from other ultra-conservative politicians.

5️⃣🅰️to be the difference between the winner and the others in a competition

🔹Only three points separated the top two teams.


🚩separate the men from the boys


separate out

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Essential_English_words ✴️ #Trouble /ˈtrʌbəl/ BrE AmE #noun 🔸اضطراب ; قلاقل ; مرض ; إزعاج ; الم ; هم ; مشكلة ; بلاء ; مصدر إزعاج ; خلل ; عناء ; علة ; ضراء 1️⃣[countable/uncountable] problems, worries, or difficulties 🔹The company has had serious financial…

💢#Trouble /ˈtrʌbəl/ BrE AmE #verb [transitive]

كدر ; أقلق ; عكر ; أثار ; أزعج

1️⃣to make someone worried

🔹What’s wrong? Is something troubling you?

🔘it troubles someone that:
🔹It troubles me that I haven’t heard from her recently.

2️⃣#spoken_formal to cause someone a slight problem or difficulty by asking them to do something for you

🔹I’m sorry you’ve been troubled – it won’t happen again.

🔘trouble yourself:
🔹‘I’ll call her if you like.’ ‘No, don’t trouble yourself.

2️⃣🅰️#spoken_formal used for making a polite request

🔹I’m sorry to trouble you, but can I borrow a pen?

🔘trouble someone for something:
🔹Could I trouble you for a lift home?

🔘trouble someone to do something:
🔹Could I trouble you to pass the butter?

3️⃣usually progressive if a part of your body is troubling you, it is not working as it should and is causing you pain

🔹His right shoulder is troubling him.


   In #everyday_English, people usually say not bother to do something rather than not trouble to do something:

     They didn’t bother to ask me what I thought.


🚩trouble to do something

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

💢#Pet /pet/ BrE AmE #noun [countable]
حيوان مدلل/أليف ؛ طفل مدلل
= A pet is an animal that lives with people.

🔹Out of all my pets, the dog is my favorite.
👈من خلال كل حيواناتي الاليفة, الكل هو المفضل لدي

1️⃣ an animal or bird that you keep in your home and look after

🅰️[ONLY BEFORE NOUN] kept as a pet or relating to pets

💥a pet dog/rabbit 💥pet owners
💥a pet shop

2️⃣#INFORMAL someone who you give special treatment to because you like them more than others (مدلل)

3️⃣#BRITISH_SPOKEN used for talking to someone in a friendly way

💥Don’t cry, pet.

#verb "كـ فعل"
📘pet BrE AmE [transitive] "
👈يُداعب ؛ يُلاطف
🔸past tense and past participle: petted
🔸present participle: petting

💥Our cat loves being petted.
👈قطتنا تحب ان تُدلل/ تُداعب

#adjective "كـ صفه"
📙pet BrE AmE لطيف/ظريف

1️⃣pet project/theory/subject ▶️
👈خطة او فكرة او ماده او موضوع انت بشكل خاص تحبه او مهتم بها

2️⃣pet hate #British_English, pet peeve #American_English ▶️ نوبة غضب
👈شي انت بقوة تكرهه لانه دائما يضجرك

💥TV game shows are one of my pet hates.

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
4️⃣7️⃣RESEARCH ‎بحث علمي ؛ دراسة ؛ تفتيش دقيق 📚#Word_Family: researched, researcher, researchers, researches, researching 📕re.search /rɪˈsɜːtʃ, ˈriːsɜːtʃ $ -ɜːr-/ BrE AmE #noun [uncountable] (also researches [plural] #formal) 📚#Word_Family: • noun:…
📗#re.search /rɪˈsɜːtʃ $ -ɜːr-/ BrE AmE #verb [intransitive and transitive]
يقوم ببحث

1️⃣to study a subject in detail, especially in order to discover new facts or test new ideas ⇨ investigate:

💥He’s been researching material for a documentary.

🔘research into

💥Ten years ago I began researching into the role of women in trade unions.

2️⃣to get all the necessary facts and information for something:

💥This book has been very well researched.

researcher #noun [countable]


🚩an area/field of research

🔹This is a very exciting area of research.

🚩a piece of research

🔹A recent piece of research shows why marriages break up.

🚩a body of research (=results from several pieces of research)

🔹There is a large body of research which indicates that passive smoking causes cancer.


#Do_not_say 'make research'.
#Say do research or carry out research.


  In #everyday_English, people often use the expression do research rather than the verb to research:

🔹She’s been doing some research into the history of the area.

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
#Lesson 36
#الدرس 36
#Verb + preposition

✴️ #about
💠talk 💠read 💠know + ABOUT

🔆We talked about a lot of things at the meeting.

💠have a discussion #ABOUT something.
🔆We had a discussion about what we should do.
ـ 🔸
🔰لكن ‘discuss something’ (فعل) بدون حرف جر :
🔆We discussed what we should do. (not discussed about)
👈بمعنى عملو شي او ماعملو شي لتحسين الحالة
🔆If you’re worried about the problem, you should do something about it.

🔰Take care (of)/(for)/ (about)

1⃣take care OF = look after, keep safe,
👈(يهتم) (يعتني)
🔆Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.
🔆I’ll take care of the travel arrangements. You don’t need to do anything.
💠Care FOR Sb
👈يهتم بـ (الحفاظ علئ شخص آمن)
🔆Alan is 85 and lives alone. He needs somebody to care for him.
🔆I don’t care For something =لايهمني شخص
🔆I don’t care for hot weather.=لايهمني
👈الاعتقاد بان شي او شخص مهم
🔆He’s very selfish. He doesn’t care about other people.
💠Care what/where/how etc.(about بدون)
🔆You can do what you like. I don’t care what you do.

🔸Look for & Look after

💠Look for = search for/ try to find (يبحث)
🔆I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me to look for them?
💠Look after = take care of (يهتم)
🔆Alan is 85 and lives alone. He needs somebody to look after him.
🔆You can borrow this book, but please look after it

✴️ #Hear
💠hear ABOUT
👈يكون عارف انه ماسمع عنه بس عشان يكلمه بالموضوع
🔆Did you hear about the fire at the hotel?
💠Hear OF = تعرف أن شخصا ما/شيء ما موجود
🔆a: Who is Tom Hart?
B: I have no idea. I’ve never heard of him. ( heard from him)
💠hear FROM … =
👈يكون على اتصال مع شخص ما سمعت اخر اخباره
🔆a: Have you heard from Jane recently?
B: Yes, she called me a few days ago


💠think ABOUT something
👈تنظر في الموضوع ، وتركز عقلك عليه:
🔆I’ve thought about what you said and I’ve decided to take your advice.
💠think OF something: (يعطي فكره /يفكر)
🔆It was my idea. I thought of it first.
🔆I felt embarrassed. I couldn’t think of anything to say.
💠ايضا نستخدم think of عندما تسال او تعطي راي :
🔆a: What did you think of the movie?
B: I didn’t think much of it.
(=لم يعجبني ذلك كثيرا 😕)

💠في بعض الأحيان يكون الفرق صغيرا جدا ويمكنك استخدام of or about عندما يكون المعنئ(يفكر):
🔆When I’m alone, I often think of you.
think about you.
💠يمكن استخدام
think of or think about doing st
( مع الإجراءات التي يمكن اتخاذها في المستقبل):
🔆My sister is thinking of going to Canada. thinking about going …


💠 dream ABOUT ≈ (حلمت وانت نائم)
🔆I dreamt about you last night.
💠Dream OF/ABOUT being /doing
= imagine ( يحلم بشي / يتخيل )
🔆Do you dream of being rich and famous? or … dream about being rich
💠wouldn’t dream OF doing something =
👈لا احب ان اعمله
🔆‘Don’t tell anyone what I said.’ ‘No, I wouldn’t dream of it.’


💠Complain (TO sb) ABOUT :
👈يتذمر لـ(شخص) عن.... او يشتكي لـ(شخص) عن..

🔆We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.
💠complain OF a pain, an illness etc. =
👈يتذمر /يشتكي من شي
😩We called the doctor because George was complaining of a pain in his stomach.

💠 remind Sb ABOUT
👈تذكير شخص عشان ماينساش
🔆It’s good you reminded me about the meeting. I’d completely forgotten about it.
💠remind somebody OF
👈سبب لشخص في تذكر شي
🔆This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.
🔆Look at this photograph of Richard. Who does he remind you of?

St➪ something
Sb➪ somebody
SO➪ some one
🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 35
#الدرس 35
🔰 verb + IN + Verb + INTO / Verb + FROM + at

INTO &IN & From & at

💠believe IN =
✴️تؤمن أن شيئا ما موجود ، نؤمن أنه من الجيد أن تفعل شيئا
🔆Do you believe in God?
(= هل تعتقد ان الله موجود ?)
🔆I believe in saying what I think.
(= أؤمن أنه من الصواب أن أقول ما أعتقد)

🔰but ‘believe something’ (=تصدق شيء)
🔸‘believe somebody’ (= تصدق مايقول):
🔆The story can’t be true. I don’t believe it.
👈 لانضيف بعدها "in"
💠 Specialise IN …
🔆Helen is a lawyer. She specialises in company law.
💠succeed IN
🔆I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.

🔰 verb + into
💠break INTO
1⃣Our house was broken into a few days ago, but nothing was stolen.

💠 crash 💠drive 💠 bump 💠run +INTO …
1⃣He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall.

💠divide 💠cut 💠split something INTO two or more parts
1⃣The book is divided into three parts.

💠translate a book etc. #FROM one language #INTO another

🔆She’s a famous writer. Her books have been translated into many languages

#verb + #from

💠suffer from an illness etc.
🔆There’s been an increase in the number of people suffering from heart disease.
💠protect somebody/something FROM
🔆Sun cream protects the skin from the sun

#الافعال_مع #at
✴️ #verb + #at

💠look (يرئ)
💠stare (يحدق)
💠glance (يلمح) + AT +something

💠have a look / take a look AT …
🔆Why are you looking at me like that?

💠laugh AT
🔆I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at me.

💠Aim / point (something) AT .…
💠Shoot / fire (a gun) AT...

🔆Don’t point that knife at me.It’s dangerous.
🔆We saw someone with a gun shooting at birds, but he didn’t hit any.

✴️بعض الافعال يمكن ان يليها ( at or to) باختلاف بالمعنئ:
📌 shout AT somebody
👈بمعنى يصيح علي لغرض معاتبة عندما تكون غاضب
🔆He got very angry and started shouting at me.
📌shout TO somebody
👈بمعنئ : يصيح لشخص عشان يسمعه
🔆He shouted to me from the other side of the street.

💠throw something ( AT ) somebody/something
👈رمى شي على شي. (to hit them)
🔆Somebody threw an egg at the politician.
💠throw something TO somebody (for somebody to catch)
👈رمى شي لشخص عشان يمسكه
🔆Lisa shouted ‘Catch!’ and threw the keys to me from the window.

#يتبع 👇
⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Verb +ON & #Verb +OF

verb + on
💠Concentrate ON … (يركز على)
🔆I tried to concentrate on my work, but I kept thinking about other things

💠insist ON … (مُصر على)
🔆I wanted to go alone, but some friends of mine insisted on coming with me.

💠spend (money)
🔆How much do you spend on food each week?

💠congratulate / compliment somebody ON
🔆I congratulated her on doing so well in her exams.
🔆The meal was really good. I complimented Mark on his cooking skills.

💠live ON money/food
🔆Michael’s salary is very low. It isn’t enough to live on

💠depend ON … , Rely ON …
🔆I don’t know what time we’ll arrive. It depends on the traffic.
🔆You can rely on Anna. She always keeps her promises.

🔰وتستخدم depend معwhen/where/how مع اوبدون on:
🔆‘Are you going to buy it?’ ‘It depends how much it is.’
(or ‘It depends on how much …’)

#verb + #of
💠 accuse / suspect ( somebody)
🔆Tina accused me of being selfish.
🔆Some students were suspected of cheating in the exam.
💠Approve / disapprove
🔆His parents don’t approve of what he does, but they can’t stop him

💠Die OF or Die from an illness etc.
🔆What did he die of?’ ‘A heart attack.
💠 Consist OF …
🔆We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses.

🔸phone somebody 🔸ask somebody etc.
🔆Please phone me before you come.
🔆Can i ask you about the lesson

💠call / email / text somebody

🔆I called the airline to cancel my flight.
(called to the airline)

💠But we say write (a letter) to somebody.

💠ask somebody (a question)
🔆If there’s anything you want to know, you can ask me. (not ask to me)

💠Answer somebody/something
🔆You didn’t answer my email.
( answer to my email)

✴️But we say reply to (an email / a letter etc.).

🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 33
#Verb_&_preposition 1 to and For
#الافعال_مع_حروف الجر 1⃣
#verb + #to

💠talk / speak / listen TO somebody
🔸(talk/speak with is also possible)

🔆Who were you talking to?
🔆When I’m driving, I like to listen to the radio.

💠Apologise TO somebody (for) Something.
🔆They apologised to me for their mistake.
💠Explain something TO somebody.

🔆Can you explain this word to me?
( explain me this word)
💠Explain / Describe (to somebody) what/how/why …
🔆I explained to them why I was worried. ( I explained them)
🔆Let me describe to you what I saw.
( Let me describe you)
💠 happen TO
🔆What happened to that gold watch you used to have?
Invite somebody TO a party / a wedding etc.
🔆They only invited a few people to their wedding.
💠prefer (one thing) TO another
🔆I prefer tea to coffee.

✴️#الفعل_مع_حرف_الجر #For
✴️ #For

💠thank somebody (for )
🔆He thanked me for helping him. (not He thanked to me)
💠Leave (a place) FOR another place
🔆I haven’t seen her since she left (home) for work. (left to work)
💠search (a person / a place / a bag etc.) FOR …
🔆I’ve searched the house for my keys, but I still can’t find them.
💠wait FOR somebody
🔸wait FOR something (to happen)

🔆Don’t wait for me. I’ll join you later.
🔆I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting for the rain to stop.
💠apply (TO a company etc.) FOR a job.
🔆I think you could do this job. Why don’t you apply for it?
💠ask (somebody) FOR
🔆I sent an email to the company asking them for more information about the job.

✴️But we say ‘ask somebody the way / the time’ etc. (بدون حرف جر):
🔆I asked somebody the way to the station.
💠apologise (TO somebody) FOR …
🔆When I realised I was wrong, I apologised (to them) for my mistake
💠blame somebody/something FOR … ,
🔸somebody is to blame FOR …
🔆Everybody blamed me for the accident.
🔆Everybody said that I was to blame for the accident.
✴️blame (a problem etc.) ON
🔆It wasn’t my fault. Don’t blame it on me.
💠thank / forgive somebody FOR
🔆I’ll never forgive them for what they did.
💠pay (somebody) FOR
🔆We didn’t have enough money to pay for the meal. ( pay the meal)
✴️لكن نقول
pay a bill / a fine / a fee / tax / rent / a sum of money’ etc. (بدون حرف جر)
🔆We didn’t have enough money to pay the rent.

⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 32
#Verb + (to +الفعل) &(الفعل+ing)

✴️عندما تتحدث عن الأفعال المتكررة المستمره
مثل(like / love / hate) تستخدم بعدهم (to +الفعل) او (الفعل+ing):

🔆Do you like getting up early?
or Do you like to get up early?
🔆Ali hates flying. or Ali hates to fly.
🔆I love meeting people.
or I love to meet people.
🔆I don’t like being kept waiting.
or … like to be kept waiting.


🔰نتسخدم بعدهم (الفعل+ing) وليس (to +الفعل) عندما نتحدث عن موقف موجود بالفعل (أو موجود).
🔆Paul lives in Berlin now. He likes living there.
(بمعنى انه يعيش هناك الآن وهو يحب ذلك)
🔆Do you like being a student?
(انت طالب اساسا - لكن هل ترغب في ذلك؟)
🔆The office I worked in was horrible. I hated working there.
. (بمعنئ انه عملت هناك وكرهت ذلك)

🔰في بعض الأحيان هناك فرق بين I like to do & I like doing:
🔰I like doing something =انا اعمل ومستمع به
🔆I like cleaning the kitchen. (= I enjoy it.)
🔰I like to do something =
( اخترت أن تفعل ذلك لكن ربما لا أستمتع به):

🔆It’s not my favourite job, but I like to clean the kitchen as often as possible.

✴️نستخدم بعد would like / would love / would
hate / would prefer فقط (to +الفعل):
🔆I’d like (= I would like) to go away for a few days.
🔆What would you like to do this evening?
🔆I wouldn’t like to go on holiday alone.
🔆I’d love to meet your family.
🔆Would you prefer to eat now or later?
🔰 #مقارنة بين I like & I would like :
👈بعد like نستطيع استخدام اما (to +الفعل) او (الفعل+ing)
👈بعد would like فقط نستخدم (to +الفعل)

🔰I like playing tennis. / I like to play tennis. (= I like it in general)
🔰I’d like to play tennis today. (= I want to play today)
✴️بعد Would mind يتبع بـ (الفعل+ing):
🔆Would you mind closing the door, please? (not mind to close)

✴️I would like to have done something
= بمعنئ يؤسفني الآن أنني لم أفعل ذلك أو لم أستطع فعله
🔆It’s a shame we didn’t see Anna. I would like to have seen her again.
🔆We’d like to have gone away, but we were too busy at home.
✴️وتكون بنفس الشكل بعد :
would love / would hate / would prefer:
🔆Poor David! I would hate to have been in his position.
🔆I’d love to have gone to the party, but it was impossible.

⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Verb + -ing or to 2⃣
✴️ تكملة للافعال التي قد تضاف اليها (to+الفعل الثاني) او قد يضاف لها (فعل-ing)
#باستخدامه مع (to+ فعل مصدر)
1⃣try to do = attempt to do , make an effort to do:
👈تعني : المحاولة لعمل شي ,عمل جهد لعمل شي

✴️I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I couldn’t.

✴️Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep.

🔰#باستخدامه مع( فعل مضاف اليه ing)
2⃣try something or try doing something
= do it as an experiment or test:
👈تعني : تعمله كتجربة او اختبار

✴️These cakes are delicious. You should try one.
(= have one to see if you like it)
👈(بمعنى اخر ≈خذ وحده وشوف اذا عجبتك)

✴️We couldn’t find anywhere to stay. We tried every hotel in the town, but they were all full.
(بمعنئ اخر= ذهبنا إلى كل فندق لمعرفة ما إذا كان لديهم غرفة
✴️🅰The photocopier doesn’t seem to be working. 🅱 Try pressing the green button.
بمعنئ اخر= اضغط على الزر الأخضر- ربما سيساعد ذلك في حل المشكلة)

#مقارنة :
🔰I tried to move the table, but it was too heavy
👈. (حاولت احركه بس كانت ثقيلة لذلك لم استطع)

🔰I didn’t like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room. But it didn’t look right, so I moved it back again.
= حركتها لاشوف اذا كذا احسن ورجعتها مكانها اي معنئ كتجربة)

#باستخدامه مع (to+ فعل مصدر)
1⃣I need to do something
= it is necessary for me to do it:
👈من الضروري بالنسبة لي أن أفعل ذلك

✴️He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress.

✴️I don’t need to come to the meeting, do I?

🔰#باستخدامه مع( فعل مضاف اليه ing)
2⃣You can say that something needs -ing:
👈تعني: الشي هذا يحتاج ان يكون ......

✴️My phone needs charging.
(= it needs to be charged)
Does your suit need cleaning?
(= … need to be cleaned)
✴️It’s a difficult problem. It needs thinking about carefully.
(= it needs to be thought about carefully)
#مقارنة :
🔰1⃣I need to charge my phone.
🔆انا احتاج ان اشحن هاتفي "ضروري بالنسبة لي أن تشحنه"
🔰1⃣but My phone needs charging
🔆تلفوني يحتاج شحن" يعني تلفونك يحتاج ان يكون مشحون او يشتحن لانه مثلا طلعت اشارة الشحن "

🔆 #help_and_cannot_help

✴️يمكنك أن تقول help to do أو help do به (يعني مع أو بدون to ):
🔆Everybody helped to clean up after the party.
or Everybody helped clean up …

💠Can you help me move this table?
or ➪Can you help me to move …

✴️I can’t help doing something
= I can’t stop myself doing it:
👈 لا أستطيع التوقف عن فعل ذلك:

✴️I don’t like him, but he has a lot of problems. I
can’t help feeling sorry for him.

✴️She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help laughing.
(= لم تستطع منع نفسها من الضحك)
✴️I’m sorry I’m so nervous. I can’t help it.
(= I can’t help being nervous)

🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Verb (+ object) + to …

💠في الدروس السابقة اخذنا الافعال مع to والافعال التي تكون مع (v+ing ) درسنا اليوم حول الافعال مع To والتي يمكن ان يتوسطها( المفعول به )

verb + to
🔆want 🔆expect 🔆ask 🔆help
🔆would like 🔆would prefer
👈بعدهم نضيف to + الفعل الثاني
💠ايضا نستطيع نقول
verb + object + to
want 🔆expect 🔆ask 🔆help
🔆would like 🔆would prefer
👈 نستطيع بعدهم نضيف( المفعول به someone) + to +الفعل الثاني
🔆We expected to be late.
We expected you to be late.
🔆Would you like to go now?
Would you like me to go now?
🔆He doesn’t want to know.
He doesn’t want me to know.

💠غالبا لانقول want that’:
🔆Do you want me to come with you?
(not want that I come)
💠تستطيع استخدام (help ) مع او بدون to

🔆Can you help me to move this table?
or Can you help me move this table?

✴️هذه الافعال لها تركيب (الفعل+المفعول به +to+الفعل الثاني)
🔆tell 🔆advise 🔆remind
🔆warn 🔆invite🔆encourage
🔆persuade 🔆get 🔆force
🔆teach 🔆allow 🔆enable
🔆It’s not a nice hotel. I wouldn’t advise you to stay there.
🔆Can you remind me to call Sam tomorrow?
🔆Joe said the switch was dangerous and warned me not to touch it.
🔆I didn’t move the piano by myself. I got somebody to help me.
🔆Who taught you to drive?
🔆They don’t allow people to park in front of the building
💠في هذه الامثلة الفعل مبني للمجهول

🔆I was warned not to touch the switch.
🔆Are we allowed to park here?
💠لانستخدم ( suggest) مع To :
🔆Jane suggested that I ask you for advice. 👉(not Jane suggested me to ask)


✴️We say ‘make somebody do something’, ‘let somebody do something’ (without to):
👈مع Make & to لانكتب To
🔆I made him promise that he wouldn’t tell anybody what happened.
(not made him to promise)
🔆Hot weather makes me feel tired. (= causes me to feel tired)
🔆Her parents wouldn’t let her go out alone.
🔆Let me carry your bag for you.
💠لكن بالمبني للمجهول نقول
👉 ‘(be) +made +to do’ ( to نضيف ):
🔆We were made to wait for two hours.
(= They made us wait …)

⬜️🟦🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦