احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 35
#الدرس 35
🔰 verb + IN + Verb + INTO / Verb + FROM + at

INTO &IN & From & at

💠believe IN =
✴️تؤمن أن شيئا ما موجود ، نؤمن أنه من الجيد أن تفعل شيئا
🔆Do you believe in God?
(= هل تعتقد ان الله موجود ?)
🔆I believe in saying what I think.
(= أؤمن أنه من الصواب أن أقول ما أعتقد)

🔰but ‘believe something’ (=تصدق شيء)
🔸‘believe somebody’ (= تصدق مايقول):
🔆The story can’t be true. I don’t believe it.
👈 لانضيف بعدها "in"
💠 Specialise IN …
🔆Helen is a lawyer. She specialises in company law.
💠succeed IN
🔆I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.

🔰 verb + into
💠break INTO
1⃣Our house was broken into a few days ago, but nothing was stolen.

💠 crash 💠drive 💠 bump 💠run +INTO …
1⃣He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall.

💠divide 💠cut 💠split something INTO two or more parts
1⃣The book is divided into three parts.

💠translate a book etc. #FROM one language #INTO another

🔆She’s a famous writer. Her books have been translated into many languages

#verb + #from

💠suffer from an illness etc.
🔆There’s been an increase in the number of people suffering from heart disease.
💠protect somebody/something FROM
🔆Sun cream protects the skin from the sun

#الافعال_مع #at
✴️ #verb + #at

💠look (يرئ)
💠stare (يحدق)
💠glance (يلمح) + AT +something

💠have a look / take a look AT …
🔆Why are you looking at me like that?

💠laugh AT
🔆I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at me.

💠Aim / point (something) AT .…
💠Shoot / fire (a gun) AT...

🔆Don’t point that knife at me.It’s dangerous.
🔆We saw someone with a gun shooting at birds, but he didn’t hit any.

✴️بعض الافعال يمكن ان يليها ( at or to) باختلاف بالمعنئ:
📌 shout AT somebody
👈بمعنى يصيح علي لغرض معاتبة عندما تكون غاضب
🔆He got very angry and started shouting at me.
📌shout TO somebody
👈بمعنئ : يصيح لشخص عشان يسمعه
🔆He shouted to me from the other side of the street.

💠throw something ( AT ) somebody/something
👈رمى شي على شي. (to hit them)
🔆Somebody threw an egg at the politician.
💠throw something TO somebody (for somebody to catch)
👈رمى شي لشخص عشان يمسكه
🔆Lisa shouted ‘Catch!’ and threw the keys to me from the window.

#يتبع 👇
⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 33
#Verb_&_preposition 1 to and For
#الافعال_مع_حروف الجر 1⃣
#verb + #to

💠talk / speak / listen TO somebody
🔸(talk/speak with is also possible)

🔆Who were you talking to?
🔆When I’m driving, I like to listen to the radio.

💠Apologise TO somebody (for) Something.
🔆They apologised to me for their mistake.
💠Explain something TO somebody.

🔆Can you explain this word to me?
( explain me this word)
💠Explain / Describe (to somebody) what/how/why …
🔆I explained to them why I was worried. ( I explained them)
🔆Let me describe to you what I saw.
( Let me describe you)
💠 happen TO
🔆What happened to that gold watch you used to have?
Invite somebody TO a party / a wedding etc.
🔆They only invited a few people to their wedding.
💠prefer (one thing) TO another
🔆I prefer tea to coffee.

✴️#الفعل_مع_حرف_الجر #For
✴️ #For

💠thank somebody (for )
🔆He thanked me for helping him. (not He thanked to me)
💠Leave (a place) FOR another place
🔆I haven’t seen her since she left (home) for work. (left to work)
💠search (a person / a place / a bag etc.) FOR …
🔆I’ve searched the house for my keys, but I still can’t find them.
💠wait FOR somebody
🔸wait FOR something (to happen)

🔆Don’t wait for me. I’ll join you later.
🔆I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting for the rain to stop.
💠apply (TO a company etc.) FOR a job.
🔆I think you could do this job. Why don’t you apply for it?
💠ask (somebody) FOR
🔆I sent an email to the company asking them for more information about the job.

✴️But we say ‘ask somebody the way / the time’ etc. (بدون حرف جر):
🔆I asked somebody the way to the station.
💠apologise (TO somebody) FOR …
🔆When I realised I was wrong, I apologised (to them) for my mistake
💠blame somebody/something FOR … ,
🔸somebody is to blame FOR …
🔆Everybody blamed me for the accident.
🔆Everybody said that I was to blame for the accident.
✴️blame (a problem etc.) ON
🔆It wasn’t my fault. Don’t blame it on me.
💠thank / forgive somebody FOR
🔆I’ll never forgive them for what they did.
💠pay (somebody) FOR
🔆We didn’t have enough money to pay for the meal. ( pay the meal)
✴️لكن نقول
pay a bill / a fine / a fee / tax / rent / a sum of money’ etc. (بدون حرف جر)
🔆We didn’t have enough money to pay the rent.

⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️