احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Logo of the Telegram channel احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

⚫️Meet and greet = to welcome ➪ترحيب

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆When the guest arrives, I'll do the meet and greet in the reception.
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⚫️ kill or be killed
= live or die ➪ حي او ميت /قاتل او مقتول

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Life in those days was kill or be killed: only the strong survived.
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⚫️ Loud and clear
#تعني : من السهل السماع والفهم
= easy to hear and understand

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆A: Did you hear what I said?
B: Loud and clear!

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⚫️ High and dry = stranded
#تعني : الذين تقطعت بهم السبل/ وضع سئ

*️⃣ #Example
🔆They left me high and dry.
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⚫️ hit and miss = unreliable, inconsistent ➪ لايصدق

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆The team's performance this season was hit and miss.
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⚫️ here and there = a variety of places

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆They looked here and there, but couldn't find her.
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⚫️ hammer and tongs= with great effort

🔆He's been going hammer and tongs to finish the report by Friday.
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⚫️ Give and take = compromise

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆There should be a certain amount of give and take, but don't let them push you around.
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⚫️ cool, calm and collected
= without stress or nervousness

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆She looked cool, calm and collected as she presented to the board, but said afterward she was having kittens.
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⚫️ first and foremost
#تعني :اولا = first

*️⃣ #Example:
First and foremost, let me thank you all for coming today.
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⚫️ crash and burn
= total failure ➪ فشل كلي

*️⃣ #Example:
I'm gonna crash and burn, if I don't get some study done.

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⚫️ cat and mouse
#تعني : يستخدم الإستراتيجية مطاردة ,اعداء
= use strategy chase

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Hackers have been playing cat and mouse with internet security firms.
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⚫️ for better or worse
#تعني : جيدة أو سيئة ، بغض النظر عن النتيجة
= good or bad, no matter what the result

*️⃣ #Example:

🔆For better or worse, he was reelected for another four years.
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⚫️The be all and end all
= the most important part ➪
#تعني : الجزء الاكثر اهمية

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Gavin thinks he is the be all and end all of Sales.

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⚫️ alive and kicking
= living and healthy ➠ عايش ومعافئ

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆A: How's old man Burns?
B: He's pushing 80, but he's alive and kicking.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹