I'm Iceland - Ég er Ísland - Soy islandia - Jeg er Island - Olen Islanti - Sono l'Islanda : Earthquakes Volcanoes Science

Логотип телеграм канала I'm Iceland - Ég er Ísland - Soy islandia - Jeg er Island - Olen Islanti - Sono l'Islanda : Earthquakes Volcanoes Science
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Project by @NorgeTelegramFreaks @WinterFreaks @DefenceTelegram @DisasterFreaks @WarningAlertTelegram @ClimateChangeTelegram @MeteoTelegram - @MissionAntarctica @WarningChannels @EarthquakeAlertTelegram @IcelandMeteo @IcelandairTelegram @NordicAviation
10 ár síðan Ken Keeler skrifaði Futurama þátt* en hann er enn í stuði

* (ég kýs að gleyma öllum þáttum sem snúast um bitcoin eða NFTs)


Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Jarðskjálftavirkni í eldstöðinni Kötlu
Í dag (30-September 2024) klukkan 05:35 varð jarðskjálfti með stærðina Mw3,6 í eldstöðinni Kötlu. Þessi jarðskjálfti fannst ekki. Þessi jarðskjálfti varð eftir minniháttar jökulflóð frá Mýrdalsjökli.
https://eldstod.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/240930_2050.png Jarðskjálftavirknin í Kötlu. Höfundarréttur þessar myndar tilheyrir Veðurstofu Íslands.
Það hefur ekki orðið frekari jarðskjálftavirkni síðan þessi jarðskjálftavirkni átti sér stað. Þegar þessi grein er skrifuð, þá er mjög rólegt í eldstöðinni Kötlu og hefur verið það síðan lítið eldgos varð í Kötlu í Júlí. Bæði lítil og stór jökulflóð geta komið frá Mýrdalsjökli án mikillar viðvörunnar.

Jón Frímann

Source: https://eldstod.com/?p=6415

Iceland Meteo Updates by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Flying over #Goðabunga after the big earthquake.
At least everything was calm at Godabunga when photographer Ragnar Axelsson flew over there today and took these pictures. #Katla visir.is/g/20242628483d/flog…

An earthquake of magnitude 3.7 occurred in #Godabunga near Austmannabunga (#Katla) in Mýrdalsjökull before 6 am this morning, followed by a smaller one with 2.4 mag. IMO says that they could be related to the glacier run that is ending in Skálm,
- FragenüberFragen


Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Earthquake activity in Katla volcano
Today (30-September 2024) at 05:35 UTC an earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,6 took place in Katla volcano. This earthquake was not felt. This earthquake happens right after a minor glacier flood from Katla volcano. There has not been any more earthquakes following this activity. Overall the activity at the writing of this article is quiet …
Continue reading "Earthquake activity in Katla volcano"

Jón Frímann

Source: https://icelandgeology.net/?p=13712

Iceland Meteo Updates by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Guide to Iceland (Facebook)

Ever since the early settlement of Iceland, the raven has long fascinated its people 🇮🇸

Learn all about how the raven appears in Icelandic mythology, folklore and superstition🐦‍⬛🧐🐦‍⬛
RT @CdnHeritage: Today, we wear orange to stand in solidarity with the survivors of residential schools and to acknowledge their stories. 🧡 #OrangeShirtDay #EveryChildMatters #TruthAndReconciliation

Wear an orange shirt today to remind us of the children who never came home. We must never forget the lasting harm caused by the residential school system in Canada.
#OrangeShirtDay #EveryChildMatters
- GCIndigenous

Canada in Iceland

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @GCIndigenous: Wear an orange shirt today to remind us of the children who never came home. We must never forget the lasting harm caused by the residential school system in Canada. ow.ly/rYTQ50TuaxO #OrangeShirtDay #EveryChildMatters

Canada in Iceland

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @CdnHeritage: Every step forward is a step towards healing. 🧡

Today, and every day, is a time to reflect on our shared history, acknowledge the lasting impacts of the residential school system, and commit to meaningful action. canada.ca/en/canadian-herita… #NDTR

Canada in Iceland

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @GCAutochtones: Portons un chandail orange aujourd'hui pour nous rappeler des enfants qui ne sont jamais rentrés chez eux. Nous ne devons jamais oublier les dommages durables causés par le système des pensionnats au Canada. ow.ly/Cbsl50TuaCt #JournéeChandailOrange #ChaqueEnfantCompte

Canada en Islande

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @Patrimoinecdn: Aujourd’hui, nous portons un vêtement orange pour exprimer notre solidarité avec les survivants et survivantes des pensionnats et pour reconnaître leur histoire. 🧡 #JournéeChandailOrange #ChaqueEnfantCompte #VéritéEtRéconciliation

Portons un chandail orange aujourd'hui pour nous rappeler des enfants qui ne sont jamais rentrés chez eux. Nous ne devons jamais oublier les dommages durables causés par le système des pensionnats au Canada.
#JournéeChandailOrange #ChaqueEnfantCompte
- GCAutochtones

Canada en Islande

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @Patrimoinecdn: Chaque pas en avant est un pas de plus vers la guérison.🧡

Aujourd’hui, et tous les jours, c’est le moment de réfléchir à notre histoire commune, de reconnaître les séquelles permanentes des pensionnats et de nous engager à prendre des mesures concrètes. canada.ca/fr/patrimoine-cana…

Canada en Islande

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

I love LIGHT - sometimes webcams are absolutely brilliant ..... ♥️

I wish you lots of great photos and a good night 🥰👋👋

𝓖ö𝓷𝓰𝓾 𝓓ó𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓻 ©® 🐘 ___ 🇮🇸 ___ ( 🇩🇪 )

Iceland Meteo on Telegram by @IcelandMeteo
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @GCAutochtones: Écoutez les ministres Anandasangaree, Vandal et Hajdu partager leurs réflexions à l’occasion de la quatrième Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation. #JNVR #JNVR

Canada en Islande

Iceland Government on Telegram by @icelandgovernment
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme