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Four #Border_porter known as kolbar were murdered in #Sardasht and #Piranshahr Border area
According to reports recieved by kolbarnews on Wednesday 2nd of August 4 Kolbars were killed by Iranian armed forces ambush in Piranshahr and Sardasht.
25 years old #Zanest_hasan_nzhad from #ghale_Rashy village, 22 year old #Zanko_Ahmadi from #Khane_khal village and #Sorosh_Melkari from #Sore_Cham a part of Sardasht lost their lives.
In other reports we have been informed that firing on Kolbars by Iranian revolutionary gourds in #Piranshahr border area left one Kolbar, called #Galal_Khezry from #Zive village, dead.
This brutal crimes should be condemned by #human_activists and #free_people of the world. We ask all of you not to stay quiet against these huge human crimes.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
💢 خلاصه یک خبر مجروح کردن یک #کولبر در #سردشت ⭕️شنبه 8 شهریور ماه، بنابر خبری که بدست ما رسیده است، نیروهای هنگ مرزی رژیم در منطقه مرزی سردشت بسوی کولبری تیراندازی کرده و وی را مجروح کرده اند. هویت این کولبر « خدر» اهل روستای « داوداوی» از توابع شهرستان…
A Border_porter known as #kolbar was wounded in #Sardasht
According to reports recieved by kolbar news on Saturday 29th of August, Iranian border regimant opened fire on a group of Kolbars in sardasht Border area. One Kolbar called #kheder from #Davdavi vilage, a part of Sardasht province, was wounded in his leg. He was taken to a medical center for medical treatment.
We will ınform you about the details of this event.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
In memory of victims of #Sardasht`s #chemical bombing Thirty-three years ago, on the afternoon of July 28th, 1987, a number of Iraqi Ba'athist aircrafts appeared over the skies of Sardasht and surrounding villages. In a criminal act, they dropped their chemical…
The people of Kurdistan and the world, as well as history, have registered the chemical bombing of Sardasht in the list of criminals as to be Saddam and his accomplices, as well as "Khomeini and Khamenei". Those who supported the war and chanted “war war to victory” and wanted to conquer Jerusalem through Karbala and spread their similar reactionary regimes throughout the region. Undoubtedly, the day after the overthrow of this regime, a page from the thousands of pages that list the crimes of the Islamic regime will be dedicated to the same mass and oppressed massacre of hundreds of people who died or were injured in the Sardasht chemical bombing. People will not forget that with the beginning of the war, Khomeini called it a divine and a heavenly blessing, and he actively used this war in the service of establishing the Islamic government in Iran. The Islamic Republic welcomed the war to break the Iranian revolution, to recapture all the democratic gains made during that period, to massacre the communists and all its opponents, and to crush all the demands and expectations of the 1979 revolution. With the continuation of the war the Islamic regime was able to drown those who did not want such a revolution to be confiscated by Khomeini and the Islamic idealism in their own blood.
On the anniversary of Sardasht`s humanitarian catastrophe of the chemical bombing, we express our disgust and hatred for the perpetrators and accomplices of this great crime, and send greetings to the memory of those innocent people who lost their loved ones during this tragic incident.

کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
💢به مناسبت گرامی‌داشت قربانیان بمباران شیمیایی سردشت سی‌ و سە سال پیش در بعدازظهر روز هفتم تیرماه سال ۱۳۶۶ چند فروند از بمب افکن‌های حکومت بعث عراق بر فراز آسمان سردشت و روستاهای اطراف ظاهر شدند. آنها در یک اقدام جنایتکارانه بمب‌های شیمیایی خود را بر سر مردم…
In memory of victims of #Sardasht`s #chemical bombing
Thirty-three years ago, on the afternoon of July 28th, 1987, a number of Iraqi Ba'athist aircrafts appeared over the skies of Sardasht and surrounding villages. In a criminal act, they dropped their chemical bombs on the innocent and defenseless people, created a great catastrophe, leaving the heart and emotions of Kurdish, Iranian and people of the world in a tragic sense.
Chemical bombs were dropped on four crowded parts of the city. The attack killed 110 civilians and poisoned 8,000 others. The victims of this tragedy still, after all these years, have to endure the painful effects of it forever and pass the suffer of its consequences to the next generations.
Sardasht is considered to be the first victim of chemical weapons in the world after the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. The chemical bombing of Sardasht was a turning point in the reactionary war of Iran-Iraq in terms of the use of weapons of mass destruction against ordinary people. Earlier that time, the Ba'athist regime had used chemical weapons against the Peshmerga and in battlefield against the front of soldiers of opposite side. However, it was their first time using chemical weapon against civilian and innocent people and it was a sign that crime was at its height in this reactionary war. This was the first time since World War I that chemical weapons had been widely used by hostile governments. A few months after the chemical bombing of Sardasht, the Ba'athist regime of Iraq created the Halabja disaster in which nearly 5,000 people died and more than 7,000 were injured and poisoned.
The imperialist governments and those who provided chemical weapons to these war criminals consciously remained silent about these tragedies for their own economic and political interests, thus helping the Ba'athist regime to repeat this tragedy on a much more horrific scale in Halabja. Although these governments themselves drafted and signed the Protocol on the Prohibition of the Production and Use of Chemical Weapons, adopted in 1925 in Geneva, they did not hesitate to produce or sell these weapons during the war.
Passing more than three decades of chemical bombing of Sardasht, the Islamic Republic of Iran has done nothing for the chemically injured and disabled victims of this attack but hypocritically playing innocent and sanctifying of the 8-year war and acquitting itself of the crimes committed during the time of war. Survivors of the tragedy still suffer from what happened to them. Every year, the regime uses propaganda for this tragedy in its ceremonial and theatrical events, and the only thing that is not taken into account is the life and fate of the surviving victims.
Although the perpetrators of this catastrophe, who were directly involved in its creation, have not remained in power and have been thrown into the trash of history, there are still other criminals who rule Iran and are no less than Saddam and his accomplices. Those who kill, imprison and torture the hardworking #Border_porters known as Kolbar and make their families and relatives suffer in the same region of Sardasht should be pulled down of power and be taken on a fair trial.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
💢زخمی شدن سه کولبر در مناطق مرزی کردستان ◾️ برپایه‌ی گزارش رسیده به کولبر نیوز روز یک‌شنبه ۲۵ خردادماه ۱٣٩٩ یک کولبر اهل ارومیه با نام #قابیل_مرجانی‌راد در حین کولبری در مناطق مرزی این منطقه بر اثر انفجار مین‌های کاشته شده توسط سپاه پاسداران از ناحیه پا قطع…
Three border porters known as Kolbar were wounded in the province of #Kurdistan border area
According to reports received by #Kolbarnews a Kolbar called #Ghabil_marjani from #Oromia lost his foot due to planted mines of #Sepah_e_Pasdaran on Sunday 14th of June.
According to another report Iranian armed forces opened fire on a group of Kolbars in #Sardasht border area and severely injured a Kolbar called #Rasol_Hasanzadeh on Monday 15th of June.
Other reports also say about an armed attack by Iranian border forces on 15th of June in #Baneh border area that also left one severely wounded Kolbar called Hadi_Rostami who is from this city.

4 #Kolbars are wounded in #Sardasht border area
According to reports received by #kolbarnews on Sunday 7th of June Iranian border guards opened fire on a group of Kolbars and wounded four. The firing happened in #Dinaran a part of #Alan, Sardasht and #Havbir_Ibrahimi, #Osman_Salehi, #Ibrahim_Rasoli and #Arsalan_ Abdollahi are severely wounded. They are all injured in their hands and legs areas.
A Kolbar was wounded in the #Chouman border line in #Baneh
On Friday, May 30th, according to the reports sent to #Kulbar_News, a #Kulbar named "#Ali_Khazarzadeh" from the village of "#Kulkarish" in #Sardasht was wounded by bullets of Iranian forces in "#Chouman".
It is worth mentioning that since the 21st of June, till today (the last 9 days), 13 border porters and Kolbars have been killed or wounded in #Kurdistan border line.
Kurdistan has become the slaughterhouse of #Kolbars by Iranian armed forces.
#Kermanshah #Paveh #Nosud_Huraman #Urmia #Javanrud #Salas #Ravansar #Ilam #Marivan #Baneh #Saghez_Bokan_Sarpol #Sardasht # Qasr_e_Shirin #Mahabad #Saneh_Sannadj #Kurdistan
🔴شلیک سپاه پاسداران بسوی کاسبکاران در ارتفاعات مرزی پیرانشهر 3 مجروح بر جای گذاشت

◼️واحدهایی از سپاه و هنگ مرزی بسوی شماری از کاسبکاران در ارتفاعات مرزی پیرانشهر آتش گشودند و 3 تن از آنان را مجروح کردند. هویت 2 تن از مجروحین عبارتند از : « رسول» و « کامل» چیلک از اهالی شهرستان پیرانشهر و هویت فرد سوم هنوز مشخص نشده است.
مجروحین جهت مداوا و درمان به یکی از مراکز درمانی در اقلیم کردستان منتقل شده اند.
Three #border_porters were wounded by Iranian armed forces in #Sardasht
Iranian border forces and members of #Sepah opened fire on a group of border porters and wounded three of them. Two of the wounded border porters are called #Rasol_Chilek and #Kamel_Chilek and are from #Piranshahr. The identity of the third wounded person is not clear.
The injured border porters were taken to a hospital in #autonomous #Kurdistan of Iraq.


Forwarded from اتچ بات
Shooting at Kolbars and killing them is reaching a critical point at its time
Earlier this morning, the Iranian regime's armed forces opened fire on a group of Kolbars near the village of #Bitoush in the border area of #Sardasht. As a result, a #Kolbar named "#Mansour" from the village of #Baghi in the city of #Sardasht was severely injured and was taken to a medical center in Sardasht for treatment.
Based on other reports;
Due to the shooting of the armed forces of the #regime in the border line of #Nosud, on Tuesday, May 19th, towards a group of #Kolbars, 4 Kolbers were wounded:
#Zakaria from #Ravansar
#Kayhan and #Salar from #Javanroud
And #Mohammad_Amini from #Sarvabad
It is worth mentioning that in the past month, a total of 21 Kolbars have been killed or wounded by direct fire border forces and the #Pasdaran_Corps in the border of #Kurdistan.
This amount of casualties during a month is a very worrying event, and if no solution is found to deal with it, in the coming months more #Kolbars will turn to #borders seeking for work and we will see their unprecedented killings in the border areas of Kurdistan.
#Kolbar_News once again calls on all #political #parties and organizations #Oppositionsand #Defenders #of_human_rights and the people of Kurdistan to set up a #campaign and widespread protests against the killing of Kolbars.
It is only by launching large-scale protests that we can prevent the killing of Kolbars by the Islamic Republic's armed forces in Kurdistan.
A kolbar is shot dead in #Sardasht

According to reports received by Kolbar news on Tuesday 13th of May 2020 Iranian regime armed forces opened fire on a group of Kolbars in #Bardeposhan village of #Sardasht that caused the death of one Kolbar called #Kamran_Molania. He was 32 years old, from #Gawalan village in #Sardasht and the father of one child.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
💢مصدومیت دو کولبر براثر تیراندازی نیروهای سپاه پاسداران در مناطق مرزی سردشت و چالدران ◾️بنا بر خبری که روز پنجشنبه ۱۹ دیماه به کولبر نیوز رسیده است، در دو حمله جداگانه که در روزهای اخیر روی داده است، نیروهای سپاه پاسداران به کولبران در مناطق مرزی سردشت و…
Two #Kolebars has been hit and injured by the fire of #Iranian #Sepah-e_Pasdaran (Islamic revolutionary guard corps) forces in #Sardasht and #Chaldoran border region.

On Thursday 9th of January we have been informed that in two separate gun attacks armed forces of #Iranian #Sepah has injured two #Kolebars called #Showan_Abdullahi (in #Sardasht border region) and #Mohammad_Maraz (Madlo village, in #Chaldoran).
#Mohamad_Maraz was hit in leg and back and was taken to a medical center in #Turkey for medical care. It is still not ten days passed the new Christian year that Iranian armed forces has hit and injured more than ten #Kolebars.
