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Two Border_porters known as Kolbars were killed and wounded in the border areas of Nosud and Marivan

  According to the report received by KolbarNews, on Tuesday, September 7th, a Kolbar from #Shabankareh village of #Javanrood named #Hossein_Salkani, 51 years old, was severely injured while falling from a mountain during portering in Nosud border strip.  He was taken to Taleghani Hospital in Kermanshah at 5 am on the same day due to head and neck injuries.

According to another report, on Wednesday, September 9, 2022, Iranian  regime's border guards opened fire on a group of Kolbars in the border heights of #Marivan, as a result of which a Kolbar from the village of #Jashniabad named #Sirvan_Golzari was killed.

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Kolbar events in last three weeks
• According to reports a three Kolbars were wounded on 2nd and 4th of February by direct shots of Iranian border guards. They are called #Raof_Darine, #Abobakr_Naderi and #Kamran_Ahmadi.
• Accroding to reports received by #Kolbar_news on 14th of February a Kolbar called #Aram_Caten from #Kani_Sanan, a village of #Marivan has fallen from heights and died while border portering. His body was taken to Marivan.
• According to reports we have been informed that around 13th of February Iranian revolutionary guards have attacked #Kanade_Sore a part of Bane and tried to rob villagers for their horses. Villagers resisted and as a result 3 of them called #Saleh_Ismailzadeh, #Khaled_ Ismailzadeh and #Abdullah- Ismailzadeh were wounded.
• A kolbars body was found frozen on Heights of Baneh border line on 17th of February. The 25 years old Kolbar was called #Shahram_Ghaderi and was from #Vashtape a part of #Bukan. He was dead for hours that his body was found by other Kolbars and was taken to #Salah_Aldin hospital of Baneh.



Iranian armed forces opened fire on a 17-year-old Border Porter
#Iranian armed forces opened fire on a 17-year-old called #Armin_Ahmadi #Kolbar in #Marivan border area and severely injured him.
Border soldier left him alone while he was badly bleeding and injured in his chest. Local people took this teenager to a medical center in Marivan for medical care.

A Kolbar was wounded in the #Chouman border line in #Baneh
On Friday, May 30th, according to the reports sent to #Kulbar_News, a #Kulbar named "#Ali_Khazarzadeh" from the village of "#Kulkarish" in #Sardasht was wounded by bullets of Iranian forces in "#Chouman".
It is worth mentioning that since the 21st of June, till today (the last 9 days), 13 border porters and Kolbars have been killed or wounded in #Kurdistan border line.
Kurdistan has become the slaughterhouse of #Kolbars by Iranian armed forces.
#Kermanshah #Paveh #Nosud_Huraman #Urmia #Javanrud #Salas #Ravansar #Ilam #Marivan #Baneh #Saghez_Bokan_Sarpol #Sardasht # Qasr_e_Shirin #Mahabad #Saneh_Sannadj #Kurdistan
8 Kolbars has been wounded and 2 killed in #Uramanat (#Oramanat) and Marivan border line:
According to received reports on Sunday 16th of February 2020 a group of Kolbars had been attacked by Iranian armed groups in #Nosod border city. The attack resulted in 2 Kolbars being killed and 7 of them being Wounded. The names of the wounded once are:
#Jabbar_Mohammady, #Zahed_Nory, #Jalal_Nory, #Shahed_Adak, #Taha_Salmany, #Ahmad_Sahrai from #Deshe village in the city of #Paveh and #Azim_Aminzadeh married and from #Neroy village a part of #Uramanat and #Rasol_Hoshy from #Javanrud. It should be mentioned that no further information is reported about their conditions so far.
Another Kolbar in #Marivan border line has been wounded by a direct shoot of Iranian regime armed forces. He has been taken to #Marivan #Hospital for medical treatment. This event took place at 20:00 o’clock Sunday 16th of February at #Dolebi village.
