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کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
⭕️کشته‌شدن یک کولبر در پی شلیک سپاه پاسداران در مرز پیرانشهر 💢طبق گزارش رسیدە بە کولبرنیوز امروز یکشنب 14 شهریورماه ۱۴۰۰، یک کولبر به نام "محمد عبداللە‌زاده" در ارتفاعات مرزی حاج‌عمران هدف شلیک مستقیم نیروهای سپاه پاسداران قرار گرفته و جان خود را از دست.…
A border porter known as Kolbar was killed following the firing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards on the border of #Piranshahr

According to a report received by KolbarNews, on Sunday, September 6th, 2021, a Kolbar named "#Mohammad Abdolzadeh" was shot directly by the Revolutionary Guards in the border heights of #Haj_Omran and lost his life.
It should be mentioned that he was married and had two children.

He is said to have been shot at close range without warning.

Four #Border_porter known as kolbar were murdered in #Sardasht and #Piranshahr Border area
According to reports recieved by kolbarnews on Wednesday 2nd of August 4 Kolbars were killed by Iranian armed forces ambush in Piranshahr and Sardasht.
25 years old #Zanest_hasan_nzhad from #ghale_Rashy village, 22 year old #Zanko_Ahmadi from #Khane_khal village and #Sorosh_Melkari from #Sore_Cham a part of Sardasht lost their lives.
In other reports we have been informed that firing on Kolbars by Iranian revolutionary gourds in #Piranshahr border area left one Kolbar, called #Galal_Khezry from #Zive village, dead.
This brutal crimes should be condemned by #human_activists and #free_people of the world. We ask all of you not to stay quiet against these huge human crimes.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
بریندار بوونی دوو #کۆڵبەر لەسنووری #چاڵدووران و #پیرانشار بە پێی هەوالێک کە بە #کۆڵبەرنیوز گەیشتوە ڕۆژی یەکشەممە ۲ی خەرمانان ۱۳۹۹ هێزەکانی کۆماری ئێسلامی #ئێران لە سنووری #پیرانشار لە بناری قەندیل تەقەیان لە دەستەیەک کۆڵبەر کردوە کە لە ئاکام دا کۆڵبەرێک…
2 #Border_Porter known as Kolbar were wounded in #Chaldoran and #Piranshahr border area
Tuesaday 25th of August, according to reports recieved by Kolbarnews Iranian #Sepah armed forces opened fire on a Kolbar on heaights of #Ghandil on Sunday 23rd of August. This attacked coused a Kolbar called #Mohammad_Salimi from Piranshahr to be injured in his leg.
Other reports have told us that in #Chaldoran border area, a Kolbar from this cıty was severely wounded by the bullets of the Iranian Sepah forces. The wounded Kolbar is called #Toraj_Mohammad_por and he is taken to a medical center in #Urmiah for medıcal treatment.
قتل یک کولبر در نوار مرزی پیرانشهر توسط اشغالگران جمهوری اسلامی

شنبه 21 تیرماه، مطابق خبر دریافتی، در جریان تیراندازی اشغالگران به کولبران، یک کولبر دیگر به قتل رسید. این جنایت در محلی به نام «بوزی میرگه سیر» در دامنه کوهستانهای قندیل اتفاق افتاد. هویت کولبر جان‌باخته «ابراهیم ابوبکری» از اهالی روستای « نه منجی» اعلام شده است. شایان ذکر است در 48 ساعت گذشته براثر تیراندازی اشغالگران جمهوری اسلامی در کردستان 6 کولبر کشته و مجروح شدند.

A #border_Porter known as #Kolbar was killed in #Piranshahr border line by lranian armed forces
According to reports received by Kolbarnews Iranian armed forces opened fire on Kolbars in parts of Ghandil mountain called Bozi_Mirga_Sir and killed one of them. Ibrahim_Abobakri from Na_Manji mountain is his identity.
We should mention that attacks and shooting of Iranian troops on Kolbars left Six wounded and killed Kolbars in the last two days.

🔴شلیک سپاه پاسداران بسوی کاسبکاران در ارتفاعات مرزی پیرانشهر 3 مجروح بر جای گذاشت

◼️واحدهایی از سپاه و هنگ مرزی بسوی شماری از کاسبکاران در ارتفاعات مرزی پیرانشهر آتش گشودند و 3 تن از آنان را مجروح کردند. هویت 2 تن از مجروحین عبارتند از : « رسول» و « کامل» چیلک از اهالی شهرستان پیرانشهر و هویت فرد سوم هنوز مشخص نشده است.
مجروحین جهت مداوا و درمان به یکی از مراکز درمانی در اقلیم کردستان منتقل شده اند.
Three #border_porters were wounded by Iranian armed forces in #Sardasht
Iranian border forces and members of #Sepah opened fire on a group of border porters and wounded three of them. Two of the wounded border porters are called #Rasol_Chilek and #Kamel_Chilek and are from #Piranshahr. The identity of the third wounded person is not clear.
The injured border porters were taken to a hospital in #autonomous #Kurdistan of Iraq.


کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
💢زخمی شدن یک کولبر در نوارمرزی پیرانشهر ◾️ برپایه‌ی گزارش رسیده به کولبر نیوز روز شنبه اول اسفندماه ۱۳۹۸ نیروهای نظامی رژیم در مناطق صفر مرزی پیرانشهر به روی دسته‌ای از کولبران آتش گشودند که در نتیجه آن یک کولبر اهل این شهر با نام #ولی_خلیفه ۲۸ ساله از ناحیه…
A #Kolbar was wounded in Piranshahr border line;
According to the reports received by Kolbar news Iranian armed forces has opened fire on a group of Kolbars in #Piranshahr border line on 22nd of February 2020 that resulted in one Kolbar being wounded. The wounded person is called #Vali_khalife, 28 years old, and from Piranshahr. He was injured in the leg and was taken for medical care in a hospital of Orumiah.

کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
💢مصدومیت یک کولبر بر اثر تیراندازی نیروهای مسلح رژیم در مرز پیرانشهر ◾️جمعه 20 دیماه، مطابق خبر رسیده به کولبر نیوز، روز چهارشنبه 18 دیماه، نیروهای مسلح رژیم در نوار مرزی پیرانشهر بسوی یک کولبر جوان بنام #امید_حیدری از اهالی نقده، تیراندازی کرده و وی را…
A #Kolebar is hit and injured by #Iranian armed forces in the border of #Piranshahr

Friday, 20th of January.
Based on reports given to #Kolebar_news #Iranian armed forces had opened fire and injured one of the young #Kolebars called #Omid_Heydari in the border of Piranshahr on Wednesday the 8th. He is originally from #Naghadeh and is hit in leg.
Numbers of ambush and gun shooting against #Kolebars has recently been increased. Armed forces of the borders of #Kurdistan region gun attack any kinds of movement in the roads and walkways of this place including Kolebars and border workers.
