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Dear students, In light of the directive from the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the order issued by the Rector of Taras Shevchenko National University, the use of Telegram by university authorities has been discontinued for official utilization due to concerns over cybersecurity threats. To ensure you remain informed, we encourage you to join our official community on WhatsApp. The link is below: Community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/C3Sd0XGm0kd7rFPDQDxaKS Please be advised that our Feedback bot (@pd_feedback_bot) for online consultations will be temporarily paused until further notice. In the meantime, for essential services such as student certificates, invoices, accommodation, and standard procedural documents, you can utilize our Automatic bot (@isoautobot) which will be operating for some time further. Additionally, you can reach out to us with any requests or questions through our official contacts and pages. Thank you for your understanding. E-mail: pd@knu.ua Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/internationalstudentsofficeknu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iso_pd/ Website: https://pdis.knu.ua/
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