🔅텐센트 2Q24 컨퍼런스 콜 중 살펴볼만한 부분
작성 : 주식 다람이(
1. 던전앤파이터 모바일(DNF Mobile)에 대한 코멘트
2. PUBG에 대한 코멘트
3. 기존 IP의 중요성에 대한 코멘트
4. 앱 스토어 수수료 조정 관련 긍정적인 요소
1. 던전앤파이터 모바일(DNF Mobile)에 대한 코멘트
❗️중국에서 던파 IP의 대성공, 더 나아가
불후의 히트작(evergreen major hit)이 될 것이라고 언급
❗️16년 전 학생이었던 사람들이 현재는 더 많은 지불능력이 있는 직장인이 되어 던파의
높은 ARPU에 기여함
❗️애널리스트들의 질문도 상당히 많은 부분 던파 모바일에 집중
- James Mitchell -- Chief Strategy Officer
1) Among new releases, DnF Mobile has emerged as one of the most successful mobile games in China. The game reactivated millions of DnF IP fans.
And more importantly, for long-term success, we're seeing high user retention rates due to proven gameplay, abundant content and active local publishing, which together position the game to become a evergreen major hit.
2) In terms of our position, then as you are aware,
the Dungeon & Fighter Mobile game given the strength of the IP, given the fact we knew that the most enthusiastic players will seek out the game and download it from the URL, whether it's in an Android app or not.
3) (…) On the other hand, as a narrative, not system-based games, one would expect
a substantially higher ARPU for Dungeon & Fighter Mobile than for those system-based games.
In addition, because Dungeon & Fighter Mobile is sort of
building on 16 years of legacy, and specifically of many people who played in DnF PC 16 years ago when they were in college
are now working and quite affluent, but only have time to play games on mobile phones, the spending power of those users is also greater than it would be for new games that appeal to more of a 20-something user base. (…)
2. PUBG에 대한 코멘트
James Mitchell -- Chief Strategy Officer
Among our International games, PUBG Mobile's DAU and gross receipts achieved double-digit growth year on year, driven by the new Mecha Fusion mode: The Golden Moon event and lion-themed top tier outfit.
Martin Lau -- President
international games revenue increased by 9% year on year in both reported and constant currency terms to RMB 14 billion,
benefiting from the robust performance of PUBG Mobile as well as contributions from Supercell Games.
3. 기존 IP의 중요성에 대한 코멘트
❗️새로운 성공적인 게임 작품들을 내놓는 것이 점점 더 어려워지는 상황
기존 작품들의 quality와 franchise value가 매우 중요함. 새로운 작품을 만들기 위해 매우 열심히 노력함과 동시에 기존 프랜차이즈는 실제로 점점 더 지속 가능해지고 있음
🙊다람 코멘트‼️
- 위의 내용 고려 시, 이미 다른 지역에서 성공한 게임들의 출시가 더 매력적이게 되는 상황
- 텐센트 컨콜에서도
중국 국무원의 디지털 콘텐츠, 특히 게임 산업 관련 지원 발언이 매우 긍정적이고 고무적이라고 언급.
- 올해 중국에서 외자판호 발급 2개월마다 있어왔고, 한국 게임도 2월/6월/10월, 4개월에 한번 판호 발급을 받았음. 이에 운좋으면 올해 12월, 아니면 내년에 한국 게임 판호 발급 있지 않을까 생각.
Martin Lau -- President
(…) And that's really the nature of the gaming business, right, which is, number one,
it's increasingly difficult to come up with the very successful new titles these days because the quality of the game and the expectation of the gamers are very high.
And at the same time,
the quality and the franchise value of existing titles are very strong. So that if you want to launch a new game, you actually sort of -- you have to come up with really good quality or a very differentiated gameplay in order to attract users. And as such, we just need to work very hard to come up with good new titles. While at the same time,
we do think that the existing franchises are actually becoming more and more sustainable.
4. 앱 스토어 수수료 조정 관련 긍정적인 요소
(→글이 너무 길어져서 다음 편에 이어서...)