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The amount of CO2e emitted since 1850 is around 2200 Gt (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2018), representing an average of 182 Gt per 0.1oC rise, or 17 Gt CO2 per 1 ppm increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2. Another 550-600 Gt CO2e, equivalent to 10 years of emissions at current rates, will reach the aspirational limit of 1.5oC. How climate change affects life on earth https://perma.cc/MDY7-SB4G The oceans also regulate the global climate; they mediate temperature and drive the weather, determining rainfall, droughts, and floods. They are also the world’s largest store of carbon, where an estimated 83% of the global carbon cycle is circulated through marine waters https://perma.cc/W726-YMPX Deforestation, which decreases rates of photosynthesis and thus how much carbon dioxide is captured by the growth of plants https://perma.cc/D6AC-8EZJ Thus, deforestation typically releases carbon dioxide, unless all the material is used for construction, or for paper products. https://t.center/WWFFacts/11 Which emits more carbon dioxide: volcanoes or human activities? https://perma.cc/8YGK-LUJ4 Human activities release far more carbon dioxide than volcanoes do https://perma.cc/TN7N-2JNE CO2 emissions from EU territorial energy use: -2.8% https://perma.cc/VP4C-BBY3 Global Carbon Emissions https://perma.cc/69JT-DCN8
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