The amount of CO2e emitted since 1850 is around 2200 Gt (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2018), representing an average of 182 Gt per 0.1oC rise, or 17 Gt CO2 per 1 ppm increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2.
Another 550-600 Gt CO2e, equivalent to 10 years of emissions at current rates, will reach the aspirational limit of 1.5oC.
How climate change affects life on earth
The oceans also regulate the global climate; they mediate temperature and drive the weather, determining rainfall, droughts, and floods. They are also the world’s largest store of carbon, where an estimated 83% of the global carbon cycle is circulated through marine waters
Deforestation, which decreases rates of photosynthesis and thus how much carbon dioxide is captured by the growth of plants
Thus, deforestation typically releases carbon dioxide, unless all the material is used for construction, or for paper products.
Which emits more carbon dioxide: volcanoes or human activities?
Human activities release far more carbon dioxide than volcanoes do
CO2 emissions from EU territorial energy use: -2.8%
Global Carbon Emissions