NATO OTAN Military Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization by RTP [Marine, Navy, Air, Space, Ground, Coast Force EU USA]

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NATO OTAN Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord USA Europe Military News by @roadtopetabyte Discord @NatoNewsVideo
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RT @PM_ViktorOrban: Important meeting today with NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg. We made an agreement that Hungary will not be forced to take part in NATO’s activities related to the war in Ukraine. Neither with funds, nor with personnel. Hungary continues to advocate for a swift #ceasefire and #peacetalks!

Hungarian Delegation to NATO

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @ABaerbock: I am relieved by the adoption of the UNSC #Resolution, demanding an immediate #ceasefire for the month of Ramadan leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire, and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. Every day counts.
Germany at NATO
North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @GermanyUN: “Death & starvation must come to an end. This requires a humanitarian #ceasefire, like the one Qatar - on behalf of many of us - is currently trying to negotiate. So that the hostages are released and much more aid reaches Gaza.“ - 🇩🇪 FM @ABaerbock at German Parliament #Bundestag
Das Sterben und Hungern muss ein Ende haben. Dafür braucht es einen humanitären #Waffenstillstand, wie ihn Katar - stellvertretend für viele von uns - gerade versucht zu verhandeln. Damit die #Geiseln freikommen und damit viel mehr Hilfe nach Gaza kommt. - @ABaerbock 3/4
- Auswärtiges Amt
Germany at NATO
North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @en_germany: “It’s important to reach an agreement very quickly now on a #ceasefire that would allow the hostages to be released while also allowing humanitarian aid to reach Gaza,” said @Bundeskanzler Scholz ahead of a two-day trip to #Jordan and #Israel.

Germany at NATO

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @GermanyDiplo: Today's #UNGA vote on the #Ceasefire resolution presents us with a difficult decision. We want the unbearable suffering of civilians in this conflict to end - in Israel and in Gaza. 1/4
Germany at NATO
North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
🇮🇹 PM Draghi to the 🇪🇺 Parliament: our priority is to reach a #ceasefire ASAP to save lives. A truce would give way to negotiations, that have not reached any desired results so far. #Europe can and it must foster dialogue.

@Palazzo_Chigi @Europarl_IT @EU_Commission
#Europarlamento, Draghi: La nostra priorità è raggiungere quanto prima un #cessateilfuoco per salvare vite. Una tregua darebbe nuovo slancio ai negoziati, che finora non hanno raggiunto i risultati sperati. L’Europa può e deve avere un ruolo centrale nel favorire il dialogo - Palazzo_Chigi

Source: 🇮🇹 Italy at NATO

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Backup by @natoarmynews
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