NATO OTAN Military Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization by RTP [Marine, Navy, Air, Space, Ground, Coast Force EU USA]

Логотип телеграм канала NATO OTAN Military Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization by RTP [Marine, Navy, Air, Space, Ground, Coast Force EU USA]
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NATO OTAN Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord USA Europe Military News by @roadtopetabyte Discord @NatoNewsVideo
Avez-vous raté le super contenu sur l’#ExMapleResolve diffusé la semaine dernière? Consultez notre liste de diffusion YouTube pour revivre les meilleurs moments de l’exercice 2023, et abonnez-vous à notre chaîne afin de ne rater aucun nouveau contenu:…

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Did you miss the awesome #ExMapleResolve content we shared last week? Check out our YouTube playlist to relive all the best moments from this year's exercise, and don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any future content:…

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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La police militaire appuie les missions des Forces armées canadiennes au pays et partout dans le monde en assurant la sécurité et du soutien opérationnel. Renseignez-vous sur son rôle et sur le scénario d’entraînement sur mesure que lui offrait l’#ExMapleResolve.

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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The Military Police support Canadian Armed Forces missions at home and around the world by providing security and operational support. Learn more about their role and how #ExMapleResolve presented the perfect training scenario.

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment s’effectuait l’élévation d’une tourelle sur un VBL? Voyez comment nos techniciens d’armement et nos techniciens en électronique et optronique ont collaboré lors de l’#ExMapleResolve pour procéder à l’élévation d’une tourelle sur le terrain.

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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Have you ever wondered what a turret lift on a LAV looks like? Watch the video to see how our Weapons Technicians and Electronic-Optronic Technicians worked together during #ExMapleResolve to complete a turret lift in the field.

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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À voir! Assimiler le triage et le traitement de blessures subies au combat est essentiel à l’#ExMapleResolve. Voyez nos techniciens médicaux parfaire leurs habiletés.

Mise en garde : des éléments de la vidéo peuvent choquer; les blessures sont simulées à des fins d’entraînement.

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Watch this video, stat! Learning how to triage and treat battlefield injuries is a crucial part of #ExMapleResolve. Learn how our Medical Technicians practice their skills.

Warning: Parts of this video are graphic, but all injuries depicted are simulated for training purposes.

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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« Nous gagnerons l’échange de tirs. Nous remporterons la bataille. » Découvrez à quoi ressemble la vie dans les tranchées lors de l’#ExMapleResolve. #CestFaitPourToi #FortsFiersPrêts #Motivation #Inspiration #Militaire #Canada

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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"We will win the firefight. We will win the battle”. Learn about what life is like in the trenches during #ExMapleResolve. #ThisIsForYou #StrongProudReady #TuesdayVibe #Motivation #Inspiration #Canada

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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From May 8 - 22, 2023, approximately 2500 CAF and partner military personnel took part in #ExMAPLERESOLVE. Here’s a glimpse of our members hard at work during this complex training exercise designed to ensure they are prepared to deploy in support of Canadians in any capacity.

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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8-22 mai 2023: environ 2500 membres des FAC et de forces partenaires ont pris part à l’#ExMAPLERESOLVE. Voici un aperçu du travail acharné de nos militaires durant cet exercice complexe visant à garantir leur préparation à tout type de déploiement à l’appui des Canadiens.

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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It's the late summer blockbuster you've been waiting for!

We're gearing up to share a whole week's worth of exclusive and awesome content from this May's #ExMAPLERESOLVE with you. Stay tuned to our channels next week so you don't miss out!

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
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Voici la superproduction de la fin de l’été que vous attendiez! Nous nous préparons à vous montrer toute une semaine de contenu exclusif et sensationnel lié à l’#ExMAPLERESOLVE de mai dernier. Surveillez nos comptes la semaine prochaine pour ne rien manquer!

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Saviez-vous que l’#ExMapleResolve existe depuis 17 ans? La 1re édition, en 2006, visait à former les forces opérationnelles déployées en Afghanistan. Voici quelques-unes de nos photos préférées au fil des ans.

Points bonis 💯 : Quel était le nom de cet exercice à l’origine?

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Did you know that #ExMapleResolve is 17 years old?  It was first conducted it in 2006 to train task forces deploying to Afghanistan. Here are some of our favorite photos from the exercise over the years.

Bonus points💯: What was the original name for this exercise?

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Des exercices comme l’#ExMapleResolve donnent à nos militaires l’occasion de s’entraîner et d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences pour être prêts à venir en aide aux Canadiens et Canadiennes. Joignez-vous à notre équipe et faites une différence : 2/2

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Exercises like #ExMapleResolve provide our members with the opportunity to train and develop new skills so they are prepared to deploy in support of Canadians in any capacity. Join our team and make a difference: 2/2

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Keep rollin, rollin, rollin, rolling. 🚛
#StrongProudReady ⚔️

Source: Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Backup by @natoarmynews
A @rtptme project - Other backups:
Les roues du char tournent et tournent, tournent et tournent, tournent et tournent! 🚛
#FortsFiersPrets ⚔️

Source: Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Backup by @natoarmynews
A @rtptme project - Other backups: