NATO OTAN Military Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization by RTP [Marine, Navy, Air, Space, Ground, Coast Force EU USA]

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NATO OTAN Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord USA Europe Military News by @roadtopetabyte Discord @NatoNewsVideo
Media is too big
In partnership with the Royal Navy and NATO’s Allied Maritime Command, RUSI held a conference at HMS President, celebrating NATO’s 75th anniversary and exploring the present and future challenges we face. #MARCOM #NATO75 #NATO #RUSI #conference

NATO Maritime Command

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @cydcampus: Registration Open! Cyber-Defence Campus Conference 2024 🤖
This year's Cyber-Defence Campus #Conference will take place on October 30, 2024 in Kursaal Bern. The main topic of the conference is "Emerging and Disruptive Cyber Technologies: #Quantum, Next-Gen #Networks and #AI."
North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @Defence24Days: We are pleased to announce another distinguished guest who has confirmed participation in the Defence24Days conference! Among the keynote speakers, we will have Lieutenant General Jürgen-Joachim von Sandrart, who serves as the Commander of the Multinational Corps Northeast. || Kolejny znamienity gość potwierdził uczestnictwo w konferencji Defence24Days! Wśród prelegentów zobaczymy generała broni Jürgena-Joachima von Sandrarta, dowódcę Wielonarodowego Korpusu Północno-Wschodniego.

#Defence24Days #Defence24 #d24days #security #defenceindustry #wojsko #siłyzbrojne #przemysłzbrojeniowy #bezpieczeństwo #conference #armedforces #NATO #WeAreNato #StrongerTogether
@hqmncne @vonSandrart

HQ Multinational Corps Northeast

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @BMG_Bund: Watch live: 🇺🇦-🇩🇪 #Conference on Mental #Health, Psychosocial Support and Rehabilitation in Berlin with @ZelenskaUA, @ViktorLiashko, Elke Büdenbender, @SvenjaSchulze68 (@BMZ_Bund) and @Karl_Lauterbach amongst others.…
Germany at NATO
North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Conference on the conflict in Ukraine by @JosephHenrotin at the Luxembourg Armed Forces' military base.
#UkraineRussiaWar#conference #StrongerTogether #zesummeméistaark

Source: Lëtzebuerger Arméi

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
What are the possible consequences on security policy regarding the war in Ukraine? 🤔Luxembourg Armed Forces and @Defense_lu kindly invite you to the conference of @ClaudMajor at the Abbaye de Neumünster on 9 Feb 2023.📆
#UkraineRussiaWar #conference #securitypolicy

Source: Lëtzebuerger Arméi

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme