NATO OTAN Military Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization by RTP [Marine, Navy, Air, Space, Ground, Coast Force EU USA]

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NATO OTAN Army News - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord USA Europe Military News by @roadtopetabyte Discord @NatoNewsVideo
Canadian Fleet Atlantic (CANFLTLANT) welcomed a new Commander during a ceremony held at #HMCDockyard Halifax, when Capt (N) Michael Stefanson turned over command to Cmdre Jacob French. #BravoZulu!
RAdm Josée Kurtz, Comd MARLANT & JTFA was the presiding officer.

Royal Canadian Navy

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @MarineRoyaleCan: On est si bien chez soi! Le #NCSMVilledeQuébec et le #NCSMMargaretBrooke rentrent à la maison aujourd’hui, au terme d’opérations réussies en mer. #BravoZulu #AiderDirigerCombattre
📸: cpl Mitchell Paquette

Commandement des opérations interarmées du Canada

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @RoyalCanNavy: Home sweet home. #HMCSVilledeQuebec and #HMCSMargaretBrooke arrive home today, after successful operations at sea. #BravoZulu #HelpLeadFight
📸: Cpl Mitchell Paquette

Canadian Joint Operations Command

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
On est si bien chez soi! Le #NCSMVilledeQuébec et le #NCSMMargaretBrooke rentrent à la maison aujourd’hui, au terme d’opérations réussies en mer. #BravoZulu #AiderDirigerCombattre
📸: cpl Mitchell Paquette

La Marine canadienne

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Home sweet home. #HMCSVilledeQuebec and #HMCSMargaretBrooke arrive home today, after successful operations at sea. #BravoZulu #HelpLeadFight
📸: Cpl Mitchell Paquette

Royal Canadian Navy

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Powered by nature, @SailGP sailors from rival nations go head-to-head at iconic venues around the world during a fast and furious global tour. 🌬️
🏁 First stop: a spectacular inaugural event in #Halifax with #HMCSOriole as the flagship of the spectator fleet.
#BravoZulu all!

Royal Canadian Navy

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
During #HMCSVilledeQuébec's Change of Command, Cdr Peter MacNeil assumed command from Cdr Rusty Hodgson. Capt(N) Mike Stefanson, Comd CANFLTLANT presided over the ceremony. Thanks Cdr Hodgson for your leadership and welcome Cdr MacNeil. #BravoZulu #HelpLeadFight

Royal Canadian Navy

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
La #EscuelaNavalMilitar ha celebrado en el día de hoy el acto académico de nombramiento de alumnos distinguidos y premiados a aquellos alumnos que han alcanzado los méritos académicos y comportamiento ejemplar.
¡Enhorabuena a todos! #BravoZulu #SomosLaArmada🇪🇦⚓️


North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Please welcome Commander Jon Nicholson who assumed command from Commander Guillian Côté, during #HMCSHarryDeWolf's Change of Command ceremony today. Thank you Cdr Côté for your leadership and #BravoZulu to both. #HelpLeadFight

Royal Canadian Navy

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Veuillez accueillir le capf Jon Nicholson qui a pris le commandement du capf Guillian Côté, lors de la cérémonie de passation de commandement du #NCSMHarryDeWolf aujourd'hui. Merci au capf Côté pour son leadership et #BravoZulu aux deux. #AiderDirigerCombattre

La Marine canadienne

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Suite à la cérémonie de passation de commandement du #NCSMStJohns, merci au capf Jon Nicholson pour son leadership et bienvenue au capf Jeffrey Anderson. La cérémonie a été présidée par le Cmdre Trevor MacLean, commandant de la Flotte canadienne de l'Atlantique. #BravoZulu

La Marine canadienne

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Following the Change of Command ceremony for #HMCSStJohns, thanks to Commander Jon Nicholson for your leadership and please welcome Commander Jeffrey Anderson. The ceremony was presided over by Cmdre Trevor MacLean, Command of Canadian Fleet Atlantic. #BravoZulu #HelpLeadFight

Royal Canadian Navy

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @GardeCotiereCAN: Nouvelles de la #ColombieBritannique : #BravoZulu à l'équipage de la station de sauvetage de Port Hardy qui a sauvé quatre personnes de l'eau dans de terribles conditions météorologiques mercredi soir.

Canadian Armed Forces Operations

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @DOD_Outreach: #BravoZulu to @USNavy Captain Brandon Drew on his retirement after 32 years of dedicated service. He's proudly served his country from Asia to Africa, Iraq to Afghanistan. Thank you for your honorable service. #WhyWeServe

Department of Defense 🇺🇸

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @CFB_BFCHalifax: #HMCSMargaretBrooke was selected as the 2023 Canadian Fleet Atlantic #FestiveLighting Winner. #BravoZulu!

Our ships have been dressing for the occasion, over the past years, spreading holiday cheer with their brightly coloured lights.

Canadian Armed Forces

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
RT @CFB_BFCHalifax: Le #NCSMMargaretBrooke a été désigné grand gagnant du concours de #LumièresdesFêtes de la Flotte 🇨🇦 de l’Atlantique 2023. #BravoZulu!

Nos navires ont arboré pour l’occasion, au cours des dernières années, des lumières de
Noël aux couleurs vives qui ont répandu la joie des Fêtes.

Forces armées canadiennes

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
Media is too big
Alors que nous appareillons vers la nouvelle année, réfléchissons à 2023! Merci pour votre dévouement et votre sacrifice alors que nous naviguons au sein des défis et mettons sur pied notre flotte. #BravoZulu

La Marine canadienne

North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme
As we set sail into the new year, let’s reflect on 2023!
Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice as we navigate through challenges and build our fleet.
We should all be extremely proud of what we have achieved this past year! #BravoZulu #HappyNewYear
Royal Canadian Navy
North Atlantic Treaty Organization by @natoarmynews
A @grttme project - Other backups: @ourtgme