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🟢PCOS & Hirsutism 1-Hirsutism affecting the face 2- *Signs of hyperandrogenism (( Increased muscle mass ,Cliteromegaly , Temporal baldness, Voice deepning )) *Obesity *DUB *2ryamenorrhea , oligoamenorrhea *Infertility 3- (Hormonal assays ): *plasma T-level *Free T-level *DHAS :for adrenal tumor (Raiological investigations ): *CT or MRI *IVP and abdominal U/S for adrenal tumor *Pelvic U/S for PCO and visualizing ovarian tumors 4- ■Elimination of specific causes by removed of : * Androgen secreting tumor *Drugs suspected *treatment of Cushing syndrome ,thyroid disease or Hyperprlolactinaemia . ■Androgen receptor blockers ■Suppression of androgen synthesis by : *Oral contraceptive pills *Corticosteroids *Spironolactone *cypretoron acetate ■Hair removal techniques 5- D.D of hirsutism : *Congenital adrenal hyperplasia *Androgen secreting ovarian tumors *Androgen secreting adrenal tumors *Cushing syndrome https://t.center/doctors1Z
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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