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♟Analysen des globalen Schachbretts ♟ ♟Analyses of the global chessboard ♟ 💥Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici💥
Media is too big
🎙️ Tauchen Sie ein in die kontroversen Diskussionen um #OperationWarpSpeed und #COVID19 #Impfstoffe in meinem neuesten Interview mit #TomRenz.
Er beleuchtet die dringenden Bedenken, die Rolle der Führung und die dringende Notwendigkeit von Transparenz.

Verpassen Sie nicht seine kritischen Einblicke! 🚨

Sehen Sie sich das vollständige Interview hier auf Deutsch und Englisch an:

Bitte folgen Sie auch meinem neuen #rumble Kanal für alle meine Interviews und investigativen Inhalte 🙏.

#COVID19 #OperationWarpSpeed #PublicHealth #Führung #Trump #Fauci #Pfizer
Media is too big
🎙️ Dive deep into the controversial discussions around #OperationWarpSpeed and #COVID19 #vaccines in my latest interview with #TomRenz.
He sheds light on the pressing concerns, the role of leadership, and the urgent need for transparency.

Don’t miss his critical insights! 🚨

Watch the full interview here in German and English:

Please also follow my new #rumble channel for all my interviews and investigativ content 🙏

#COVID19 #OperationWarpSpeed #PublicHealth #Leadership #Trump #Fauci #Pfizer
Media is too big
My Interview with
Peter McCullough MD
and John Leake

Pandemic planning, vaccination side effects, pharmaceutical corruption. #AUF1 correspondent Vicky Richter spoke to renowned US cardiologist
and investigative journalist and author John Leake about these topics, among others. The suppression of early treatment methods against #Covid19, such as #hydroxychloroquine, are also discussed.
#turbocancer as side effect of the #covidvaccine
Finally, the potential threat of viruses escaping from laboratories is discussed. #Birdflu in particular was highlighted as a serious threat to #biosecurity.
This is because the pathogen could easily be manipulated to be highly infectious to humans.

#corona #plandamic #who #gatesfoundation #vaccineinjuries #diedsuddenly
Forwarded from TomRenz
There is a special place in hell for the cowards that are not just poisoning themselves but are also attacking those of us trying to save lives. #DamarHamlin was jabbed & had a heart attack because of it. You okay with that for kids? Your unwillingness to read the government documents admitting we are right is absurd but I will still fight for your kids future... though if you've been jabbed you may not have kids in the future.

#Truth #COVID19 #ignorance #deathjab #GodWins

Forwarded from PHANTOM - SCHWEIZ 👔
Nun ist es offiziell bestätigt

🇺🇲 Das US-amerikanische Gesundheitsministerium CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) twitterte:

"Erinnerst du dich an den #COVID19-Nasenabstrichtest, den du gemacht hast? Was ist mit dem Tupfer passiert? Wenn es mit einem PCR-Test verarbeitet wurde, besteht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 10 %, dass es in einem Labor zur Genomsequenzanalyse landet. Erfahren Sie mehr über den Prozess und seine Bedeutung: @WIRED @CDC_AMD"


#BarackObama and #HillaryClinton are calling for more government control over information in the name of "democracy." This happens just as leftist powerhouses such as CNN and #Disney start to crumble.

Josh dissects the left's disinformation war.

We also speak to Dr. Marty Makary about how #COVID19 policy is driven by groupthink, and whether or anyone is actually looking into Covid vaccine complications.

Watch LIVE tonight:
Media is too big
The #GlobalCovidSummit was held in Houston, Texas, about a week ago. It served as a COVID post-mortem wherein the doctors laid out what they believe specifically went wrong with the government’s management of #COVID19 over the past two years, in regards to things like the suppression of early treatment, and the lack of transparency.

🔥 Watch here 👉

🔥 Escape the censorship! Try @EpochTV for free 👉
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Ich bin nicht geimpft.

Ich vertraue auf das Immunsystem meines Körpers gegen #COVID19 und gehöre keiner Risikogruppe an.

Ich bin entschieden gegen die verfassungswidrige Impfpflicht und werde an der Seite derer kämpfen, die wegen ihrer Entscheidung, sich nicht impfen zu lassen, verfolgt werden.

Ich trage nur dann eine Maske, wenn ich fliegen muss.

Ich habe 60.500 Dollar an Bußgeldern von Nancy Pelosi, die eine Heuchlerin ist, weil sie manchmal keine Maske trägt.

Hier ist sie bei der Abstimmung über das Infrastrukturgesetz, ohne Maske.

Ich werde sie auch verklagen.
Forwarded from Marjorie Taylor Greene
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I am not vaccinated.

I choose to trust my own body’s immune system against #COVID19 and do not fall into any risk groups.

I solidly stand against the unconstitutional vaccine mandates, and I will be fighting alongside those persecuted for choosing not to take the jab.

The only time I wear a mask is when I have to fly.

I have $60,500 in mask fines from Nancy Pelosi, who is a hypocrite because she does not wear a mask at times.

Here she is during the vote on Infrastructure bill, with her mask down.

I’m also suing her.
Media is too big
Attorneys, medical doctors, and family members of #COVID19 victims have described and offered recordings of what the Truth for Health Foundation calls “horrific hospital #violations of #HumanRights.”

🔥Watch here👉
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A new peer-reviewed #Study, which came out of Europe, found that the vast majority of people who’ve had a previous #COVID19 infection have both robust and lasting protection from the virus.

Specifically, it found that the vast majority of people will continue to carry #Antibodies against the virus for at least 12 months.

Speech before UN: Biden affirms end of "relentless war" - and wants to focus on China
#_911 #afghanistan #australia #COVID19 #COVID19pandemic #china #france #Bush #UK #isis #international #IS #Kabul #NewYork #security #terror #uno #usa #weapons

U.S. President Joe Biden, in his first address to the United Nations in New York, hailed the end of the "relentless war"․ At the same time, he promised to devote renewed attention to the "Indo-Pacific region" in light of tensions between the United States and China․
Forwarded from RT Deutsch
Rede vor UN: Biden beteuert Ende des "unerbittlichen Krieges" – und will Fokus auf China legen
#_911 #afghanistan #australien #COVID19 #COVID19Pandemie #china #frankreich #Bush #grossbritannien #isis #international #IS #Kabul #NewYork #Sicherheit #terror #uno #usa #waffen

US-Präsident Joe Biden hat in seiner ersten Rede vor den Vereinten Nationen in New York das Ende des "unerbittlichen Krieges" begrüßt․ Gleichzeitig versprach er, angesichts der Spannungen zwischen den USA und China der "indopazifischen Region" neue Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen
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NEW - Fully vaccinated President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, self-isolates after #COVID19 detected in the entourage, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

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JUST IN - #BioNTech, which collaborates with #Pfizer, is set to request approval to use its #COVID19 vaccine in children as young as five, the company announced.

JUST IN - Biden on #COVID19 vaccine mandates: "This is not about freedom or personal choice, this is about protecting yourself and others." @disclosetv
JUST IN - Biden über #COVID19 Impfstoffmandate: "Hier geht es nicht um Freiheit oder persönliche Entscheidungen, sondern darum, sich selbst und andere zu schützen."

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JUST IN - Biden on #COVID19 vaccine mandates: "This is not about freedom or personal choice, this is about protecting yourself and others."
