Mission Europa on Telegram by GRT : protecting planet, nature and animal rights worldwide with science and facts

Логотип телеграм канала Mission Europa on Telegram by GRT : protecting planet, nature and animal rights worldwide with science and facts
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By @ClimateChangeTelegram @MeteoTelegram @AnimalFreaks @GenRevolutionOfficial @WWFFacts @ElonMuskPollution @PollutionFacts @MissionWillowProject @ArcticAbuse @BetterPlanetTelegram @MissionPlaneta @ClimateChannels @MisionEurope 🎦 @MissionVideos
L'ultimo ghiacciaio del #Venezuela è scomparso. #LaCorona si è ridotta da più di 1.100 ettari a meno di cinque; così il Venezuela è diventato l'unico paese della catena andina senza #ghiacciaio, secondo gli scienziati.
➡️ https://t.co/0kHa2qyW60 https://t.co/hF5XQBA3vw

ANSA Ambiente & Energia

Missione Italia / Svizzera su Telegram by @MissioneITA
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @JD_Kirkham: The first country in the Andes to lose all of its glaciers #ClimateEmergency

#Venezuela has officially lost its last glacier after La Corona glacier on Humboldt peak, 4,900 meters above sea level, became too small to be classed as a #glacier.

This makes Venezuela the first country in the Andes mountain range to lose all its glaciers.
- International Cryosphere Climate Initiative

Antarctic Science

Mission Antarctica by @MissionAntarctica
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Te presentamos al #colibrí de raquetas, también conocido como colibrí cola de hoja o colibrí cola de raqueta 🦜

Se distribuye por la cordillera de la Costa del norte de #Venezuela, y desde los Andes de Venezuela, por las 3 cordilleras andinas de #Colombia, y suroeste de #Ecuador https://t.co/RxgK3IKcXn

WWF España 🐼

Mission Español / Latino on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
3 charts based on CAMS data you shouldn’t miss this month:

📈CAMS CO forecast shows smoke from fires in #Venezuela, #Colombia and northern #Brazil  - @m_parrington
📈Repeated winter Saharan dust intrusions raise questions - CAMS
📈Po Valley #AirQuality degraded - @ESA_EO

Copernicus ECMWF

Climate Change Science on Telegram by @ClimateChangeScience
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @CopernicusEU: #ImageOfTheDay

South America is suffering from a severe drought🥀, worsened by #ElNiño

Comparing the #Copernicus #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️images of January ↙️ 2023 🟩 & ↘️ 2024 🟫 provides evidence of the consequences of the lack of rain affecting #Venezuela 🇻🇪


Climate Change Science on Telegram by @ClimateChangeScience
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme