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Two #border_porters known as #Kolbar were injured in #Baneh border strip

According to a report received by Kolbar News, on Tuesday, August 31, the Iranian regime's border guards fired directly at a group of Kolbars in the border heights of #Hongalejal in Baneh. This caused two Kolbars, #Behmen from #Armerde of Baneh and #Arman from #Bukan, to be wounded.

It should be noted that the above-mentioned were transferred to Baneh medical centers for treatment.

کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
بریندار بوونی دوو #کۆڵبەر لەسنووری #هەورامان بە پێی هەوالێک کە بە #کۆڵبەرنیوز گەیشتوە ڕۆژی شەممە ۱ ی خەرمانان ۱۳۹۹ هێزەکانی کۆماری ئێسلامی #ئێران لە سنووری #نەوسووود بە چەکی پەڕان (تاپڕ) تەقەیان لە دەستەیەک کۆڵبەر کردوە کە لە ئاکام دا کۆڵبەرێک بە ناوی…
Two #Border_porters known as #Kolbars were wounded in #Oramanat Border area
According to reports received by @Kolbarnews Iranian border regiment in #Nosod border area savagely opened fire with shotguns on a group of Kolbars on Saturday 22nd of August. One Kolbar called ,#Behroz_Moradi from #Salas_Babajani is severely injured in his shoulder.
According to other reports IRI regime`s armed forces on 19th of August 23, 2020 in #Paveh Border area shot a Kolbar called #Arman_Mohammadi and wounded him in his both legs. He cannot walk for now.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
🔴تیراندازی بسوی دسته ای از کولبران در نوار مرزی ارومیه سە کشته و مجروح بر جای گذاشت. ◼️شنبه 25 مرداد ماه، بنابر خبر دریافتی سحرگاه امروز نیروهای مسلح رژیم در روستای مرزی «کوران» از توابع ارومیه دستەای از کولبران را بە رگبار بستند. براثر این آتشباری یک…
Firing on a group of #Border_porters known Kolbars in a border of #Urmia left three dead and wounded
On Saturday, August 15th, according to reports received by Kolbarnews, Iranian regime's armed forces opened fire on a group of Kolbars in the border village of "#Kuran" in the Urmia region in early morning.
As a result of this fire, a Kolbar Called "#Siraj_Ahmadi" lost his life and two other Kolbars were injured.
Details related to this incident will soon be reported.
Another #Border_porter known as Kolbar was killed
Thursday 13th of August 13, 2020, Iranian armed forces opened fire on a group of Kolbars in #Hangejal border area in #Baneh. This attack left one Kolbar dead. He is called #Hadi_Khedri and is from #Ziviye village.
The killing of #Border_porters in on the rise as evidence indicate and immediate action needs to be taken.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
The ambush of the Border Regiment forces for #border_porters known as Kolbars on the #Paveh-#Nudsheh route resulted in the death of a Kolbar.
On Monday, July 7, according to reports received by #Kolbarnews, the forces of the Islamic Republic Border Regiment ambushed the Kolbars on the Paveh-Nodsheh route and on the #Zolteh Bridge, blocking the way for the Kolbars and attacking them. As a result of this attack and their pursuit, the Kolbars were forced to flee and take refuge under the bridge. During this chase, a Kolbar fells into the #Sirvan river and dies. The identity of the dead Kolbar is #Ayat_Yousefi, a resident of #Zamkan village, a part of #Salas_Babajani .
🆔 @kolbarnews
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
💢به مناسبت گرامی‌داشت قربانیان بمباران شیمیایی سردشت سی‌ و سە سال پیش در بعدازظهر روز هفتم تیرماه سال ۱۳۶۶ چند فروند از بمب افکن‌های حکومت بعث عراق بر فراز آسمان سردشت و روستاهای اطراف ظاهر شدند. آنها در یک اقدام جنایتکارانه بمب‌های شیمیایی خود را بر سر مردم…
In memory of victims of #Sardasht`s #chemical bombing
Thirty-three years ago, on the afternoon of July 28th, 1987, a number of Iraqi Ba'athist aircrafts appeared over the skies of Sardasht and surrounding villages. In a criminal act, they dropped their chemical bombs on the innocent and defenseless people, created a great catastrophe, leaving the heart and emotions of Kurdish, Iranian and people of the world in a tragic sense.
Chemical bombs were dropped on four crowded parts of the city. The attack killed 110 civilians and poisoned 8,000 others. The victims of this tragedy still, after all these years, have to endure the painful effects of it forever and pass the suffer of its consequences to the next generations.
Sardasht is considered to be the first victim of chemical weapons in the world after the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. The chemical bombing of Sardasht was a turning point in the reactionary war of Iran-Iraq in terms of the use of weapons of mass destruction against ordinary people. Earlier that time, the Ba'athist regime had used chemical weapons against the Peshmerga and in battlefield against the front of soldiers of opposite side. However, it was their first time using chemical weapon against civilian and innocent people and it was a sign that crime was at its height in this reactionary war. This was the first time since World War I that chemical weapons had been widely used by hostile governments. A few months after the chemical bombing of Sardasht, the Ba'athist regime of Iraq created the Halabja disaster in which nearly 5,000 people died and more than 7,000 were injured and poisoned.
The imperialist governments and those who provided chemical weapons to these war criminals consciously remained silent about these tragedies for their own economic and political interests, thus helping the Ba'athist regime to repeat this tragedy on a much more horrific scale in Halabja. Although these governments themselves drafted and signed the Protocol on the Prohibition of the Production and Use of Chemical Weapons, adopted in 1925 in Geneva, they did not hesitate to produce or sell these weapons during the war.
Passing more than three decades of chemical bombing of Sardasht, the Islamic Republic of Iran has done nothing for the chemically injured and disabled victims of this attack but hypocritically playing innocent and sanctifying of the 8-year war and acquitting itself of the crimes committed during the time of war. Survivors of the tragedy still suffer from what happened to them. Every year, the regime uses propaganda for this tragedy in its ceremonial and theatrical events, and the only thing that is not taken into account is the life and fate of the surviving victims.
Although the perpetrators of this catastrophe, who were directly involved in its creation, have not remained in power and have been thrown into the trash of history, there are still other criminals who rule Iran and are no less than Saddam and his accomplices. Those who kill, imprison and torture the hardworking #Border_porters known as Kolbar and make their families and relatives suffer in the same region of Sardasht should be pulled down of power and be taken on a fair trial.
🔴شلیک سپاه پاسداران بسوی کاسبکاران در ارتفاعات مرزی پیرانشهر 3 مجروح بر جای گذاشت

◼️واحدهایی از سپاه و هنگ مرزی بسوی شماری از کاسبکاران در ارتفاعات مرزی پیرانشهر آتش گشودند و 3 تن از آنان را مجروح کردند. هویت 2 تن از مجروحین عبارتند از : « رسول» و « کامل» چیلک از اهالی شهرستان پیرانشهر و هویت فرد سوم هنوز مشخص نشده است.
مجروحین جهت مداوا و درمان به یکی از مراکز درمانی در اقلیم کردستان منتقل شده اند.
Three #border_porters were wounded by Iranian armed forces in #Sardasht
Iranian border forces and members of #Sepah opened fire on a group of border porters and wounded three of them. Two of the wounded border porters are called #Rasol_Chilek and #Kamel_Chilek and are from #Piranshahr. The identity of the third wounded person is not clear.
The injured border porters were taken to a hospital in #autonomous #Kurdistan of Iraq.

