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Four #Border_porter known as kolbar were murdered in #Sardasht and #Piranshahr Border area
According to reports recieved by kolbarnews on Wednesday 2nd of August 4 Kolbars were killed by Iranian armed forces ambush in Piranshahr and Sardasht.
25 years old #Zanest_hasan_nzhad from #ghale_Rashy village, 22 year old #Zanko_Ahmadi from #Khane_khal village and #Sorosh_Melkari from #Sore_Cham a part of Sardasht lost their lives.
In other reports we have been informed that firing on Kolbars by Iranian revolutionary gourds in #Piranshahr border area left one Kolbar, called #Galal_Khezry from #Zive village, dead.
This brutal crimes should be condemned by #human_activists and #free_people of the world. We ask all of you not to stay quiet against these huge human crimes.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
بریندار بوونی دوو #کۆڵبەر لەسنووری #چاڵدووران و #پیرانشار بە پێی هەوالێک کە بە #کۆڵبەرنیوز گەیشتوە ڕۆژی یەکشەممە ۲ی خەرمانان ۱۳۹۹ هێزەکانی کۆماری ئێسلامی #ئێران لە سنووری #پیرانشار لە بناری قەندیل تەقەیان لە دەستەیەک کۆڵبەر کردوە کە لە ئاکام دا کۆڵبەرێک…
2 #Border_Porter known as Kolbar were wounded in #Chaldoran and #Piranshahr border area
Tuesaday 25th of August, according to reports recieved by Kolbarnews Iranian #Sepah armed forces opened fire on a Kolbar on heaights of #Ghandil on Sunday 23rd of August. This attacked coused a Kolbar called #Mohammad_Salimi from Piranshahr to be injured in his leg.
Other reports have told us that in #Chaldoran border area, a Kolbar from this cıty was severely wounded by the bullets of the Iranian Sepah forces. The wounded Kolbar is called #Toraj_Mohammad_por and he is taken to a medical center in #Urmiah for medıcal treatment.
Another #Border_porter known as Kolbar was killed
Thursday 13th of August 13, 2020, Iranian armed forces opened fire on a group of Kolbars in #Hangejal border area in #Baneh. This attack left one Kolbar dead. He is called #Hadi_Khedri and is from #Ziviye village.
The killing of #Border_porters in on the rise as evidence indicate and immediate action needs to be taken.
A #kolbar was brutally murdered in #Amokhnzad border area #Chaldoran
According to reports recieved by @Kolbarnews on Friday 31th of July a #border_porter known as Kolbar was murderd by Iranian armed forces in Amokhanzad border area in Chaldoran. The kolbar was called #Reza_por_Ismail and was from Khazarlo village.
We condemn this heinous crime and the continuing killing of Kolbars.

کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
مجروح کردن یک کولبر در نوار مرزی چالدران دوشنبه 30 تیرماه، خبر دریافتی حاکی از آن است که، براثر شلیک مستقیم نیروهای سپاه پاسداران در نوار مرزی چالدران کولبری مجروح شده است. نیروهای سپاه پاسداران روز یکشنبه 29 تیرماه در نوار مرزی چالدران کولبران را به رگبار…
Reports indicate that a #Border_porter known as Kolbar was injured by direct shooting of Iranian revolutionary guards
According to reports received by Kolbarnews a Kolbar called #Ramin_Balkhkanlo was wounded by bullets of Iranian revolutionary guard forces in #Chaldoran border area on Sunday 19th of July. Border forces of Chaldoran opened fire on groups of Kolbars and wounded Ramin who was from #Keshmesh_Tape a part of #Mako. He was taken to a medical center in #Urmia for medical care.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
جانباختن یک کولبر مجروح پس از یک هفته جمعه 27 تیرماه، بنابر خبر رسیده به کولبر نیوز، «شمزین احمدی» کولبر اهل ارومیه که هفته گذشته در ارتفاعات «سوما و برادوست» توسط نیروهای سپاه پاسداران بشدت مجروح شده بود، امروز در بیمارستانی در شهر «وان» جان باخت. لازم…
The wounded #Border_Porter who was hospitalized passed away after a week
On Friday 17th of July
We have been informed that #Shamzin_Ahmadi the Kolbar from #Urmiya who was wounded by Iranian #Sepah_e_Pasdaran "#revolutionary_gurds" on the heights of #Soma and #Beradost passed away in the hospital of #Van.
We should mention that his brother #Arsalan_Ahmadi was killed by the same forces in Urmiya on 24th of May.
Crimes of Iranian revolutionary gurds against Kolbars is on the rise and costs the lives of innocent people, specially Kolbars.
قتل یک کولبر در نوار مرزی پیرانشهر توسط اشغالگران جمهوری اسلامی

شنبه 21 تیرماه، مطابق خبر دریافتی، در جریان تیراندازی اشغالگران به کولبران، یک کولبر دیگر به قتل رسید. این جنایت در محلی به نام «بوزی میرگه سیر» در دامنه کوهستانهای قندیل اتفاق افتاد. هویت کولبر جان‌باخته «ابراهیم ابوبکری» از اهالی روستای « نه منجی» اعلام شده است. شایان ذکر است در 48 ساعت گذشته براثر تیراندازی اشغالگران جمهوری اسلامی در کردستان 6 کولبر کشته و مجروح شدند.

A #border_Porter known as #Kolbar was killed in #Piranshahr border line by lranian armed forces
According to reports received by Kolbarnews Iranian armed forces opened fire on Kolbars in parts of Ghandil mountain called Bozi_Mirga_Sir and killed one of them. Ibrahim_Abobakri from Na_Manji mountain is his identity.
We should mention that attacks and shooting of Iranian troops on Kolbars left Six wounded and killed Kolbars in the last two days.

قتل یک کولبر در نوار مرزی چالدران توسط اشغالگران جمهوری اسلامی
شنبه 21 تیرماه، بنابر خبر رسیده به کولبر نیوز، بعدازظهر روز گذشته نیروهای اشغالگر جمهوری اسلامی در نوار مرزی چالدران بسوی گروهی از کولبران آتش‌ گشودند. بر اثر این آتشباری کولبری با هویت «زیاد اثباتی» به قتل رسید.
کشتار و قتل کولبران رو به افزایش است

.A #Border_Porter known as #Kolbar was killed in #Chaldoran border area
According two reports received by Kolbarnews a Iranian armed forces opened fire on Kolbars and killed one of them called #Ziyad_Esbati on Friday 10th of July.
The killing of Kolbars is increasing every moment.

🔴مجروح شدن یک کولبر در کمین نیروهای اشغالگر در مرز نودشه

◾️پنجشنبه 19 تیرماه، بنابر خبر دریافتی نیروهای اشغالگر سپاه پیش از ظهر امروز در نزدیکی نودشه برای کولبران کمین گذاری کردند. کولبران گرفتار در کمین سپاه برای نجات از کمین اقدام به فرار از کمینگاه می کنند. حین این تلاش یکی از کولبران بنام «حمدی» از اهالی روستای «نژمار» از بلندی سقوط و از ناحیه طرف چپ صورت زخمی می شود.

A #Border_Porter known as Kolbar was wounded in an Iranian ambush in #Nodshe border area
According to reports received by Kolbarnews Iranian #Sepah forces planned an ambush on Kolbars near the Nodshe border area on Thursday 9th of July. Kolbars flee their ambush to save their lives and one of them called #Hamdi from #Nejmar falls from height and gets wounded in his face.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
💢کشته و مجروح شدن 3 کولبر در چالدران پنجشنبه 5 تیرماه، مطابق خبری که به دست ما رسیده است، در ساعت‌های نیمه شب امروز، گروهی از کولبران در کمین نیروهای هنگ مرزی رژیم در نزدیکی روستای« سگریک» از توابع چالدران گرفتار شدند. اشغالگران آنان را به رگبار بسته و…
3 #Border_porter porters know as #kolbars were killed or wounded in #Chaldoran
According to reports recieved by Kolbarnews a group of Kolbars were ambushed by Iranian border guard forces in #Sagrig village a district of #Chaldoran. As a result of this attack a kolbar called #Ghasem_Sarbazy who was married and the father of two children was killed and two others were severely wounded. The wounded Kolbars were taken to a hospital in #Chaldoran and their conditions is reported to be critical.
This is crime against humanity and should be condemned.
کولبرنیوز | Kolbarnews
A #Border_porter known as #kolbar was brutally murdered by Iranian armed forces
A Kolbar called #Farhad_Kachlanlo from #Mako, #Sheykh_Asgar village (#Sari_Ojagh) was shot by border armed forces after returning in Iran. Farhad who took boxes of cigarettes to Turkey and was on his way back was attacked by Iranian ambush. Iranian armed forces open fire following witnessing a group of Kolbars. He was shot in chest and border forces took his horse and did not let anyone get to him. His companion told us that they were not allowed to help him and he was left to bleed out and die after one and half hour.
Forensic medicine stated the reason of death as severe bleeding caused by a collision of a hard metal object in the chest (which is bullet).
This crime was committed inside Iran borders by the #Sari_Ojagh Border Regiment (#Sheikh_Asgar) checkpoint in #Mako.
Farhad was engaged and his marriage was in ten days.