احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

فيما يلي بعض الاستخدامات الشائعة لحروف الجر.

🔰 #For:

1⃣To indicate duration or purpose:
👈للإشارة إلى المدة أو الغرض:
🔆 I will be away for a week.

2⃣To indicate suitability or reason:
👈للإشارة إلى الملاءمة أو السبب
🔆 This medicine is for headaches.

3⃣To indicate benefit or intended recipient:
👈للإشارة إلى المنفعة أو المتلقي المقصود :
🔆This gift is for you.

🔰 #Of:

1⃣To indicate possession or association:
👈للإشارة إلى الحيازة أو الارتباط:
🔆The color of the sky.

2⃣To indicate origin or source:
👈للإشارة إلى الأصل أو المصدر
🔆A piece of cake.

3⃣To indicate a part or quantity:
👈للإشارة إلى جزء أو كمية:
🔆A cup of tea.

🔰 #In :

1- To indicate location or position:
للإشارة إلى الموقع أو المكان
🔆She is in the kitchen.

2- To indicate a state or condition:
للإشارة إلى حالة أو شرط:
🔆He is in love.

3- To indicate a period of time:
للإشارة إلى فترة من الزمن:
🔆I will be back in an hour.


1- To indicate accompaniment or association:
للإشارة إلى المرافقة أو الارتباط:

She is with her friends.
2- To indicate means or instrument:
للإشارة إلى الوسائل أو الأداة:

He cut the cake with a knife.
3- To indicate contrast or opposition:
للإشارة إلى التباين أو المعارضة

She is tall, with short hair.


1- To indicate origin or source:
للإشارة إلى الأصل أو المصدر

I am from Canada.
2- To indicate separation or difference:
للإشارة إلى الانفصال أو الاختلاف

This shirt is different from that one.
3- To indicate cause or reason:
للإشارة إلى السبب أو السبب:

He is suffering from a cold.


1- To indicate means or method of transportation:
للإشارة إلى وسيلة أو وسيلة النقل:

I came by car.
2- To indicate authorship:
للإشارة إلى التأليف

The book was written by J.K. Rowling.
3- To show proximity:
لإظهار القرب

The house by the lake.

1⃣To show movement towards something:
👈لإظهار الحركة نحو شيء ما
🔆 I am going to school.

2⃣To show direction:
👈لإظهار الاتجاه
🔆She turned to me.

3⃣ To show purpose:
👈لإظهار الغرض
🔆I came here to study.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 33
#Verb_&_preposition 1 to and For
#الافعال_مع_حروف الجر 1⃣
#verb + #to

💠talk / speak / listen TO somebody
🔸(talk/speak with is also possible)

🔆Who were you talking to?
🔆When I’m driving, I like to listen to the radio.

💠Apologise TO somebody (for) Something.
🔆They apologised to me for their mistake.
💠Explain something TO somebody.

🔆Can you explain this word to me?
( explain me this word)
💠Explain / Describe (to somebody) what/how/why …
🔆I explained to them why I was worried. ( I explained them)
🔆Let me describe to you what I saw.
( Let me describe you)
💠 happen TO
🔆What happened to that gold watch you used to have?
Invite somebody TO a party / a wedding etc.
🔆They only invited a few people to their wedding.
💠prefer (one thing) TO another
🔆I prefer tea to coffee.

✴️#الفعل_مع_حرف_الجر #For
✴️ #For

💠thank somebody (for )
🔆He thanked me for helping him. (not He thanked to me)
💠Leave (a place) FOR another place
🔆I haven’t seen her since she left (home) for work. (left to work)
💠search (a person / a place / a bag etc.) FOR
🔆I’ve searched the house for my keys, but I still can’t find them.
💠wait FOR somebody
FOR something (to happen)
🔆Don’t wait for me. I’ll join you later.
🔆I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting for the rain to stop.
💠apply (TO a company etc.) FOR a job.
🔆I think you could do this job. Why don’t you apply for it?
💠ask (somebody) FOR
🔆I sent an email to the company asking them for more information about the job.

✴️But we say ‘ask somebody the way / the time’ etc. (بدون حرف جر):
🔆I asked somebody the way to the station.
💠apologise (TO somebody) FOR
🔆When I realised I was wrong, I apologised (to them) for my mistake
💠blame somebody/something FOR … ,
🔸somebody is to blame
🔆Everybody blamed me
for the accident.
🔆Everybody said that I was to blame
for the accident.
✴️blame (a problem etc.) ON
🔆It wasn’t my fault. Don’t blame it on me.
💠thank / forgive somebody
🔆I’ll never forgive them
for what they did.
💠pay (somebody)
🔆We didn’t have enough money to pay
for the meal. ( pay the meal)
✴️لكن نقول
pay a bill / a fine / a fee / tax / rent / a sum of money’ etc. (بدون حرف جر)
🔆We didn’t have enough money to pay the rent.

⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 22 #Adjective + #preposition #حروف_الجر_مع_الصفات 1⃣ #OF #nice _of _you #nice_to_me 💠nice 💠 kind 💠good 💠polite 💠honest 💠generous (كريم) 💠 stupid (غباء) 💠silly (سذاجة) etc... #OF somebody (to do something)…

💠 frightened (مرتعب)
💠 terrified(خائف) +
#OF … something
🔅Are you afraid of spiders?’ ‘Yes, I’m terrified of them.’

💠 fond(مغرم)
💠proud (فخور)
💠ashamed (خجول)
💠jealous (غيور)
💠 envious (حسود) +
🔆Why is he so jealous of other people?

💠 suspicious (مشبوه)
💠 critical ( حساس& حرج)
💠 tolerant (متسامح) +

🔆They didn’t trust me. They were suspicious of my motives

💠 aware(مدرك)
💠conscious (واعي) +
🔆‘Did you know he was married?’ ‘No, I wasn’t aware of that.’

💠capable / incapable +
🔆I’m sure you are capable of doing the job well

💠full / short +
🔅Amy is a very active person. She’s always full of energy.
🔅I’m a bit short of money. Can you lend me some?

💠 typical (متوقع ) OF …
🔆He’s late again. It’s typical of him to keep everybody waiting.

💠 certain / sure
🔆I think she’s arriving this evening, but I’m not sure of that. (
#or ) … not sure about that.

#adjective + at / to / from / in / on / with / for

💠hopeless(يائس) etc. +
#AT … something

🔆I’m not very good at repairing things.
(not good in repairing things)

💠married / engaged +
#TO … someone
🔆Louise is married to an American. (not married with)
🔰but Louise is married with three children. (= she is married and has three children)

💠similar + #TO
🔆Your handwriting is similar to mine.

💠dependent ON … (but independent OF …)
🔆I don’t want to be dependent on anybody.
🔆These two factors are independent of each other.

💠keen ON … (متحمس)
1⃣We stayed at home. Chris wasn’t keen on going out.

💠interested IN …
🔆Are you interested in art?
💠Absorbed in
🔆The man was Absorbed in his job

💠famous FOR
🔆The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.


💠different #FROM or different #TO
🔆The film was different from what I’d expected. or … different to what I’d expected.

💠crowded #WITH (people etc.)
🔆The streets were crowded with tourists. (but … full of tourists)

💠Associated 💠Satisfied  + with
🔆he is stratified with his job

💠responsible FOR
1⃣Who was responsible for all that noise last night?
🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦@E_LaNGu 🟫⬜️🟫⬜️🟫⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 22
#Adjective + #preposition

#nice _of _you

💠nice 💠 kind
💠good 💠polite
💠honest 💠generous (كريم)
💠 stupid (غباء) 💠silly (سذاجة) etc...
#OF somebody (to do something)
👈اذا كانت الصفة منحت من شخص يكون بعد الصفة of وبعدها المانح , اذا كانت الصفة تعود لفعل شي يكون بعدها To وبعدها الفعل
🔅Thank you. It was very nice of you to help me.
🔅It was stupid of me to go out without a coat in such cold weather.

💠(be) nice / kind / good / generous (كريم) / polite / rude (وقح) / friendly / cruel (وحشي) etc.
#TO somebody

🔅They have always been very nice to me. (not with me)
🔅Why were you so unfriendly to Lucy?

💠 Angry
💠Annoyed (منزعج)
💠furious( هائج )
💠upset(ضائق )
ABOUT something/WITH somebody
FOR doing something

🔆There’s no point in getting angry about things that don’t matter.
🔆Are you annoyed with me
for being late?
🔆Lisa is upset about not being invited to the party.

👉adjective + about / with

💠Anxious (= troubled)
💠happy etc.
#ABOUT something
🔆 Are you nervous about the exam?

💠infatuated with ( مفتون بـ)

💠happy (سعيد)
💠delighted(مبتهج )
#WITH something you get or experience
🔆They were delighted with the present I gave them.
🔆Were you happy with your exam results?

#adjective + #at / #by / #with / #of
💠 amazed
💠upset +AT / BY something
👈للتفاجئ او الاندهاش او الانصدام بشي نستخدم By/At

🔆Everybody was surprised at the news. or … by the news.
🔆I hope you weren’t shocked by what I said. or … at what I said.

impressed(مبهر) WITH / BY somebody/something
🔆 I’m very impressed with (or by) her English. It’s very good.
👈الانبهار نستخدم with / by

💠fed up(ضجر)
💠 bored (ضابح) + WITH something
🔆I don’t enjoy my job any more. I’m fed up with it. / I’m bored with it.


💠tired OF something
🔆Come on, let’s go! I’m tired of waiting.

#about / #for

💠sorry about /

💠sorry ABOUT a situation or something that happened
🔆I’m sorry about the mess. I’ll clear it up later.
🔆Sorry about last night.

FOR / ABOUT something you did or caused
👈اسف عن شي انت عملته او سببته +
For + الشي
🔆I’m sorry
for shouting at you yesterday. (or sorry about shouting)
for the delay. (or Sorry about the delay)

🔰You can also say ‘I’m sorry I (did something)’:

🔅I’m sorry I shouted at you yesterday.

💠feel / be sorry
#FOR somebody in a bad situation
👈اشعر بالاسف لشخص في وضع سئ
🔆I feel sorry
for Mark. He’s had a lot of bad luck. (not I feel sorry about Mark.
@E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦

🔆Sorry, you are breaking up
🔰اسف , الاتصال يفصل
🔆 It's bad signal
🔰الاشارة سيئة
🔆Can i get back for you
🔰هل ممكن ارجع اتصلك
🔆I'm trying to get hold of ...
🔰انا اشتي توصلني بـ ....
🔅it's probably switch off
🔰احتمال انه طافي
🔆It's through for you
🔰انه على الخط عشان يكلمك
🔆just tell him I rang and I ll see him at home
🔰فقط قله اتصلت له وسوف اراه في البيت
🔆Can you give a massage ?
🔰 تْقدر تسوي له رسالة؟
🔆I'm afraid he is not here
🔰انا اسف هو ليس هنا
🔆I saw missed call from you ,bit completely forgot to ring you back.
🔰رايت مكالمة فائتة منك بس نسيت تماما ان ارجع اتصلك
🔆I'm calling because ....
🔰انا ااتصلت لك عشان ....
🔆Did you listen to the voicemail i left you
🔰هل سسمعت البريد الصوتي الذي سجلته لك
🔅Can i speak with you later?
🔰اقدر ااكلمك مرة ثانية؟
🔅he always get back to text
🔰هو دائما يرد بالنصية
🔆 Could i speak to .....please?
🔰هل ااستطيع التحدث مع ...... لوسمحتي
🔆I'm afraid the line s busy ,would you like to hold
🔰أخشى أن الخط مشغول ، هل ترغب في الانتظار

🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦
#for_shopping 👛

1⃣I got it
for a really good price.
💠حصلت عليه بسعر جيد حقاً.

2⃣It's better value
for money.
💠إنه بسعر مناسب حقاً.

3⃣It's dirt cheap.
💠إنه رخيص للغاية.

4⃣I bought affordable items.
💠اشتريت سلعاً بأسعارٍ معقولة.

5⃣More bang
for the buck.
💠إنه إفضل من ثمنه.

6⃣It costs an arm and a leg / a fortune / pretty penny.
💠إنه باهظ الثمن.

7⃣This was an impulsive buy.
💠كان هذا شراء إندفاعي.

8⃣It's a little bit pricey.
💠إنه غالي الثمن قليلاً.

9⃣That is a rip-off!
💠هذا نصب!

🔟Is this complimentary?
💠هل هذا مجاني؟

1⃣1⃣I got the wrong order.
💠حصلتُ على الطلب الخاطئ.

1⃣2⃣Can l get a refill?
💠هل يمكنني الحصول على إعادة التعبئة؟

🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#الدرس_السابع #المضارع_التام #Present_perfect1 (I have done) #مقدمة Tom can’t find his key. توم لايستطيع ايجاد مفتاحه He has lost his key. لقد ضيع مفتاحه ≈ يعني ضيع مفتاحه وللان ضايع ماحصله @E_langu 💠 #القاعدة Subject( I / they / we…
💠من الكلمات الدالة على الزمن "Key words"
🔸 just 🔸already 🔸yet 🔸since
🔸 ever 🔸never
🔅Just = a short time ago: منذ فترة قصيرة
1⃣‘Are you hungry?’ ‘No, I’ve just had lunch.’
👈هل انت جائع؟ لا انا تغديت قبل شويه

🔆Already = sooner than expected:
اقرب من المتوقع

👈تستخدم لتأكيد حدوث الفعل تستخدم already بين جزئي الفعل فقط في الجمل المثبتة . 

1⃣Don’t forget to pay the bill.’ ‘I’ve already paid it.’
👈لاتنسى شراء الحبوب , عادنا اشتريتهن

🔆Yet = until now حتى الان
👈تستخدم لاظهار توقعنا لشي وتكون في الاسئلة والنفي وتكون في نهاية الجملة
1⃣Has it stopped raining yet?
👈هل توقف المطر حتى الان
2⃣I’ve written the email, but I haven’t sent it yet.
👈انا كتبت ايميل لكن لم يرد عليا حتئ الان

🔆#Since & #For

👈لاحظ أن for تعقبها فترة زمنية محددة
👈أما since يأتى بعدها بداية لفترة زمنية أو تاريخ : 

1⃣I have worked at this hospital for five years.
👈لقد عملت في هذا المستشفى ل5 سنوات
2⃣I haven t seen my friend since 1999.
👈لم ارئ صديقي منذ 1999

🔸لاحظ أن since إذا جاء معها فعل واحد فإنه يستخدم فى زمن المضارع التام و لكن إذا جاء معها فعلين فإنها تستخدم على حسب القاعدة التالية : 

مضارع تام + since + ماضي بسيط

1⃣I have called you five times since I got back home .
👈انا اتصلت لك خمس مرات منذ ان رجعت للبيت


🔅#Ever & #Never

✴️تستخدم ever فى السؤال و الجمل المثبتة بينما تستخدمnever فى الجمل المنفية و لاحظ أن كلا من ever & never توضع بين جزئى الفعل بعد Have وقبل الفعل . 

1⃣Have you ever seen Eiffel Tower ?
👈هل قد شفت برج ايفل
2⃣I have never spoken Spanish.
👈انا لم اتكلم الاسبانية

🔸Today 🔸this evening 🔸this year etc.
عندما لم ينتهي هذا الوقت في زمن المتكلم

1⃣I’ve drunk four cups of coffee today.
2⃣Have you had a holiday this year?
3⃣I haven’t seen Tom this morning. Have you

💹زمن المضارع التام فى المبنى للمجهول

Object  + has / have been + P.P

🔆That castle has been visited by many tourists

Subject + have/has +not + Verb 3(p.p)

🔆I haven't played tennis yet

🔰#صيغة السؤال
have +Subject + Verb 3(p.p)

🔆have you played tennis ?

💠نستخدمه عندما نقول
It’s the (first/ second/ third ...)time
لشي يحدث مثل
1⃣ It’s the first time he has driven a car. (not drives)
👈انها اول مره يقود السيارة
🔰 or He hasn’t driven a car before.
🔰or He has never driven a car before.

2⃣Sarah has lost her passport again. This is the second
👈ساره ضيعت جوازها مره اخرى هذه المره الثانية

💠يمكن استخدم الماضي البسيط (الانجليزية الامريكية )

1⃣Ben isn’t here. He’s gone out.
or He went out.
👈بين ليس هنا هو ذهب خارجا

2⃣‘Are you hungry?’ ‘No, I’ve just had lunch.’
or ‘No, I just had lunch.’
👈هل انت جائع؟ لا عادنا تغديت

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹