احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#on_time and #in_time

on time = punctual, not late

💠تستخدم اذا شي حدث في الوقت الذي خطط له في موعده ( بدقة ليس متأخر )

🔆Please be on time. Don’t be late.
👈لوسمحت كن في الوقت لاتتاخر
🔆The 11.45 train left on time. (= it left at 11.45)
👈القطار غادر في الوقت (في الوقت المحدد له بالضبط) يعني الساعة 11:45

#in_time (for something / to do something) = soon enough

🔆Will you be home in time for dinner? (= soon enough for dinner)
👈هل سوف تكون في البيت في وقت العشاء؟ (قريبا بما فيه الكفاية لتناول العشاء)
🔆I sent Amy a birthday present. I hope it arrives in time.
(= on or before her birthday)
👈انا ارسلت هدية عيد ميلاد ايمي اتمتى انها وصلت في وقتها (يعني قبل عيدميلادها )

💠معنئ in time 👈 ياتي كـ عكس too late :
1⃣I got home too late to watch the game on TV.
👈انا وصلت البيت متاخر جدا لمشاهدة المباراة في التلفاز

💠يمكن القول just in time ≈ في اخر لحظة
(= almost too late):
🔆We got to the station just in time for our train.
👈نحن وصلنا المحطة في اخر لحظة لقطارنا
🔆A child ran into the road in front of the car, but I managed to stop just in time.
👈الطفل جرى نحو الطريق امام السياره لكن انا تمكنت من الايقاف في اخر لحظة.

✴️ #at_the_end and #in_the_end

at the end (of something) = at the time when something ends
👈في وقت نهاية شي
1⃣at the end of the month
2⃣at the end of January
3⃣ at the end of the game
4⃣I’m going away at the end of January
👈انا ذاهب بعيدا نهايه يناير
5⃣The players shook hands at the end of the game.
👈اللاعبين هزو ايديهم في نهاية اللعبة،

⛔️مانقولش ‘in the end of January’.

💠 تأتي at the end عكس at the beginning:
1⃣I’m going away at the beginning of January. (not in the beginning)
👈انا ذاهب بعيدا في بداية يناير

#in_the_end = finally

💠نستخدمه عندما نقول ماهي النتيجه النهائية للحالة التي كانت :
1⃣We had a lot of problems with our car. We sold it in the end. (= finally we sold it)
👈نحن ملكنا مشاكل عديده مع سيارتنا نحن حليناها في النهاية
2⃣He got more and more angry. In the end he just walked out of the room.
👈هو كان غاضب جدا في النهايه هو فقط خرج من الغرفة

🔰تأتيin the end عكس لـ 👈 at first:
1⃣At first we didn’t get on very well, but in the end we became good friends.
👈في البداية نحن لم نكون اصدقاء لكن في النهايث اصبحنا اصدقاء جيدين

⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 35
#الدرس 35
🔰 verb + IN + Verb + INTO / Verb + FROM + at

INTO &IN & From &

💠believe IN =
✴️تؤمن أن شيئا ما موجود ، نؤمن أنه من الجيد أن تفعل شيئا
🔆Do you believe in God?
(= هل تعتقد ان الله موجود ?)
🔆I believe in saying what I think.
(= أؤمن أنه من الصواب أن أقول ما أعتقد)

🔰but ‘believe something’ (=تصدق شيء)
🔸‘believe somebody’ (= تصدق مايقول):
🔆The story can’t be true. I don’t believe it.
👈 لانضيف بعدها "in"
💠 Specialise IN …
🔆Helen is a lawyer. She specialises in company law.
💠succeed IN
🔆I hope you succeed in finding the job you want.

🔰 verb + into
💠break INTO
1⃣Our house was broken into a few days ago, but nothing was stolen.

💠 crash 💠drive 💠 bump 💠run +INTO …
1⃣He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall.

💠divide 💠cut 💠split something INTO two or more parts
1⃣The book is divided into three parts.

💠translate a book etc. #FROM one language #INTO another

🔆She’s a famous writer. Her books have been translated into many languages

#verb + #from

💠suffer from an illness etc.
🔆There’s been an increase in the number of people suffering from heart disease.
💠protect somebody/something FROM
🔆Sun cream protects the skin from the sun

#الافعال_مع #at
✴️ #verb + #at

💠look (يرئ)
💠stare (يحدق)
💠glance (يلمح) + AT +something

💠have a look / take a look AT
🔆Why are you looking at me like that?

💠laugh AT
🔆I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at me.

💠Aim / point (something) AT .…
💠Shoot / fire (a gun)

🔆Don’t point that knife at me.It’s dangerous.
🔆We saw someone with a gun shooting at birds, but he didn’t hit any.

✴️بعض الافعال يمكن ان يليها ( at or to) باختلاف بالمعنئ:
📌 shout AT somebody
👈بمعنى يصيح علي لغرض معاتبة عندما تكون غاضب
🔆He got very angry and started shouting at me.
📌shout TO somebody
👈بمعنئ : يصيح لشخص عشان يسمعه
🔆He shouted to me from the other side of the street.

💠throw something ( AT ) somebody/something
👈رمى شي على شي. (to hit them)
🔆Somebody threw an egg at the politician.
💠throw something TO somebody (for somebody to catch)
👈رمى شي لشخص عشان يمسكه
🔆Lisa shouted ‘Catch!’ and threw the keys to me from the window.

#يتبع 👇
⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 22 #Adjective + #preposition #حروف_الجر_مع_الصفات 1⃣ #OF #nice _of _you #nice_to_me 💠nice 💠 kind 💠good 💠polite 💠honest 💠generous (كريم) 💠 stupid (غباء) 💠silly (سذاجة) etc... #OF somebody (to do something)…

💠 frightened (مرتعب)
💠 terrified(خائف) +
#OF … something
🔅Are you afraid of spiders?’ ‘Yes, I’m terrified of them.’

💠 fond(مغرم)
💠proud (فخور)
💠ashamed (خجول)
💠jealous (غيور)
💠 envious (حسود) +
🔆Why is he so jealous of other people?

💠 suspicious (مشبوه)
💠 critical ( حساس& حرج)
💠 tolerant (متسامح) +

🔆They didn’t trust me. They were suspicious of my motives

💠 aware(مدرك)
💠conscious (واعي) +
🔆‘Did you know he was married?’ ‘No, I wasn’t aware of that.’

💠capable / incapable +
🔆I’m sure you are capable of doing the job well

💠full / short +
🔅Amy is a very active person. She’s always full of energy.
🔅I’m a bit short of money. Can you lend me some?

💠 typical (متوقع ) OF …
🔆He’s late again. It’s typical of him to keep everybody waiting.

💠 certain / sure
🔆I think she’s arriving this evening, but I’m not sure of that. (
#or ) … not sure about that.

#adjective + at / to / from / in / on / with / for

💠hopeless(يائس) etc. +
#AT … something

🔆I’m not very good
at repairing things.
(not good in repairing things)

💠married / engaged +
#TO … someone
🔆Louise is married to an American. (not married with)
🔰but Louise is married with three children. (= she is married and has three children)

💠similar + #TO
🔆Your handwriting is similar to mine.

💠dependent ON … (but independent OF …)
🔆I don’t want to be dependent on anybody.
🔆These two factors are independent of each other.

💠keen ON … (متحمس)
1⃣We stayed at home. Chris wasn’t keen on going out.

💠interested IN …
🔆Are you interested in art?
💠Absorbed in
🔆The man was Absorbed in his job

💠famous FOR …
🔆The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.


💠different #FROM or different #TO
🔆The film was different from what I’d expected. or … different to what I’d expected.

💠crowded #WITH (people etc.)
🔆The streets were crowded with tourists. (but … full of tourists)

💠Associated 💠Satisfied  + with
🔆he is stratified with his job

💠responsible FOR …
1⃣Who was responsible for all that noise last night?
🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦@E_LaNGu 🟫⬜️🟫⬜️🟫⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Lesson 22
#Adjective + #preposition

#nice _of _you

💠nice 💠 kind
💠good 💠polite
💠honest 💠generous (كريم)
💠 stupid (غباء) 💠silly (سذاجة) etc...
#OF somebody (to do something)
👈اذا كانت الصفة منحت من شخص يكون بعد الصفة of وبعدها المانح , اذا كانت الصفة تعود لفعل شي يكون بعدها To وبعدها الفعل
🔅Thank you. It was very nice of you to help me.
🔅It was stupid of me to go out without a coat in such cold weather.

💠(be) nice / kind / good / generous (كريم) / polite / rude (وقح) / friendly / cruel (وحشي) etc.
#TO somebody

🔅They have always been very nice to me. (not with me)
🔅Why were you so unfriendly to Lucy?

💠 Angry
💠Annoyed (منزعج)
💠furious( هائج )
💠upset(ضائق )
ABOUT something/WITH somebody FOR doing something

🔆There’s no point in getting angry about things that don’t matter.
🔆Are you annoyed with me for being late?
🔆Lisa is upset about not being invited to the party.

👉adjective + about / with

💠Anxious (= troubled)
💠happy etc.
#ABOUT something
🔆 Are you nervous about the exam?

💠infatuated with ( مفتون بـ)

💠happy (سعيد)
💠delighted(مبتهج )
#WITH something you get or experience
🔆They were delighted with the present I gave them.
🔆Were you happy with your exam results?

#adjective + #at / #by / #with / #of
💠 amazed
💠upset +
AT / BY something
👈للتفاجئ او الاندهاش او الانصدام بشي نستخدم By/

🔆Everybody was surprised
at the news. or … by the news.
🔆I hope you weren’t shocked by what I said. or …
at what I said.

impressed(مبهر) WITH / BY somebody/something
🔆 I’m very impressed with (or by) her English. It’s very good.
👈الانبهار نستخدم with / by

💠fed up(ضجر)
💠 bored (ضابح) + WITH something
🔆I don’t enjoy my job any more. I’m fed up with it. / I’m bored with it.


💠tired OF something
🔆Come on, let’s go! I’m tired of waiting.

#about / #for

💠sorry about /

💠sorry ABOUT a situation or something that happened
🔆I’m sorry about the mess. I’ll clear it up later.
🔆Sorry about last night.

💠sorry FOR / ABOUT something you did or caused
👈اسف عن شي انت عملته او سببته + For + الشي
🔆I’m sorry for shouting
at you yesterday. (or sorry about shouting)
🔆Sorry for the delay. (or Sorry about the delay)

🔰You can also say ‘I’m sorry I (did something)’:

🔅I’m sorry I shouted
at you yesterday.

💠feel / be sorry
#FOR somebody in a bad situation
👈اشعر بالاسف لشخص في وضع سئ
🔆I feel sorry for Mark. He’s had a lot of bad luck. (not I feel sorry about Mark.
@E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#at/ #on/ #in (time)

#at 👉for the time of day
👈تستخدم لاوقات اليوم
at five o’clock
at 11.45
at midnight
at lunchtime
at sunset etc.
at the moment / at the minute / at present / at this time (= now):
at the weekends / at weekends (or on the weekend / on weekends in American English):
👈 ( قد يستخدم on حسب الانجليزية البريطانية )
at Christmas (but on Christmas Day)

at night (= during nights in general), in the night (= during a particular night):
👈 الليلة يعني الليل بشكل عام لكن in the night يعني في جزء محدد من الليل


#on for days and dates
👈للايام والتواريخ
💠on Friday
💠on Fridays
💠on 16 May 2012
💠 on New Year’s Day
💠 on my birthday
💠on monday morning
💠غالبا نهمل on قبل الايام


#in for longer periods (months/years/seasons etc.)
👈لمدة طويلة شهور سنوات فصول
💠in June
💠in 2012
💠in the 1990s
💠 in the 20th century
💠 in the past
💠in winter
💠in the morning(s) but 👉 on Friday morning(s)
💠in the afternoon(s) 👉 on Sunday afternoon(s)
💠in the evening(s) 👉 on Monday evening(s) etc.
💠in two week's time

1⃣I’ll see you in the morning. I’ll see you on Friday morning.
انا سوف اراك في الصباح انا سوف اراك في صباح الجمعة

at/on/in قبل :
💠two weeks ago
💠next month
💠yesterday evening
💠tomorrow morning
💠this afternoon

💠1⃣I’ll see you next Friday. (not on next Friday)
👈انا سوف اراك الجمعة المقبلة (مش في الجمعة المقبلة )
💠2⃣They got married last June.
👈هم تزوجو يونيو الماضي
💠قد تكون معنى in (خلال) نقول اانه شي سوف يحدث خلال دقايق / خلال شهور
💠We say that something will happen in a few minutes / in six months etc. :

1⃣The train will be leaving in a few minutes. (= a few minutes from now)
👈القطار سوف يغادر خلال دقايق قليلة

💠They’ll be here in a moment. (= a moment from now, very soon)
💠قد نستخدم in للقول كم مدة ياخذها ليحدث الشي،

1⃣I learnt to drive in four weeks. (= it took me four weeks to learn)
👈انا تعلمت القيادة في خلال اربعة اسابيع
