احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

✴️Buckle down
👈يبذل قصارى جهده،

🔆 If I buckle down , I will be able to pass the physics test
👈إذا بذلت قصارى جهدي، فسوف أكون قادرًا على اجتياز اختبار الفيزياء

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹


1️⃣ CHAT sb UP 🗣
engage someone in conversation, typically in a flirtatious or friendly manner, with the intention of forming a connection or relationship

😘 "She successfully chatted him up at the coffee shop, and they've been dating ever since."
👗”At the party, he tried to chat her up by complimenting her outfit."

2️⃣ HIT ON sb 😏
flirt with someone or show romantic interest in
them, usually in a direct or assertive manner

🤦🏻‍♀️ “That guy was totally hitting on you. Didn’t you notice?”
😳 "She felt uncomfortable when a stranger started hitting on her at the party."

3️⃣ HOOK UP (WITH sb)🫦
engage in a casual sexual encounter or relationship with someone, often without commitment

🪝 "They hooked up at the party last night, but it didn't mean anything serious."
🛌 "She wasn’t looking for a relationship; she just wanted to hook up.”

4️⃣ ASK sb OUT 🎳
invite someone to go on a date or spend time together socially, often with romantic intentions

💌 "He finally asked her out to dinner, hoping she would say yes."
📅 "She's hoping he'll ask her out to the movies this weekend."

5️⃣ FALL FOR sb 😍
develop romantic feelings for someone; to become emotionally attached or infatuated with them

💖 "She never expected to fall for him, but his kindness won her over."
🌹 "He fell for her the moment he saw her smile."

6️⃣ GO OUT (WITH sb) 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏻
to be in a romantic relationship or spend time socially with someone, often as a couple

💑 "They've been going out for a few months now,
enjoying each other's company."
🚗 "Do you want to go out with me this Friday?"

7️⃣ GROW APART (FROM sb) 🫱🏼 ……. 🫲🏻
gradually become distant or less close to someone

📉 "They used to be inseparable, but they've grown apart over the years."
🌱 “I can’t help but feel we’re growing apart and it saddens me.”

8️⃣ CHEAT ON sb (WITH sb else) 👿
be unfaithful to one's romantic partner by engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone else

😡 "He promised never to cheat on her again, but she couldn't trust him anymore."
🤬 "Cheating on someone is never okay; it's a betrayal of trust."

end a romantic relationship or partnership

💔 "They decided to break up after realizing they wanted different things."
😢 "Breaking up with him was tough, but she knew it was the right decision."

🔟 GET BACK WITH sb ❤️‍🩹
reconcile or reunite with someone after a period of separation or breakup, typically in a romantic context

💞 “I “wanna get back with you. Will you take me back?”
🤗 "Getting back with her felt like a second chance at happiness."

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️1. Watch out - Be careful or cautious. 'ااحترس"
#Example: Watch out for the slippery floor.
👈 احترس من الأرضية الزلقة.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✔️2. Watch over - To keep an eye on someone or something. "ينتبه"
🔆Can you watch over my kids while I go to the store?
هل يمكنك تنتبه أطفالي أثناء ذهابي إلى المتجر?
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🟡3. Watch for - To look out for something or someone.
Example: We need to watch for any signs of danger.
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✴️4. Watch up - To stay awake and alert. "يستيقظ "
Example: I need to watch up all night to finish this project.

✴️5. Watch off - To remove a watch from your wrist. "ازاله الساعه من اليد "
Example: I always watch off my watch before going to bed.
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✴️6. Watch on - To continue watching something that has already started.
Example: Let s watch on the movie we started yesterday.
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✔️7. Watch through - To see something until the end, without interruption or distraction.
Example: I watched through the entire game without taking a break.
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✔️8. Watch down - To observe someone with suspicion or disapproval.
Example: The security guard watched down on the suspicious person in the parking lot.

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✴️9. Watch back - To review something that has already happened, especially for mistakes or errors.
#تعني : لمراجعة شيء حدث بالفعل ، خاصة بالنسبة للأخطاء أو الزلات .

🔆 Let's watch back the video of our performance and see where we can improve.
👈دعونا مراجعه الفيديو تبع أدائنا ونرى أين يمكننا تحسينه.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✴️10.Watch up on- To catch up with news, information, etc., that one has missed recently.
#تعني : يلحق بالأخبار والمعلومات وما إلى ذلك.، التي فاتت مؤخرا
🔆I need to watch up on what happened in the news while I was away from home
👈أحتاج إلى مشاهدة ما حدث في الأخبار بينما كنت بعيدا عن المنزل

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

⚡️spin out ' يطيل '
#تعني : جعل اي لأطول فترة ممكنة
make something last as long as possible

🔆"they tried to spin out the debate through their speeches and interventions"
👈 لقد حاولوا اطاله النقاش من خلال خطاباتهم ومداخلاتهم

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🫧Wash sth down or Wash down sth.

🍃to drink something with or after food or with medicine to help you swallow it.
#تعني : شرب شيء مع أو بعد الطعام أو مع الدواء لمساعدتك على ابتلاعه.

🔆Have a drink of milk to wash down the tablet.
👈تناول مشروب من الحليب لابتلاع قرص الدواء .

اسئلة 👇👇 عن الـ #Phrasal_verbs السابقة عشان تعرف اذا فهمت الدرس اولا #انطلقوو 😍

@E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🫧Spill over ➪ يفيض

🍃 flow over the edge
#تعني : تدفق على الحافة

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍃 Ali, hold your juice properly. It’s spilling over the edge of your glass.
👈علي ، امسك العصير الخاص بك بشكل صحيح. انها يفيض على حافة الزجاج الخاص بك.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

💟 Water down sth or
water sth down
#Syn : dilute

🍃make it less strong by adding
water or other liquid.
#تعني : جعلها أقل قوة عن طريق إضافة
ماء أو سائل آخر.

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🍃You should water down fruit juice for your child until he or she is five years old.
👈يجب عليك تخفيف عصير الفاكهة لطفلك حتى يبلغ من العمر خمس سنوات.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🫧Soak up 🍃absorb ➪ يمتص

🔆Cook the lentils until they soak up half the liquid.
👈يطهى العدس حتى يمتص نصف السائل.

🫧Dip sth in (sth) ➪ "يغمس
#syn : immerse in

🍃quickly put it in and take it out again
#تعني : بسرعة ضعه داخل شي وإخرجه مرة أخرى

🔆She loves dipping carrot sticks in soft blue cheese.
👈تحب غمس أعواد الجزر في الجبن الأزرق الطري.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️Abound with/in something.
#تعني : يكتظ بـ /يزدحم بـ

▫️If a place, situation etc abounds with things of a particular type, it contains a very large number of them.  

▪️The forests abound with deer, birds, and squirrels.
👈الغابات مكتظة بالغزلان والطيور والسناجب
▪️The wilderness abounds in traps.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
💰Money #Phrasal_verbs

✴️ Pay off ➪ يرد الدين
✴️ Fork out ➪ يرفع نقود
✴️ Run up ➪ يتدين كثيرا
✴️ Rip off ➪ يخدع & ينصب
✴️ Save up ➪ يوفر
✴️ Put aside ➪ يتدخر
✴️ Squirrel away ➪

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

#تعني السماح للمركبات الأخرى بالمرور قبل الانتقال إلى الطريق
to allow other vehicles to go past before you move onto a road

#تعني للراحه ، وخصوصا عندما تحت ضغط من قوى قوية
* to break, especially when under pressure from strong forces

#تعني التوقف عن الجدال أو القتال ضد شخص ما أو شيء ما
to stop arguing or fighting against someone or something
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🌼 Bin someone/something off
#تعني: يتخلص تستخدم عن ازاله شخص من منصبه
(informal) to discard someone or something, used especially in the context of removing someone from a job/position, or terminating a relationship

🔆They made him captain when Jones was binned off for missing training.

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🌼 Page out ➪ حلم حلم اليقظة
🍃#Meaning: (informal) to daydream

🔆Can you repeat that? I paged out for a minute.
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🌼 Geek out
#تعني : لبدء التحدث بلغة تقنية فجأة

(informal) to suddenly start speaking in technical language

🔆Just excuse me while I geek out for a couple of minutes.

#تعني : مجهزة بالكثير من الأجهزة الإلكترونية / الحسابية
(adjective) equipped with a lot of electronic/computational devices

🔆I was sufficiently geeked-out for the trip, with a laptop, PDA and camera phone.
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💟Big something up ➪ يضخم الشي
🅰️ to praise or recommend something, to make something sound exciting

🔆I know I sound like I'm bigging it up, but it was a great film.
👈أعلم أنني أبدو وكأنني أضخم الأمر ، لكنه كان فيلما رائعا.

🅱️ “big it up” : to enjoy yourself in a social situation in a way that makes other people notice you
#تعني : أن تستمتع بنفسك في موقف اجتماعي بطريقة تجعل الآخرين يلاحظونك

🔆The lads were really bigging it up at the local club.

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🌼 Vague something up ➪ يبهم

(informal) to make something seem less clear or detailed

🔆I vagued up certain parts of the story.
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🔳 Take sb Off
➠ يقلد من اجل الضحك
Copy the way somebody speaks or behaves, to entertain people.

🔆My hilarious classmate used to take our teacher off in front of everyone including the teacher herself,so that we all laughed.

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🔲 Take (time) Off
#تعني : اخذ وقت بعيد عن العمل

Have a particular amount of time away from work.

🔆I asked my boss to take a day off from work to go to a party of my friend's.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
⚡️#Essential_English_words 💢#Rest /rest/ BrE AmE #noun راحة; استراحة; متكأ; مسند; بقية; إجازة; دعم; نوم; رقاد; وقوف في منتصف بيت الشعر; رويحة; سكون; طمأنينة; معسكر الراحة 1️⃣[singular] the part of something that remains 🔹I’m not really hungry – do you…
💢#Rest /rest/ BrE AmE #verb
استراح; أزال; استند; استجم; بقي; طمأن; توقف; هدأ

1️⃣[intransitive] to spend a period of time relaxing or sleeping after doing something tiring

🔹It would be nice to sit down and rest for a while.
🔹She rested in her chair with her head back.

1️⃣🅰️[transitive] to not use a part of your body that is tired or injured so that it can get better

🔘rest your eyes:
🔹He read to her for an hour while she rested her eyes.

2️⃣[transitive] to put something somewhere for support, especially a part of your body

🔘rest something on/ against something:
🔹She rested her head against a cushion.
🔹He picked up his briefcase, resting it on the desk.

2️⃣🅰️[intransitive] to be supported on, against, or in something

🔘rest on/ against/ in:
🔹John was now asleep, with his head resting on my shoulder.

3️⃣[intransitive] if your eyes rest on someone or something, you look at that person or thing for a period of time

🔘rest on:
🔹She let her gaze rest on his face for a moment.

4️⃣[intransitive] a word meaning to be buried somewhere, used when you think it will upset someone if you say this word

🔘rest in/ beside etc:
🔹He rests in Oakhampton churchyard.


🚩I will not rest until...
🚩may someone rest In peace
🚩rest your case
🚩we will not rest until...


rest on
★ rest up
★ rest upon
★ rest with

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🔸say sorry - apologiz(s)e
🔸go up - increase
🔸go down - decrease
🔸set up - establish
🔸look at - examine
🔸blow up - explode
🔸find out - discover
🔸bring about - cause
🔸put off - postpone, delay
🔸rack up - accumulate
🔸make up - fabricate
🔸stand for - represent
🔸find out - discover, ascertain
🔸leave out - omit
🔸point out - indicate
🔸go against - oppose
🔸get in touch with - contact
🔸It’s about - It concerns
🔸need to - required
🔸think about - consider
🔸get - obtain
🔸put up - tolerate
🔸deal with - handle
🔸seem - appear
🔸show - illustrate, portray
🔸start - commence
🔸keep - retain
🔸free - release
🔸get on someone’s nerves - bother
🔸ring up - call
🔸show up - arrive
🔸let - permit
🔸fill in - substitute
🔸block - undermine
🔸give the go ahead, 🔸greenlight - authoriz(s)e


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

Give rise to ➪ احدث & سبب & ادئ الئ
💟 Give way to ➪ تسمح &تعطي الاولوية &تستسلم
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

💠 funk 🇺🇸

(in phrase be in a funk) an unhappy, depressed mood

For example

🔺He s been in a real funk since his girlfriend left him.

🔺Everyone in the office has been in a funk since we heard that our company might be going bankrupt.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

Dote on/upon somebody

🥰To love someone very much, and show this by your actions.

😍 Everyone doted on Hiba, the only girl in the family
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🔺Look in
🔺Look back
🔺Look ahead
🔺Look up to
🔺Look down to
🔺Look forward to

Try to make your own examples for learning faster.

⚡️leading up to

preparing in the period before an event begins

There’s an awful lot to do leading up to the conference, especially as it’s going to be held in our branch this year.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹