احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Logo of the Telegram channel احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
I took on too much ........ last month and couldn't finish it all.
📌 #Collocations
with #WORK, #JOB & #CAREER.

~afulfilling job .
~a steady job.
~to offer someone a job.
~a permanent job.
~a demanding job.
~a high- powered job = an important job.
~to apply for a job.

~to carry out work
~to complete work
~to supervise work
~available to start work
~to work closely with
~to take on work

~to wreck/ruin someone's
~to embark on a career = to start a career
~at the height/peak
of your career.
~to have a career in
~to climb the career ladder.
~a promising career.
~someone's career lasted.
~a brilliant career.
~a career takes off = a career starts to become very successful.

📌#NOTE : we say have a job, NOT have a work .

🎁 💝 @E_Langu 🎁 💝

🔹Accomplish 🆚 Achieve

To accomplish world unity, we need peace.
To achieve world unity, we need peace.

A balanced diet is accomplished by eating many different kinds of food.
A balanced diet is achieved by eating many different kinds of food.

 ✴️When you accomplish something, you manage to do it or complete it, especially something that gives you satisfaction:

🔻She felt that she could accomplish more through journalism.
🔻During his five years as President, he accomplished very little.

   ✴️When you achieve something, you manage to do or obtain what you have planned to do or obtain, especially after a lot of effort:

🔺The company intends to achieve all these goals within the next five years.
🔺By the age of twenty, she had already achieved her ambition.

⚠️#Note that achieve is also used to mean accomplish :

🔆By the end of the course, you will feel that you ve really achieved something.

🎁 💝 @E_Langu 🎁 💝
#Common_mistakes :

🔺 Ask for a thing, not ask a thing. "يطلب"

She came and asked my book.
She came and asked for my book.
👈جاءت وطلبت كتابي.

🔺 This morning, etc., not today morning, etc.

: I haven't seen him today morning.
: I haven't seen him this morning.
👈لم أره هذا الصباح.

👉 #Note: Avoid today morning, today affernoon, today evening, yesterday night, this night. Say: this morning , this afternoon , this evening, last night, tonight.
🔺 It works miracles, not it makes miracles.

: That medicine makes miracles.
: That medicine works miracles.
👈أن الطب يصنع المعجزات


‘I went into the garden and picked some flowers.’✔️
I went into the garden and ‘picked up some flowers’;

الفعل pick up يستخدم للأشياء التي هي على الارض أو سقطت على الأرض. لكن هنا يقصد ان يلتقط من الشجرة
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
💢 #Idioms

✴️ right up your street 🇬🇧BrE
#تعني: انه سيكون مثاليا بالنسبة لك أو مثالية لمهاراتك واهتماماتك.
If something is right up your street, it would be perfect for you or ideal for your skills and interests.

📌 I've found a job that should be right up Humphrey s street. It s writing for a cricket magazine, so he could use his writing skills and his knowledge of cricket.
👈لقد وجدت وظيفة يجب أن تكون مثالية لمهاراتي وخبراتي انها الكتابة لمجلة الكريكيت, حتى يتمكن من استخدام مهاراته في الكتابة ومعرفته لعبة الكريكيت.

🔔 #Note: The idioms
🔸 "right down your alley"
🔸 "right up your alley"
👈لهم نفس المعنى ، لكنها تستخدم أكثر في اللغة الإنجليزية الأمريكية.

Variety: This idiom is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
#Common_mistakes :

💬Guilty of, not for. " مذنب بـ "
He was found guilty for murder.
He was found guilty of murder .

💬Independent of , not from . "مستقل عن "
Clare’s independent from her parents .
Clare’s independent of her parents .

🔔#Note: We say dependent on ;
🔆A child is dependent on its parents .

💬 Indifferent to, not for . "غير مبالي بـ "
They’re indifferent for politics .
They’re indifferent to politics .

Be careful not to loose your money .
Be careful not to lose your money.
👈 لانه تحـير بين الصفة loose والفعل lose بالرغم مـن إنـه يمكن ان تستخدم الفعل loose :
🔆 She loosened the string
ولكن في الجمله الاولى اعلاة حصل تشويش بين الصفة loose والفعل lose كما يقول علماء اللغة انه يحصل ذلك اثناء التعبير والأستخدام عند الكثير..

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

have a heart-to-heart
تعني : لديك حديث صادق وتبادل مشاعرك مع بعضها البعض مع شخص


📌After we'd had a good heart-to-heart we understood each other much better.
👈بعد أن كان لدينا توافق ودي جيد بيننا فهمنا بعضنا البعض أفضل بكثير.

📌If you're not getting on well with someone, having a heart-to-heart can really help a lot.
👈إذا كنت لا تتعامل بشكل جيد مع شخص ما ، فإن التعامل من القلب إلى القلب يمكن أن يساعد كثيرا حقا.

👁‍🗨 #Note: "Heart-to-heart" can also be used as an adjective, as in "have a heart-to-heart talk".

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️One in a million
👈#تعني : شخص جيد بشكل استثنائي.
If you say someone is "one in a million", you mean they're an exceptionally good person.


🔆 My grandmother was the kindest and sweetest old lady ever. She was one in a million.
👈كانت جدتي أجمل وأحلى سيدة عجوز على الإطلاق. كانت استثنائية لامثيل لها

🔆Kenny was a really great guy. One in a million, he was.
👈كيمي كان حقا ولد عظيم, هو كان استثنائي

❗️#Note: In American English, "one in a hundred" and "one in a thousand" are also used, and they have the same meaning.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
Common mistakes:


Ten sheeps are grazing in the field.

Ten sheep are grazing in the field.

🟣 #Note : Sheep, deer, salmon
وعدد قليل من الأسماء الأخرى لهانفس الشكل للمفرد والجمع .

▪️We say one sheep or ten sheep.


📙 Using till instead of before or when.

I'd reached the school till the rain started.

I'd reached the school before the rain started.

Or: I'd reached the school when the rain started.

🍃 Before or when
👈يقدمون فقرة زمنية ، إذا كان فعل الجملة الرئيسية يشير إلى إجراء مكتمل قبل ذلك من جملة الوقت.
👉introduces a clause of time, if the verb of the main clause denotes an action completed before that of the time clause.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🎗Preside at, Or over ,not in . ➠ "ترأس"

Don’t say : Who presided in the last meeting .
Say : Who presided at the last meeting .
👈من ترأس الجلسة الأخيرة

🎗Proud of, not for ."فخور بـ"

Don’t say : He’s very proud for his promotion.
✔️Say : He’s very proud of his promotion .
👈إنه فخور جدا بترقيته .

💡#Note : We say take (a) pride in ;
A craftsman takes a pride in his work .
👈الحرفي يأخذ الفخر في عمله .

🎗Rejoice at Or in, not for ."يبتهج"

Don’t say : We rejoiced for her success .
Say :, We Rejoice at (Or in) her success.
👈نحن نفرح في نجاحها

🎗Related to ,not with .

Don’t say : Are you related with Simon in any way ?
Say : Are you related to Simon in any way?
👈هل ترتبط مع سيمون بأي شكل من الأشكال ?

💡#Note: Also relation to ;
🔆Is he any relation to you ?
👈هل هو أي علاقة بك ?

🎗Repent of , not from .يتوب

Don’t say : He repented from his crime .
Say : He repented of his crime .
👈تاب عن جريمته

💡#Note: Repentance + for ;
He feels repentance for his sin
👈يشعر بالتوبة عن خطيئته

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Zero_articles (-)


1⃣ مع TV / television
🔸 لكن نستخدم The مع radio
🔆I watch (-) TV a lot, We say:
🔆 but I don’t listen to the radio much.

💠but Can you turn off the television please? (the television = the TV set)

2⃣تستخدم غالبا مع الوجبات
🔸 breakfast 🔸lunch 🔸dinner

🔆What did you have for (-) breakfast?
🔆We had (-) lunch in a very nice restaurant.

3⃣للاشاره الى اشياء او اشخاص بشكل عام :
🔆 I like(-) cheese
🔆I m afraid of (-) dogs
🔆(-) Life is hard
🔆(-) Doctors earn more than teacher
🔆(-) English is spoken all over the world

4⃣في ببعض الاماكن الشائعة :
He is at (-) work
She is at (-) hospital
He is at (-) school
They are at (-) university
She s at (-) home in (-) bed

✳️ Travel
🔆I travel by (-) car / bus / train

5⃣تستخدم مع الوقت Time :
🔆I ll do it (-) next week
🔆I saw her (-) last year

6⃣تستخدم مع المواد الاكاديمية :
I m no good at (-) maths

7⃣تستخدم مع الالعاب :
🔆 I like (-) chess.

8⃣في ببعض الاماكن
🔆I ve travelled a lot in (-) Europe (-) south Africa

🔆 I live in (-) station road
🔆We walked in (-) Hyde park
🔆 The plane left from (-) Heathrow Airport

🔆 I ll meet you at (-) St pancras station
🔆 I climbed (-) mount Everst
🔆 She studied at (-) Oxford university
📌#Note : She studied at the University of Oxford.

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️

Prepositions with REACH

📕Reach FOR ➡️ reach in order to get whatever is named
🔸الوصول من أجل الحصول على كل ما هو اختاره
🔆He reached for the matches..
👈وصل للمباريات.

📗Reach TO ➡️ "reach as far as"
🔸يوصل بقدر المستطاع ، على قدر الامكان
. (Sometimes reach

🔆He wore a coat that reached (down) to his knees.
👈كان يرتدي معطفا يصل إلى ركبتيه.
🔆On the wall there was a bookcase that reached (up) to the ceiling.
👈على الحائط كان هناك خزانة الكتب التي وصلت (تصل) إلى السقف.

يمكن استخدام حروف الجر المناسبة الأخرى في ظروف معينة::
🔹Reach under the counter
🔹Reach across the table
🔹Reach over the desk.

🔸Out of reach " بعيد المنال"
where (it) cannot be reached.
#Similarly :
🔸out of one's reach
🔸beyond one s grasp
🔸 impossible to reach
🔸difficult to reach

⚠️ #BUT :

🔸out of the reach of children
🔸out of reach of children

There is a similar difference between within reach of and within the reach of:

🅰️🔹Within reach of London means
➡️ from which London can be reached, OR which can be reached from London

🔆I want a cottage within reach of London.
👈أريد كوخ في متناول اليد من لندن. (التي يمكن الوصول إليها من لندن)

🅱️Within the reach of means
➡️ within the distance that whoever is named can reach:
🔸ضمن المسافة التي يمكن لأي شخص اسمه الوصول إليها:
🔆In those days London was not within the reach of most people living as far north as Sheffield or Manchester
👈في تلك الأيام ، لم تكن لندن في متناول معظم الناس الذين يعيشون في أقصى الشمال مثل شيفيلد أو مانشستر.

It is often used semi-metaphorically
🔸غالبا ما يتم استخدامه شبه مجازي

🔆Luxuries are not within the reach of the poor.
👈 الرفاهية ليست في متناول الفقراء.

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️