احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

⚫️Meet and greet = to welcome ➪ترحيب

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆When the guest arrives, I'll do the meet and greet in the reception.
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⚫️ kill or be killed
= live or die ➪ حي او ميت /قاتل او مقتول

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Life in those days was kill or be killed: only the strong survived.
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⚫️ Loud and clear
#تعني : من السهل السماع والفهم
= easy to hear and understand

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆A: Did you hear what I said?
B: Loud and clear!

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⚫️ High and dry = stranded
#تعني : الذين تقطعت بهم السبل/ وضع سئ

*️⃣ #Example
🔆They left me high and dry.
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⚫️ hit and miss = unreliable, inconsistent ➪ لايصدق

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆The team's performance this season was hit and miss.
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⚫️ here and there = a variety of places

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆They looked here and there, but couldn't find her.
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⚫️ hammer and tongs= with great effort

🔆He's been going hammer and tongs to finish the report by Friday.
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⚫️ Give and take = compromise

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆There should be a certain amount of give and take, but don't let them push you around.
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⚫️ cool, calm and collected
= without stress or nervousness

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆She looked cool, calm and collected as she presented to the board, but said afterward she was having kittens.
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⚫️ first and foremost
#تعني :اولا = first

*️⃣ #Example:
First and foremost, let me thank you all for coming today.
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⚫️ crash and burn
= total failure ➪ فشل كلي

*️⃣ #Example:
I'm gonna crash and burn, if I don't get some study done.

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⚫️ cat and mouse
#تعني : يستخدم الإستراتيجية مطاردة ,اعداء
= use strategy chase

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Hackers have been playing cat and mouse with internet security firms.
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⚫️ for better or worse
#تعني : جيدة أو سيئة ، بغض النظر عن النتيجة
= good or bad, no matter what the result

*️⃣ #Example:

🔆For better or worse, he was reelected for another four years.
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⚫️The be all and end all
= the most important part ➪
#تعني : الجزء الاكثر اهمية

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆Gavin thinks he is the be all and end all of Sales.

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⚫️ alive and kicking
= living and healthy ➠ عايش ومعافئ

*️⃣ #Example:
🔆A: How's old man Burns?
B: He's pushing 80, but he's alive and kicking.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
🗣 #Useful_Phrases 🗣

عندما تريد ان تقول ان شي سهل جدا مثلا اختبار
as easy as pie 🥧
a piece of cake 🍰

= very easy


🔆He said it is a difficult problem, but I don’t agree. It seems as easy as pie to me! 🥧

🔆I had a test yesterday. It wasn’t that difficult, it was just a piece of cake! 🍰

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
Ways to say you don’t want more food! 🥘
🔸طرق لقول أنك لا تريد المزيد من الطعام!🥘

I’m stuffed.
I’m full.
I’ve had plenty.
I’ve had enough.
I couldn’t eat another thing.

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
🔰The expressions that we can use instead of saying " tell me ..🔸🔹
🔰التعبيرات التي يمكننا استخدامها بدلا من القول اخبرني
🔹Put me in the picture..
🔸Keep me in the know.
🔹Keep me updated.
🔸Keep me informed.
🔹Keep me in the loop.
🔸Keep me posted.
🔹Inform me please..

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️

تعني : "في المستقبل القريب "

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Useful_Phrases &#Idioms_for_Going_Crazy #عبارات_عن_الجنون_والعصبية 😡🤬 😂

#Useful_Phrases & #Idioms_for_Going_Crazy.

✴️Blow one’s top😤

💠Meaning: Lose one’s temper. (يفقد اعصابه)
I think he’ll blow his top when you give him the news.

✴️Blow up
💠 (ينفجر).

When I saw the look on Sarah’s face, I just know she’d blow up.

✴️Fly off the handle.
💠فقد اعصابه فجأه وغير متوقع
know you’re upset, but there’s no point flying off the handle like that.

✴️Freak out (يفزع)
💠Meaning: A wildly irrational reaction or spell of behavior.

🔰Mom will freak out when she found out we broke her vase!

✴️Go ape
💠التعبير عن الإثارة الشديدة أو الغضب.
July will go ape if she ever hears about it.

✴️Go ballistic
💠يصاب بالذعر
🔰My parents went totally ballistic when they found out I’d wrecked the car!

✴️Go bananas
💠ان تصبح غير عقلاني او مجنون (
#باليمني: يقرح فيوز 😂(
🔰 I’ll end up going bananas if I have to work in this cubicle for one more day!

✴️Go berserk
💠يصاب بالجنون او وحشية (To go crazy )
🔰She went berserk and strangled her cat.

✴️Go bonkers
💠أن تكون متوحشًا ، أو مضطربًا ، أو غير عقلاني ، أو مجنونًا ؛ للتصرف بهذه الطريقة.
🔰The drivers in this country seem to go completely bonkers if there’s even a little bit of snow on the ground.

✴️Go mental
💠يصبح فجأه غاضب جدا.
🔰 My parents are going to go mental if they find out we had a party here!

✴️Go nuts
💠يصاب بالجنون ( To become crazy)
🔰The noise caused all the neighbors to go nuts.

✴️Go off the deep end
💠أن تصبح غاضبًا بشكل غير متوقع ، خاصة بدون سبب وجيه.
🔰I only put a tiny scratch on your car, so there’s no need to go off the deep end ☹️.

✴️Hit the roof
💠ليصبح غاضبا جدا.(To become very angry).
My parents are going to hit the roof if they find out we had a party here!

✴️Lose it
💠أن يصبح فجأة غير قادر على التصرف أو التفكير بطريقة معقولة.
Mom is going to lose it when she gets home and finds out that we broke her vase.

✴️Pop one’s cork
💠Meaning: To release one’s anger; to blow one’s top.
She tried to hold it back, but suddenly she popped her cork.