احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Logo of the Telegram channel احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR

🌟 He should crack the whip

🧑🏻 Mike: Why are you down in the dumps?
👩🏻‍🦱 Suzan: Carl has foiled all our plans. I was going to take a few days off work but he turned down my request on the pretext of a due deadline and that they cannot do without me for the time being.
🧑🏻 Mike: You’re kidding! If your husband heard that, he would hit the ceiling.
👩🏻‍🦱 Suzan: He must step in and put a stop to Carl’s arrogance. He’s the company’s owner after all and he should crack the whip.

◾️ #Vocabulary ◾️

◼️ Down in the dumps: discouraged, depressed, or sad.
#تعني : محبط أو مكتئب أو حزين. 😢

◼️ Foil a plan: to spoil a plan; to cause it to fail.
#تعني : لإفساد خطة

◼️ Take time off: to take a break from one's employment or school.

◼️ Turn down: to refuse someone's request.
#تعني : رفض طلب شخص ما.

◼️ On the pretext of: a false reason used to explain why you are doing something.

◼️ A due deadline: the time something should be delivered.
#تعني : الوقت الذي يجب أن يتم تسليم شيء.

◼️ Do without: to manage without.

◼️ For the time being: for the present; until some other arrangement is made.

◼️ You’re kidding: You cannot be serious; I don't believe it; this can't be true.

◼️ Hit the ceiling: to explode in anger; to go crazy.

◼️ Step in: to become involved in a difficult situation, especially in order to help.
#تعني :الانخراط في موقف صعب ، خاصة من أجل المساعدة.

◼️ Put a stop to: to cause to end.
#تعني : لتسبب في نهاية

◼️ After all: used to add information that shows that what you have just said is true.
#تستخدم لإضافة معلومات توضح أن ما قلته للتو صحيح.

◼️ Crack the whip: to use your authority to make someone else behave better or work harder.
#تعني لاستخدام سلطتك لجعل شخص آخر يتصرف بشكل أفضل أو يعمل بجدية أكبر

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
🔴 #Daily_Conversations:

♦️ Directing a Conversation
🔸 When you stress that your point is clear

🔸عندما تشدد على أن وجهة نظرك واضحة:

🔹It's as clear as day.
🔹It's as plain as day.
🔹A child can understand it.
🔹Any fool can see it.
🔹Don't you know it?
🔹Don't you see it?

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
👨🏻‍🦱Todd: OK, Katie.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Yeah.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Let's take an international test.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Oh, OK.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: How international are you? Let's find out.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Let's find out.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: First, have you ever eaten Greek food?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Greek food? Ah, I've eaten, how do you say it, falafel.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Oh, is that Greek?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: I think so. I've had that, but apart from that, I've never eaten Greek food. How about you?

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Ah, I think I have. Like, I've eaten Greek yogurt. Does that count?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: That counts.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: That counts?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: That counts.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: OK, have you ever eaten Russian food?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: What's Russian food?

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: I think, Russian food, is it borscht? Borscht is like a cabbage soup.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Hmm, I've never eaten Russian food.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Yeah, maybe I haven't eaten Russian food either. OK, last one, have you ever eaten Vietnamese food?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Ah, I see it written down. Is it pho?

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Pho, the noodles?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Yeah, I've eaten pho before.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Yeah, I've been to Vietnam so I've eaten Vietnamese food a lot. And pho the noodles is really good.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Yeah, it's delicious.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: I've had that too.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: OK, now let's talk about languages.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Oh, OK. Have you ever studied French?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: I have. I studied French for five years.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Oh, can you still speak French?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Nope. Not at all.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Yeah, me too. I once studied French years ago, but I haven't spoken French in so long I can't remember anything.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: I can't remember anything either ٠

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Have you ever studied an Asian Language?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: I've studied Japanese. I can still speak it a little bit now, and I studied a little bit of Korean, but I don't speak Korean.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Oh, really. OK. Wow, like I've studied Thai because I lived in Thailand for five years, and like you I've studied Japanese, but my Japanese is terrible.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: How about your Thai?

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: My Thai is OK. It's OK. I can talk a little bit. OK, so have you ever met a Spanish person?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: A Spanish person? Actually, I don't think I have.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Really?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: I don't think I have met a Spanish person.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Oh, interesting. I've been to Spain so, I've met a few and we have a Spanish teacher at our school.

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Oh, maybe I have met a Spanish person then. Maybe, I've met a secret Spanish person.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: OK, have you met a Chinese person ?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: Oh, yes, I've meet lots of Chinese people ٠

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: OK, and have you met a Brazilian person?

👩🏻‍🦰Katie: I feel like if I say no, then I have. Probably. Probably, I've met a Brazilian person.

👨🏻‍🦱Todd: Yeah, I've met a few people from Brazil, so they're alway very nice. Very friendly people.
🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🧑‍🦱: I'm so glad we booked the last rooms at the resort.
أنا سعيد للغاية لأننا حجزنا آخر الغرف في المنتجع.

👱‍♀️:And we even got them at a discount.
وحتى حصلنا عليها بسعر منخفض.

🧑‍🦱: Yeah, that's the icing on the cake!
نعم، هذه هي المكافأة!

👱‍♀️: How did you get 50 percent off?
كيف حصلت على خصم 50 في المائة ؟

🧑‍🦱: I got a corporate discount through my work l.
حصلت على خصم الشركات من خلال عملي.

👱‍♀️: one of the perks of the job!
واحدة من منافع الوظيفة!

🧑‍🦱: Exactly! We 'll have extra spending money now.
بالضبط! سيصبح لدينا أموال إضافية للانفاق الان.

👱‍♀️: sounds good to me!
جيد جداً.
🎁 💝 @E_Langu 🎁 💝

✴️محادثة في الجامعة

are you a student? - هل أنت طالب؟
what do you study? - ماذا تدرس؟
I'm studying … - أنا أدرس …
where do you study? - أين تدرس؟
which university are you at?
👈 - في أي جامعة أنت؟
what university do you go to?
👈- إلى أي جامعة تذهب؟
I'm at … - أنا في …
which year are you in? - في أي سنة أنت؟
I'm in my … year - أنا في السنة …
I'm in my first year at university
👈 - أنا في السنة الأولى في الجامعة
do you have any exams coming up?
👈 - هل لديك أية امتحانات في الفترة المقبلة؟
I've just graduated - لقد تخرّجت لتوّي
I'm doing a masters in …
👈 - أجري ماجستيراً في …
I'm doing a PhD in …
👈 - أجري رسالة دكتوراة في …
do you go to university?
👈 - هل تذهب إلى الجامعة؟
I didn't go to university
👈 - لم أذهب إلى الجامعة
I never went to university
👈 - لم أذهب إلى الجامعة قطّ
where did you go to university?
👈 - أين ذهبت إلى الجامعة؟
what did you study? - ماذا درست؟
🍁 🍁 🍁🍁 🍁 🍁🍁 🍁 🍁🍁 🍁 🍁

when did you go to school?
👈 - أين ذهبت إلى المدرسة؟
I went to school in …
👈 - ذهبت إلى المدرسة في …

I left school at sixteen
👈 - تركتُ المدرسة في عمر السادسة عشر
I'm taking a gap year
👈 - أنا في "فجوة دراسية"
(سنة حرّة بعد إنهاء المدرسة وقبل البدء بالجامعة، عادة ما يسافر فيها الطلاب أو يقومون بأعمال طوعية)
🍁 🍁 🍁🍁 🍁 🍁🍁 🍁 🍁🍁 🍁 🍁

✴️خطط المستقبل
how many more years do you have to go?
👈 - كم سنة بعدُ يلزمك؟ (لتنهي الجامعة)
what do you want to do when you've finished?
👈- ماذا تريد أن تفعل بعد أن تنهي؟
🔸get a job - أجد عملاً
🔸go travelling - أسافر
🔸I don't know what I want to do after university - لا أعرف ماذا أريد أن أفعل بعد الجامعة

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
👨🏻‍🦰Todd: So Meg, are you busy this weekend?

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Yes, I m so busy because I m moving.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: Oh, no.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Yeah, there s a lot of work to do.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: What do you have to do?

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: First, I have to prepare my apartment, so I need to pack all of my things.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: That s not fun.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: No, it takes a long time.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: Do you need help?

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Yeah, do you have time to help me?

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: I can help you on Sunday.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Ooh, are you busy on Saturday?

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: Yeah, on Saturday I have to work. I have to teach two classes, and then after I teach, I have to grade papers. Oh, it sounds like you re really busy too. Plus, I have to meet my friends that evening.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Oh, what will you do with your friends?

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: I m helping my friend also. My friend has car problems, so I have to take him to the mechanic, but on Sunday I can help you.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: OK, that would be great because on Sunday I have to take some trash to the dump, and I have to finish some paperwork at city hall to prepare for moving to a new country

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: Now, because you re moving, do you have to go to the post office?

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: I do have to go to the post office. I almost forgot. At the post office, I have to submit a form to say my new address.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: Ah, that s good because I have to go to the post office, too.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Oh, really.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: I have to send my mom s birthday gift to her.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: When is your mom s birthday?

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: It was one month ago.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Ah, so you have to send it quickly.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: Yes, I have to get on it.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: OK, well, let s go together.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: So, I ll see you Sunday. What time should I be here?

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: I have to go to city hall by three p.m., so can you come at two?

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: OK, but if you want to go to the dump, the dump closes at noon, so we have to leave early.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Ah, OK. Can you come at eleven?

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: Yes. OK, so I will see you at eleven o clock.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Great, see you then.

👨🏻‍🦰Todd: Bye.

👩🏻‍🦰Meg: Bye.
@E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
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تحسين مهارات التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية كل يوم (نصائح للتحدث باللغة الإنجليزية) ممارسة المحادثة باللغة الإنجليزية

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙
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تدرب على المحادثة باللغة الإنجليزية لتحسين مهارات التحدث (الحياة الأسرية) ممارسة المحادثة باللغة الإنجليزية

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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#conversations 🗣
#I_recommend_it 😍

#انصحكم_به شاهدوه تعلمو النطق وبعض الكلمات الجديدة والجمل التي تنفعكم في مثل هذه المواقف 🥺😍

#محادثات 🗣
Real English Speaking & Conversation Practice - Lesson 01 - Talking About Daily Routine In English

🟡SLATE ➪ SCHEDULE " سجل اعمال "
🟡Taxing ➪ tiresome ➸ متعب 😩
🟡snowed under ➸ مشغول جدا
🟡screwball ➸ احمق
🟡Binge on ➪ يسرف بشي
🟡 bumper to bumper 👇
👈 زحمة مرور والسيارات متقاربات جدا🚗🚙🚗

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
🔸2⃣ When you don't understand what a speaker is saying
🔸2⃣ عندما لا تفهم ما يقوله المتحدث

🔹I don't understand you.
أنا لا أفهمك

🔹I can't understand you.
لا أستطيع أن أفهمك.

🔹I can't hear you.
لا أستطيع سماعك.

🔹Could you please speak slower?
من فضلك تحدث ابطئ.

🔹Please speak more slowly.
من فضلك تحدث ببطء أكثر.

🔹Speak up.
ارفع صوتك

🔹Could you please speak louder?
هل يمكنك التحدث بصوت أعلى من فضلك

🔹Could you spell that?
هل يمكنك تهجئة ذلك

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
#dialog 1⃣

🔆Catching bus ➠ getting bus (ركوب الحافلة)

🔆T-30/Z-8 ➠ Number of bus (رقم الباص)

🔆That's doesn't sound too bad ➠
That's doesn't appear to be difficult
👈لا يبدو أن هذا صعب

🔆Let you right off ➠ take you exactly to
👈يأخذك بالضبط إلى

@E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦

🔆Sorry, you are breaking up
🔰اسف , الاتصال يفصل
🔆 It's bad signal
🔰الاشارة سيئة
🔆Can i get back for you
🔰هل ممكن ارجع اتصلك
🔆I'm trying to get hold of ...
🔰انا اشتي توصلني بـ ....
🔅it's probably switch off
🔰احتمال انه طافي
🔆It's through for you
🔰انه على الخط عشان يكلمك
🔆just tell him I rang and I ll see him at home
🔰فقط قله اتصلت له وسوف اراه في البيت
🔆Can you give a massage ?
🔰 تْقدر تسوي له رسالة؟
🔆I'm afraid he is not here
🔰انا اسف هو ليس هنا
🔆I saw missed call from you ,bit completely forgot to ring you back.
🔰رايت مكالمة فائتة منك بس نسيت تماما ان ارجع اتصلك
🔆I'm calling because ....
🔰انا ااتصلت لك عشان ....
🔆Did you listen to the voicemail i left you
🔰هل سسمعت البريد الصوتي الذي سجلته لك
🔅Can i speak with you later?
🔰اقدر ااكلمك مرة ثانية؟
🔅he always get back to text
🔰هو دائما يرد بالنصية
🔆 Could i speak to .....please?
🔰هل ااستطيع التحدث مع ...... لوسمحتي
🔆I'm afraid the line s busy ,would you like to hold
🔰أخشى أن الخط مشغول ، هل ترغب في الانتظار

🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️🟦
🔴 #Daily_Conversations:
🔴 #محادثات_يومية 1

🔸When you are angry with an aggressive
👈عندما تكون غاضب من شخص

🔹Get out of my face!
🔹Get off my back!
🔹Get off my tail!
🔹Get off my a**! (Vulgar)
🔹I m fed up with you!
🔹Screw you! (Vulgar)

🔸When you don t believe that a person who is threatening you has serious intentions

🔹Do you mean to say something?
🔹You can t mean that!
🔹You wouldn t do that! (used with "wouldn t" or "couldn t".)
🔹You wouldn t dare!
🔹You and what army?

🔶When you want a person to stay out of your affairs
👈عندما تريد شخص يخرج من شوؤنك
🔹Mind your own business.
🔹I ll thank you to mind your own business.
🔹It s none of your business.
🔹That s none of your affair.
🔹What s it to you?
🔹Don t tell me what to do.
🔹Keep your nose out of my business.
🔹Keep out of this.
🔹Stay out of this.

🔸When you are scolding a person
🔹Shame on you!
🔹For shame!

🔸 When you are trying to stop a person from an illegal action

🔹You ll never get away with it.
🔹You ll go to jail (.السجن).
🔹You ll end up in prison.
🔹I would not do that for love or money.

🔸 When you want a person to leave your property alone

🔹Look with your eyes, not your hands.
🔹Did I say you could touch that?
🔹If you break it, you pay for it.
🔹If you break it, you bought it.
🔹Excuse me, that s mine.
🔹Hands off!

🟦⬜️🟦 🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦🟦⬜️🟦