احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر

Логотип телеграм канала احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
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قناة تأهيلية لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بكل سلاسة بعيدا عن التعقيد من الصفر حتى الاحترافية وفي اسرع وقت انشر رابط القناة لتعم الفائدة الجميع لشرح اي درس او منشور ↜ @Gn8NR
🔴 #Daily_Conversations:

♦️ Directing a Conversation
🔸 When you stress that your point is clear

🔸عندما تشدد على أن وجهة نظرك واضحة:

🔹It's as clear as day.
🔹It's as plain as day.
🔹A child can understand it.
🔹Any fool can see it.
🔹Don't you know it?
🔹Don't you see it?

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🔸When a person is hesitating
✴️عندما يكون الشخص مترددا

🔹He can't make up his mind.
🔹He is dragging his feet.
🔹He got cold feet.

🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙

🟠 When you are pushed to the limit of your patience
🟡عندما تدفع إلى اخر صبرك "يطفح كيلك"

🔹This is more than I can take.
🔹This is more than I can possibly take. "هذا اكثر من قدرتي "
🔹This is more than I can stand /Bear." ماقدر اتحمل 😩"
🔹It's too much. "قدها زيادة "
🔹It's way too much.
🔹You're too much. "انت زودتها😩"
🔹It's over the top." لقد تعدى الحدود"
🔹I've had enough of it.
🔹I've had enough."لقد اخذت الكفاية"
🔹I've had it.
🔹I've had it up to here.
🔹That's it.
🔹That does it.
🔹That's the last straw.
🔹I'm fed up with this.
" انا ملييت 😩"

#الصبر #عدم_الصبر
🌙🌙🌙 @E_LANGU 🌙🌙🌙

🔸When a situation is tough
🔸 عندما يكون الوضع صعبا

🔹It's hell on Earth.
🔹It's a living hell.
🔹You don't know the half of it.
🔹That'll be the death of me.
🔹I feel like a fish out of water.
🔹I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️When you promise to keep a secret
✴️عندما توعد بالحفاظ على السر

🔹Your secret is safe with me.
🔹I'll take it to my grave.
🔹I won't tell a soul.
🔹My lips are sealed.
🔹It won't leave this room.
🔹I won't breathe a word of it.
🔹I swear on a stack of bibles. (For a Christian)


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

Stress, Anxiety, Excitement (Part 1 of 10)

🔸 When you are stressed out
🔸عندما تكون قلق 😥
🔹I'm very anxious.
🔹I'm falling apart at the seams.
🔹I feel like I m falling apart at the seams.
🔹I'm on pins and needles.
🔹I'm sitting on pins and needles.
🔹I'm losing my mind.
🔹I feel like I m losing my mind.
🔹I'm losing my marbles.
🔹I'm a bundle of nerves.
🔹Everyone is getting on my nerves.
🔹Am I crazy?
🔹I'm going crazy.
🔹I think I'm crazy.
🔹I'm going nuts.
🔹I'm starting to feel like a nut.
🔹I'm freaking out.
🔹I can't take it anymore.
🔹I can't take another problem.
🔹I just can't deal with this anymore.
🔹I've got butterflies in my stomach.


🔸When you are depressed
🔸عندما تكون مكتئبا

🔹I'm depressed.
🔹I'm feeling low.
🔹I'm feeling down.
🔹I'm feeling a little blue.
🔹I'm feeling mentally under the weather.
🔹I'm in the doldrums.
🔹I'm down in the dumps.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹


🔸When you are ready to grab an opportunity
🔸عندما تكون مستعدا لانتزاع فرصة

🔹I won't hesitate.
🔹I won't think twice.
🔹I'll do it without a second thought.
🔹I'll do it in a heartbeat.

___🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️When you encourage a person whose attitude is improving
✴️عندما تشجع الشخص الذي يتحسن موقفه

🔹Now you re talking! 😍
🔹There you go!🤩
🔹That's the way to go!😚
🔹That's more like it. 🥰
You ve got this!
2- Keep pushing yourself!
3- Don t give up!
4- Believe in yourself!
5- You re making progress!
6- Keep up the good work!
7- You re doing great!
8- Keep striving for excellence!
9- You re on the right track!
10- Your hard work is paying off!
11- You re capable of amazing things!
12- I believe in you!
13- Keep pursuing your dreams!
14- You have what it takes!
15- You can overcome this challenge!
16- That was a nice try.
👉🏼say this after someone made a good effort but failed.
17- That’s a real improvement.
هذا تحسن حقيقي او ملحوظ .
18- You’re on the right track.
أنت تصير على الطريق الصحيح.
19- You’ve almost got it.
أنت على وشك الحصول على مبتغاك .

20-You’re doing great.
انت قاعد تسوي شي كبير.

21- Don’t give up! / Hang in there!
لاتستسلم / أصبر!
22-You can do it!
أنت تقدر تسويها.
23-Nice job! / You did great!
👉🏼after the person has done something good.


🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
🔴 #Daily_Conversations:
♦️. #Encouragement

When you encourage somebody to try something
عندما تشجع شخصا ما على تجربة شيء ما

🔹Give it a try.
🔹Go for it!
🔹Go on, you can do it.
🔹Give it a shot.
🔹Take a shot at it.
🔹Take your chances.
🔹Try your luck.
🔹See what you can do.
🔹It won t hurt you to try it.
🔹Keep on trying.
🔹Don t quit trying.

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

🔸When you're phrase the speaker's point
✴️عندما تريد ان تعبر عن النقطة التي يتحدث بها المتكلم

🔹What you mean is…ما تعنيه هو…

🔹What you're saying is…ما تقوله هو…

🔹If I understand you,…إذا كنت أفهمك,…

🔹If I am hearing you correctly,…إذا كنت أسمعك بشكل صحيح,…

🔹So, you think that… لذا ، تعتقد ذلك…

🔹Strictly speaking,…بالمعنى الدقيق للكلمة

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
🔸2⃣ When you don't understand what a speaker is saying
🔸2⃣ عندما لا تفهم ما يقوله المتحدث

🔹I don't understand you.
أنا لا أفهمك

🔹I can't understand you.
لا أستطيع أن أفهمك.

🔹I can't hear you.
لا أستطيع سماعك.

🔹Could you please speak slower?
من فضلك تحدث ابطئ.

🔹Please speak more slowly.
من فضلك تحدث ببطء أكثر.

🔹Speak up.
ارفع صوتك

🔹Could you please speak louder?
هل يمكنك التحدث بصوت أعلى من فضلك

🔹Could you spell that?
هل يمكنك تهجئة ذلك

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️

✴️Directing a Conversation
🔴 Daily Conversations:

🔸1⃣ When you don't understand what a speaker has said :
🔸1⃣ ماذا تقول : عندما لا تفهم ما قاله المتحدث :

🔹Pardon me?
🔹Excuse me?
🔹I'm sorry?
🔹I'm sorry.I missed that.
🔹I'm sorry.What?
🔹What did you say?
🔹What was that?
🔹Could you please repeat yourself?
🔹Could you please repeat that?
🔹Could you please say that again?
🔹Say that again.
🔹I didn't quite get that.

🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️
🔴 Daily Conversations:

♦️5.Directing a Conversation (Part3 of 9)

🔸5.9When you don't understand what a speaker has said

🔹I'msorry.I missed that.
🔹Whatdid you say?
🔹Whatwas that?
🔹Could you please repeat yourself?
🔹Couldyou please repeat that?
🔹Couldyou please say that again?
🔹Saythat again.
🔹Ididn't quite get that.

When you don't understand what a speaker is saying

🔹I don't understand you.
🔹Ican't understand you.
🔹Ican't hear you.
🔹Couldyou please speak slower?
🔹Pleasespeak more slowly.
🔹Couldyou please speak louder?
🔹Couldyou spell that?

🔸5.11When you don't follow the speaker's train of thought

🔹I don't follow.
🔹Idon't follow you.
🔹Idon't quite follow you.
🔹I'mnot following you.
🔹I'm not sure I follow.

🔸5.12When you don't understand the speaker's point

🔹I don't understand your point.
🔹I don't get it.
🔹Ididn't quite get that.
🔹Idon't see what you're getting at.
🔹I'mnot sure I get your point.
🔹I'mnot sure I get what you mean.
🔹I'mnot sure I know what you mean.

🔸5.13When you bring up a counter point

🔹I hate to bring this up,but…
🔹I don't mean to be negative,but…
🔹I don't mean to be rude,but…
🔹I may be wrong,but…
🔹Correct me if I am wrong,but…
🔹You might be right,but…
🔹You may have a good point,but…
🔹That may be true,but…


🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦⬜️

🔴 #Daily_Conversations:
🔴 #محادثات_يومية 1

🔸When you are angry with an aggressive
👈عندما تكون غاضب من شخص

🔹Get out of my face!
🔹Get off my back!
🔹Get off my tail!
🔹Get off my a**! (Vulgar)
🔹I m fed up with you!
🔹Screw you! (Vulgar)

🔸When you don t believe that a person who is threatening you has serious intentions

🔹Do you mean to say something?
🔹You can t mean that!
🔹You wouldn t do that! (used with "wouldn t" or "couldn t".)
🔹You wouldn t dare!
🔹You and what army?

🔶When you want a person to stay out of your affairs
👈عندما تريد شخص يخرج من شوؤنك
🔹Mind your own business.
🔹I ll thank you to mind your own business.
🔹It s none of your business.
🔹That s none of your affair.
🔹What s it to you?
🔹Don t tell me what to do.
🔹Keep your nose out of my business.
🔹Keep out of this.
🔹Stay out of this.

🔸When you are scolding a person
🔹Shame on you!
🔹For shame!

🔸 When you are trying to stop a person from an illegal action

🔹You ll never get away with it.
🔹You ll go to jail (.السجن).
🔹You ll end up in prison.
🔹I would not do that for love or money.

🔸 When you want a person to leave your property alone

🔹Look with your eyes, not your hands.
🔹Did I say you could touch that?
🔹If you break it, you pay for it.
🔹If you break it, you bought it.
🔹Excuse me, that s mine.
🔹Hands off!

🟦⬜️🟦 🟦⬜️🟦 @E_Langu 🟦⬜️🟦🟦⬜️🟦