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#Leian_Darvish, a political prisoner detained during the December 2017 protests, goes on hunger strike in Evin Prison

Leian Darvish, a political prisoner held in the women's ward of Evin Prison, who is serving her sentence, has been on a wet hunger strike since May 29, 2024, due to harassment and pressure from prison officials and lack of access to medical services.
She is a linguistics graduate, born in 1978, single, and a resident of Tehran.

"Leian was arrested for the first time in December 2017. The second arrest occurred in March 2018. Leian, who was held in solitary confinement in Ward 209 of Evin until November 2018, was transferred to a hospital due to severe physical illness, including liver disease. She did not return to prison on the scheduled date after her medical leave and went into hiding, living secretly in various cities in Iran for years."
In 2019, Leian Darvish was sentenced by the Tehran Revolutionary Court to eight years in prison "for membership in Telegram groups on charges of acting against national security, propaganda activities against the regime, and insulting the heads of the government."

After years of living in hiding, she was finally arrested on February 20, 2024, by security forces at her residence and transferred to Evin Prison after being beaten. She has gone on a wet hunger strike in protest of her poor physical condition.

