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Against Execution in Iran: A Short Report on the Campaign "Tuesdays of No to Execution"

The prisoners of the "Campaign Against Execution" in Iran have been on hunger strike every Tuesday for about six months to oppose the "death sentence" and raise public awareness both domestically and internationally. In their ongoing battle against the cruel nature of the death penalty, this 17, campaigners continued their hunger strike in 11 Iranian prisons, marking the 25th week of the campaign.

However, despite their efforts, last week several prisoners were executed by the judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

This week, a group of prisoners in prisons in Ardabil and Qaimshahr joined the "Tuesdays of No to Execution" campaign in solidarity with fellow prisoners across the country, protesting against the use of the inhumane death penalty by the Iranian regime.

The campaign remains steadfast in its mission and calls for more prisoners nationwide, whether political or non-political, to join in the demand of "No to execution".

So far, prisoners from 11 different prisons, including Evin Prison, Qazalhasar Prison, Karaj Central Prison, Khorram Abad Prison, Tabriz Prison, Ardabil Prison, Qaimshahr Prison, Khoi Prison, Naqdeh Prison, Mashhad and Saqez Prison, have joined the "Tuesdays of No to Execution" campaign.

In their weekly statement last week, the striking prisoners addressed the renewed use of the death penalty and urged for increased support from both domestic and international sources for their anti-execution campaign.

To effectively challenge the ongoing human rights violations by the Islamic Republic, it is essential to take collective action. By supporting the demands of the "Tuesdays of No to Execution" campaign, we can stand up for the right to life of Iranian citizens and oppose the use of the death penalty by the authorities. Let us be the voice for those facing execution, their families, and their quest for justice.

Main source:
"Tuesdays of No to Execution" campaign

PS. They have no account in social media.

Dan Jerrestam

Domstolen i Rasht i Iran meddelade den 4 juli 2024 dödsdomen mot Sharifeh Mohammadi. Sharifeh har arbetat för mänskliga rättigheter men framför allt för rätten att organisera sig fackligt. Domen är baserad på falska anklagelser och ett orättfärdigt och ickefungerande rättssystem. Ett rättsystem som baseras på islamsk teologi samt utan erkännande av mänskliga rättigheter. Hon var anklagad för "uppror" och "samarbete med en väpnad grupp". Sharifeh Mohammadi har under en längre tid varit under repressalier från säkerhetstjänsten. Hon har varit fängslad i Rashtfängelset sedan sju månader och blivit torterad.

Den kapitalistiska regeringen i Iran lyssnar inte alls på arbetarnas och andra förtrycktas krav och tar till olika metoder för förtryck. Där ingår falska anklagelser, fabricering av fall, tortyr, fängelsestraff och dödsstraff mot civila aktivister, arbetare, lärare och unga demonstranter.

Som reaktion mot förtrycket har arbetare, lärare, pensionärer, studenter och kvinnor samlats i omfattande protester och progressiva rörelser. Gemensam kamp och enighet har resulterat i självständiga organisationer, som fackföreningar, kommittéer och andra typer av föreningar, för att driva sina krav. De driver sina legitima krav för att bekämpa de eländiga levnads­förhållandena. Där ingår kampen mot frysning av minimilöner, höga levnadsom­kostnader, fattigdom, diskriminering samt bristen på social trygghet.

De kämpande kvinnorna kämpar mot klass- och könsförtryck. Just därför är de alltid är måltavlor för de hårdaste förtrycken och grymheterna. Sharifeh Mohammadis främsta brott är att hon är både kvinna och aktiv inom arbetarrörelsen. Domen är i förlängningen dessutom ett brutalt angrepp mot kvinnokampen, organiseringen mot förtrycket och ytterst också arbetarklassen. Under de senaste halvåret har åtminstone sex andra aktivister inom arbetarrörelsen har kallats till säkerhetstjänsten och förväntas bli dömda på falska anklagelser av de orättfärdiga domstolarna.

Tillsammans med de självständiga organisationerna i Iran kommer vi utanför Iran också att vara Sharifeh Mohammadis röst och använda all vår kraft för att försvara Sharifeh mot de falska anklagelserna och fördöma den grundlösa beslutet som har fattats i en medelstidsliknande domstol.

Dödsdomen mot Sharifeh Mohammadi kommer inte att stoppa arbetarna i Irans fortsatta kamp mot förtrycket!


Mit dem neuen Urteil des Revolutionsgerichts von Rasht (Iran), unter dem Vorsitz von Richter Ahmad Darwish Goftar, wurde Sharifeh Mohammadi zum Tode verurteilt.

Die erste Abteilung des Revolutionsgerichts von Rasht verurteilte Sharifeh Mohammadi zum Tode, nachdem sie des „Verrats“ angeklagt worden war, da sie Mitglied des „Koordinationskomitees zur Unterstützung der Gründung von Arbeiterorganisationen“ sei. Dieses Urteil basiert auf einer Sicherheitsklage, unter der die Aktivitäten dieses Komitees als Zugehörigkeit zur Komaleh-Partei dargestellt wurden.

Inzwischen wurde die Kampagne zur Verteidigung von Sharifeh Mohammadi mit dem Ziel gegründet, die Gesellschaft über ihre Situation zu informieren und ihr Leben zu retten. Hier ist ein Auszug aus der Erklärung dieser Kampagne:

„Die Kampagne zur Verteidigung von Sharifeh Mohammadi verurteilt dieses grausame und grundlose Urteil und fordert Sharifehs Freispruch und ihre bedingungslose Freilassung. Unserer Meinung nach wurde dieses Urteil nicht nur gegen Sharifeh verhängt, sondern es ist eine Kriegserklärung und ein Todesurteil gegen alle sozialen und zivilen Aktivisten.“

▪️ Das Leben von #Sharifeh_Mohammadi ist in Gefahr, lasst uns ihre Stimme sein

With the new verdict of the Rasht Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Ahmad Darwish Goftar, Sharifeh Mohammadi was sentenced to "death".

The first branch of the Rasht Revolution Court sentenced Sharifeh Mohammadi to death after accusing her of "treason" for being a member of the "Coordinating Committee to Help Establish Labor Organizations". This vote is based on a security charge under which the activities of this committee were claimed as an affiliation the Komaleh party.

In the meantime, the campaign to defend Sharifeh Mohammadi has been formed with the aim of informing the society about her situation and saving her life. Here is a passage of the statement published by this campaign:

"The campaign to defend Sharifeh Mohammadi, while condemning this cruel and baseless verdict, demands Sharife's acquittal and her unconditional release. In our opinion, this sentence was not only issued against Sharifeh, but it is a declaration of war and issuing of death sentence against all social and civil activists."

▪️ The life of #Sharifeh_Mohammadi is in danger, let us be her voice


As the mothers who seek justice for our killed children in our homeland, we announce you, our beloved children across Iran, to unite and stand together against the ruling tyranny. Dear children, the dark regime of the Islamic Republic and its accomplices aim to plant the seeds of division, discord, and despair among us, the people of Iran, so that we may lose our way. For more than forty-five years, they have tried to keep us apart through othering and to spread the flames of ethnic discrimination. Therefore, let us be alert so we do not be deceived by manipulations!

Expansion of the #No_to_Executions Campaign on the Nineteenth Week; Eight Political-Religious Prisoners from Ghezel Hesar Prison Join the #No_to_Executions Campaign
In recent months, following a wave of executions that targeted ordinary prisoners, on January 29, 2024, a group of ordinary prisoners from Ghezel Hesar prison described their conditions and called for support from all prisoners across the country. The deadly conditions faced by ordinary prisoners have garnered attention and support from numerous political prisoners in various prisons. Political prisoners see the executions of ordinary prisoners as a prelude to more executions among them, a tool for suppressing and intimidating all social classes, and a way to cover up political executions. Therefore, the call for help from ordinary prisoners was immediately answered first by political prisoners in Ghezel Hesar and then by others.
Last week, ordinary prisoners in Ghezel Hesar shared a short film reporting numerous executions (10-20 per week), making the prison conditions and executions more tangible. Additionally, in recent months, Sunni prisoners on hunger strikes warned about the executions, but unfortunately, Qasem Abesteh, Davood Abdollahi, Ayub Karimi, Farhad Salimi, Anwar Khezri, and Khosrow Besharat were executed. The only survivor from this case, #Kamran_Sheikheh, who is at risk of execution, has recently been transferred from Ghezel Hesar to Mahabad prison for unknown reasons.
It is noteworthy that these prisoners are held under inhumane conditions in a hall known as the "Suite" (solitary cells for prisoners under death sentence). Specifically, four of these prisoners, namely #Eydu_Shahbaksh, #Abdolghani_Shahbaksh, #Soleiman_Shahbaksh, and #Abdolkarim_Ghanbarzehi, are currently sentenced to death and are at imminent risk of execution.
Currently, prisoners in Ghezel Hesar, Evin, Central Karaj, Khorramabad, Khoy, and Naqadeh prisons are on hunger strike for the nineteenth week as part of the "No to Executions Tuesdays" campaign. These striking prisoners demand attention to their conditions and support for them.


Expansion of the #No_to_Executions Campaign on the Nineteenth Week; Eight Political-Religious Prisoners from Ghezel Hesar Prison Join the #No_to_Executions Campaign
#Leian_Darvish, a political prisoner detained during the December 2017 protests, goes on hunger strike in Evin Prison

Leian Darvish, a political prisoner held in the women's ward of Evin Prison, who is serving her sentence, has been on a wet hunger strike since May 29, 2024, due to harassment and pressure from prison officials and lack of access to medical services.
She is a linguistics graduate, born in 1978, single, and a resident of Tehran.

"Leian was arrested for the first time in December 2017. The second arrest occurred in March 2018. Leian, who was held in solitary confinement in Ward 209 of Evin until November 2018, was transferred to a hospital due to severe physical illness, including liver disease. She did not return to prison on the scheduled date after her medical leave and went into hiding, living secretly in various cities in Iran for years."
In 2019, Leian Darvish was sentenced by the Tehran Revolutionary Court to eight years in prison "for membership in Telegram groups on charges of acting against national security, propaganda activities against the regime, and insulting the heads of the government."

After years of living in hiding, she was finally arrested on February 20, 2024, by security forces at her residence and transferred to Evin Prison after being beaten. She has gone on a wet hunger strike in protest of her poor physical condition.


Dismissal Order for #Somayeh_Akhtarshomar, a Teacher from Marivan
In continuation of the government's repressive actions and the complete collusion of the Ministry of Education, the Kurdistan Disciplinary Board has issued the dismissal order for Somayeh Akhtarshomar, a young, hardworking, and reputable teacher from the Marivan Education Department, on charges such as participating in protests and supporting imprisoned teachers.
The Coordinating Council of Cultural Organizations of Iran, while expressing disgust at the security atmosphere prevailing over the education system and declaring its unwavering support for Somayeh Akhtarshomar, condemns the issuance of this order and other similar orders.
#Jina_Modares_Gorji, Women's Rights Activist, Sentenced to 21 Years in Prison and Exile to Hamedan Prison
Jina Modares Gorji, a women's rights activist and journalist from Sanandaj, has been sentenced by the First Branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj to 10 years of imprisonment for "forming an illegal group to overthrow the regime," 10 years of imprisonment for "collaborating with hostile groups and states," and one year in prison for "propaganda against the regime."

#MotahherehGoonei a dentistry student and former secretary of the Tehran University Student Association, who had previously been suspended from her studies and sentenced to exile, was arrested Today , Wednesday, 1 of May , by the intelligence unit of the Revolutionary Guards.

Goonaee had previously reported that Thar-Allah Headquarters ( one of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) had summoned her and insisted that she must appear at the location with her father. Goonaee had declared her disassociation from the family institution and #patriarchy in a tweet.
Previously accused of "inciting riots," Goonehee had been banned from studying at all universities in Iran for five years, but these pressures did not prevent her from speaking out against tyranny.
After the announcement of the death sentence for #Tomaj_Salehi, Goonehee, along with #Khashayar_Safidi, a master's student in music, had gone on strike in front of the #House_of_Music.

We, the students of the University of Tehran, today demand the freedom of all imprisoned students in the country. We work to return all students to education and end the university occupation. Do not underestimate us for a moment. The more you emphasize your warmongering against women, the more you undermine yourself. "Reality is what resists"; resistance continues. #Against_Regression
