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Expansion of the #No_to_Executions Campaign on the Nineteenth Week; Eight Political-Religious Prisoners from Ghezel Hesar Prison Join the #No_to_Executions Campaign
In recent months, following a wave of executions that targeted ordinary prisoners, on January 29, 2024, a group of ordinary prisoners from Ghezel Hesar prison described their conditions and called for support from all prisoners across the country. The deadly conditions faced by ordinary prisoners have garnered attention and support from numerous political prisoners in various prisons. Political prisoners see the executions of ordinary prisoners as a prelude to more executions among them, a tool for suppressing and intimidating all social classes, and a way to cover up political executions. Therefore, the call for help from ordinary prisoners was immediately answered first by political prisoners in Ghezel Hesar and then by others.
Last week, ordinary prisoners in Ghezel Hesar shared a short film reporting numerous executions (10-20 per week), making the prison conditions and executions more tangible. Additionally, in recent months, Sunni prisoners on hunger strikes warned about the executions, but unfortunately, Qasem Abesteh, Davood Abdollahi, Ayub Karimi, Farhad Salimi, Anwar Khezri, and Khosrow Besharat were executed. The only survivor from this case, #Kamran_Sheikheh, who is at risk of execution, has recently been transferred from Ghezel Hesar to Mahabad prison for unknown reasons.
It is noteworthy that these prisoners are held under inhumane conditions in a hall known as the "Suite" (solitary cells for prisoners under death sentence). Specifically, four of these prisoners, namely #Eydu_Shahbaksh, #Abdolghani_Shahbaksh, #Soleiman_Shahbaksh, and #Abdolkarim_Ghanbarzehi, are currently sentenced to death and are at imminent risk of execution.
Currently, prisoners in Ghezel Hesar, Evin, Central Karaj, Khorramabad, Khoy, and Naqadeh prisons are on hunger strike for the nineteenth week as part of the "No to Executions Tuesdays" campaign. These striking prisoners demand attention to their conditions and support for them.

