helloo! @lovelysweetr is looking for mutual, I only accept main accounts. I accept all channel types. If youre interested in mutual, you can hit @lovelysweetm_bot.
Hi ges Asep (gw) open mutuals moots simbiosis mutualisme tuk segala jenis channel (diutamakan yang art gallery / ba art comms karna itu PRIORITAS-nya Asep) 👍 Kalau mau atau minat boleh DM/PC @akivilibekasi atau ke bot @Soleitsbot (bot minjam dulu karna blm buat bot gomen) Sankyu!
hii all!! @blooamarine is looking for mutuals againn (pls help me forward this message to ur channel, moots!^^). channel spt art gallery dan commission yahh, lets be frienddd!!^^
if u are interested, pls contact me on @hyaycinth. thank uu