Yes, there is genetic evidence indicating shared ancestry between Iranian and German populations, reflecting their common roots within the broader Indo-European family. Studies have shown that Iranian populations possess mitochondrial DNA lineages, such as haplogroups H and U, which are prevalent in European gene pools.
Additionally, research has demonstrated that Iranians cluster closely with Europeans and other Middle Eastern populations, suggesting a shared genetic heritage.
Historically, the concept of a shared Aryan ancestry between Iranians and Germans was emphasized during the Nazi era. The Nazi regime classified Iranians as "pure-blooded Aryans," exempting them from the Nuremberg Racial Laws and promoting the idea of racial kinship between the two groups.
However, it's important to note that these classifications were based on ideological beliefs rather than scientific evidence.
In summary, while there is genetic evidence of shared ancestry between Iranians and Germans, it is part of a complex historical and genetic tapestry that reflects ancient human migrations and interactions.