The devils are not hostile to man except in so far as man is a friend of God. It is they who have been responsible for every kind of technical progress: from them mankind learned the arts of ironworking, brewing and distilling; the Devil himself discovered fire, built the first mill, and constructed the first wagon. The art of reading and writing was one of his gifts to mankind. All these were bestowed to make man independent of God and so break the link whereby man was able to help God in governing the world.
John Bennett’s introduction to Pyotr Ouspenski’s Talks with a Devil
In this model, the magician (the subject) encodes her desire via the frame of reference (the object, or the symbolism and meaning that represent what she wishes to create or affect through magic). Through finding this effective mode of address, she communicates with the hidden realm of the unmanifest in order to induce the desired response (the effect or creation she wants to bring about). This response is the subject in a communication back to her, with the desired phenomenon (the results she seeks) being the indirect object. The magician, the intended phenomenon, and the unmanifest become equal partners in the communication and participate as equals through the law of similarity (i.e., communicants understand each other most effectively when they have similar understanding and goals.
Toby Chappell, Infernal Geometry and the Left-Hand Path