In 1933, the Microbial Institute of Moscow published
research on the issue of pleomorphism. The authors, Professor Kritschewski and Ponamarewa, observed many different forms of bacteria growing in a pure culture of B. paratyhphi over a twenty day period under controlled settings.
They were clear about the importance of their results, stating that the pleomorphism of bacteria should be considered a proven fact. They went on to say that
"the doctrine of monomorphism contradicts reality, and should be substituted by the statement that bacterial species are pleomorphic".
Unsurprisingly, these findings, and those of many others from institutions around the world, were dismissed and relegated to the waste paper basket. Why were such important discoveries suppressed? Because if pleomorphism was ever accepted as fact, the entire field of microbiology and infectious disease would fall over night.
Find out more in my book,
Can You Catch A Cold?
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