hari ini tepat pada 19 november 2023 @vindallsresmi vakum karena alasan yang tidak bisa kami sebutkan dan untuk segala hal tentang vindalls masih kami lock. member bisa lepas atribut vindalls yaa, terimakasih.
ㅤㅤㅤ🔥VINDALLS 💀🎸 squad only girl rpi/w (selective rpk) who was born on October 28 2023. with the theme Danilla Riyadi is the "Most Paluable Vlayer" and the attribute 'vinds , mpv' as identity ‼️ we as official founders lock all interested parties in everything.
ㅤㅤㅤ⚠️ㅤwe ask you not to plagiarize everything because we are purely thinking about vindalls ideas, please be literate, thank you.