#LG3D #Looking_Glass_3D #X #XWindow #window_system
各位也许知道(不不不,万一都不知道咋办?不知道但有兴趣了解的可以点这)名为 XEvIE 的扩展在很久以前就被禁用甚至从 X.org 的主分支削除,今天这边看了下提交记录和邮件列表才知道一些大概的原因
一位用户抱怨 ta 的虚拟键盘不能产生任何输出,被告知解决方案是禁用 XEvIE,另一位问为什么不找个 XEvIE 的维护者,提出禁用 XEvIE 的那位说「Why? You're just punting the problem a little further along, until which point we create another extend to allow you to wrap above XEvIE, just as XEvIE allows you to wrap above grabs.
Instead, it'd be awesome to solve the problem of PolicyKit not trusting any external processes/windows, yet still needing input that will occasionally require assistance from external rocesses/windows. Solve that and you're sorted.」
在 commit f4036f6a 中被移除的原因:It's unmaintained and has been broken for quite a while; MPXfinally smashed it completely.译:它没被维护,更别提自古以来就坏掉了,最后 MPX 把它彻底变成稀饭
现在的情况是 LG3D 的一手源码已经找不见了,XEvIE 的文档 404