To Be Informed As,
I. It is
mandatory to subscribe to
@uMelomanie, so Virtuosos wont miss other orchastrated events from Mélomanie.
II. It is also
mandatory to share this event to your channel, telegram story or even bot as a form of registration for participating in our event.
Please also send the proof of them at the comment section below alongside the nicely made elaboration you prepared.
III. Show us how much of a 'Maestro' you are in a form of a long paragraph, telegraph, powerpoint, or anything you would like to send. About what have you contributed to Mélomanie that indicates your Mélomanie spirit to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary.
Please send the nicely made gift at the comment section below.
Prizes to be expected;
♪ | There will be 2 maestros that will be specially chosen by the Head Maestros, thus will both recieve a special gift of recieving a profile need that they would like.
( regards / &. )