Read this and you know why the white hats “picked” Biden/Harris to be used as the LARGEST RED PILL ENEMA IN WORLD HISTORY to be the two puppets to take down the ENTIRE Government🎯
Lee Harvey Oswald = Joseph Biden
Clue Jack Ruby wasn’t that “characters name”
His real name was Jacob Rubinstein a Israeli Zionist
The shooting of the character name “Oswald” was Jack Ruby was FAKE and then Biden earned his satanic bonus points to rot as a useless piece of shit in out satanic Government until his day to “Take the big chair”
Kamal with no A was born in Benghazi “It’s” Father and Grandfather were both in the Libyan Satanic Sanussi army and kidnapped Joesph and John from there birth parents Lincoln/Kahlooni bloodline descendants of the Christ Druze bloodline and then Joesph Kennedy Sr who was an Occultist adopted little Joe and John (JFK) Joe Sr’s demonic plans were to have JFK be president of the U.S. and be an occultist which would have allowed Satan to have the victory, however kinda like Evil thought they won when they killed Jesus but three days later proved they were wrong! JFK and Joe jr knew exactly who they were and JFK & Joe had different plans 😎
The JFK book titled “Four Dark Days” is about to be exposed to the WORLD what happened on the fourth day. And JFK who took the bullet was NOT a clone NOR a look alike in my opinion…
JFK Quote before 11/22/63 was…
“I know there is a God, and if he has a place for me, I believe I am ready” Oh boy was he ready ❤️🐒
JFK when 35th for the illegal U.S. Inc. could be POTUS however to be POTUS 19 of the Republic he would have to be born in the U.S. If you die and then are brought back to life in the U.S. that counts in my eyes RE-BORN. So how old would he actually be today? 😉
35th President
45th President
3+5+4+5= “17” 😎
Joe Jr Flynn’s father
And as we know
JFK is JFK JR’s father.
And JFK is DJT (Patton Jr’s)Uncle.
“Family is everything”
45-47 DJT is CIC of Military and POTUS of the defunct U.S. Inc. and burning it to the ground‼️
JFK and JR are your 19th POTUS AND VP of our “Constitutional Republic”
So to sum it up… Biden involved in JFK assassination and Kamal”A” family responsible for kidnapping Joe & John Kennedy and executing their parents or shall we say they “thought” they were executed‼️
I believe this is why DJT was withholding the sealed JFK files because the war was still going on and could not be un sealed. But pretty soon it can be!😎
And here’s another to blow your mind, Joseph Biden is the cousin of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwells Satanic father💥
Michael Brian Protzman means… PRO (t is the sword through the Z (Zionist) MAN. Think JFK JR’s Tattoo on his arm 😎 well MBP quote was…
“Benghazi ain’t going away” boy was he ever right 😎
“It’s going to be Biblical” Q