⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Live Stream Update
We apologize for the issues during today’s live stream, where some users couldn't see our game screen. It seems the problem might be related to Telegram, as we've noticed similar issues in the past couple of days. 😔
To ensure a better experience, we might take a short break from live streaming and explore other platforms for future broadcasts. We appreciate your patience and understanding! 🙏But don’t worry—our Sweep Mines Game is still going strong!💥 Keep playing and aim for those big prizes! 🎉 It’s easy to win, so don’t miss out!
Here are today’s lucky winners, who will receive 500 diamonds in the next 24 hours:💎
1. @BeamBotHQ
2. @Aa85875
3. @B2kYoutube
4. @the_princes_daughter
5. @imGertt
6. @kae_yuuki
7. @subh190
8. @minister_69
9. @OG20A
10. @Maliktahir501
11. @taysent
12. @rizon_22
13. @vitaldjan1
14. @yoooyooo12
15. @Shlokagarwall
16. @Nikki43215
17. @Mafdalry
18. @Rodja_2584
19. @IsmailIslam1234
20. @Robin_Islam7
Please check your accounts for your rewards and keep playing for more chances to win! 🚀