President Trump has deployed the army corps of engineers to rebuild NC, and then in that same press conference asked White families to name the insurance companies, on national television, that refused to help them. @AmericanGreyson
"Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings." ~ Patrick Henry, St. John's Church, Richmond, VA
“Men who are endowed in any extraordinary manner with one talent, are generally unfit for any other pursuit in life. They take no interest in the ordinary affairs of society—are lost to all notions of prudence, or considerations of the useful—everything is sacrificed to the indulgence of the one ruling passion. It is well, we say, that society is not made up of such men—but that it consists of those who have no very great capacity for one pursuit more than another—and who possess all the faculties in a moderate degree”
Excerpt From The Southern Tradition at Bay Richard M. Weaver
"Identity formation is not a neutral space. If you don't actively carve out your identity in this world, other hostile actors will create your identity for you. There is political power in your identity whether you claim it or not." -Joost Strydum, Director of Orania